Paper cuts **Graphic Content Warning**

They don't want us "losing it" after all the blood and gore we see day in and day out.... Some do.... *shrug* I watch the History Channel a lot and things like Forensic Files "Yeah I'm a dork and like to learn" and I saw one episode where a doctor just SNAPPED and murdered his wife and aaaaaaaaaalmost got away with it but they caught him. He plead insanity but didn't get it because the psychological testing. He really went over the deep end though.... :eek: :ugh: disturbing. Poor lady. :( At least they caught him. Makes ya think though.
There is a lot of stories like that one. But yeah just keep ot woth the good crazy. Go party and godo whatever heck you like. Woo!!!!!
Got to invite me to those parties. I dont think ive gone to party. Unless hanging out wiht my friends and been geeks count. Lol. Today this girl came into hospital with a knife going though her arm and she came in like it was nothing.
I don't even know what state or area you live in my dear. :P :laugh2: Though I do like to travel. :D

It's hit and miss with people. Sometimes you think "OMG this person should be screaming in AGONY" and they're just cool with it..... Other times you're looking at them with a friggin hang nail they're screaming in agony over.... :doh:
I come from Neverland!!!! Second star to the right. (From california) and yeah ive seen pople come from broken nails, paper cuts and some other super extemely dangerous thing like thay.
Lol. Some people are. (I am at times) i get to see all kond of weord stuff here in hospital abd im just a pacient i fant imagen all things the doctos see. They use laughed the time i came with a pencil stabbed on my forehead.
There comes a time in the medical field where you're just not bothered anymore and you start to be amused by the stories.... :laugh2:
Ok Ok I have to admit my story about the nails.....
I was washing dishes one evening and someone left shredded Parmasan cheese on a wet plate to dry, well Parmasan cheese is really hard and cheese is like super glue when it dries.... so I was trying to scrape it off with my finger nails....yup it came off alright, like bamboo under the fingernail torture !!!!!! Well no I didn't scream and all that but it was a long enough piece to make it to the nail root. I tried to dig it and pull with tweezers but it kept breaking further back till I could no longer do anything..
Well a week went by and it was sore as hell, got worst every day... yeah it got infected, so off to the hospital for them to use a TURKEY BASTER to numb my finger and dig under the nail and get the cheese out. Now I have to say the shots stung for a bit, but the surgery was painless... Now, my damn finger was numb for over 3 weeks, Im glad I didn't have to deal with the pain anymore, But my god, a Turkey Baster sized needle for a finger...? They didn't have anything much bigger than a pencil when I had reconstructive surgery to my
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:laugh2: sometimes, I like to use bigger needles for the really stupid things that happen... :laugh2:

Never heard of cheese under someones nail being that terrible... kind of made ne cringe a bit honestly. :lol:
Wirelessly posted

I can't have long nails with my work anyway.... haven't had nailsin years... :( sure I have the little tiny ones that could still do damage, but they can't be longer than my finger tip really or they'll cause an issue. :(
can you paint your nails? cuz you can maybe do some nail designs? there are some that are simple and cute.
I'm in mood for hot dogs with ring in it.


Hot dogs? No problem.
Thats nice to know. I did the nails of some of the nurses and doctors!!!

Maybe they can get away with it up there, but here.... it's a health hazard. :( Don't really get it, as we're supposed to wear gloves at ALL times.... but, whatever the big boss man says. :doh: