Palin's Daughter--Pregnant!

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Its the domino effect. And Palin/McCain have yet to address the issues of education and health care, yet support abstinence only and the overturning of Roe V Wade that will create additional problems in these areas. They both want to impose their personal values on this country, yet have no solutions for the problems that their values will create. Palin can't even make it work in her own home.

Let's not forget that when the same principle is applied to them, it's a "private matter" and those who say that believe themselves to be the exception. Can't walk the talk and they say can lead?
I agree. :) Some people loves to make a big deal out of nothing, Some people hated Bill Clinton and still do all because of the Monica Lewinsky affair. I mean so what? since when anyone is perfect? everyone has made mistakes.

Exactly! Welcome back, by the way. :)
I expect the mother to realize that if she can't make the concept of abstinence only work in her own home, she sure as hell can't make it work for an entire country.

Let's not forget that when the same principle is applied to them, it's a "private matter" and those who say that believe themselves to be the exception. Can't walk the talk and they say can lead?

Yep. Just another case of "Do as I say, not do as I do." A leader needs to lead by example, not by dictatorship.
Her daughter's action does not make it her fault, all the mother did was gave her daughter unconditional love and support.

How? She is not here and there for her teenage preggy daughter and DS son everyday.

Why are you beating up on Palin?

We are here to agree to disagree with Palin's way.

Many people don’t approve of pregnancy under the age of 18, but still parents support their children, that's what unconditional love is.

Sure, I have no problem for that but Palin? I would reject McCain's offer as his VP and prefer to stick my job as Governor of Alaska then I can see my family everyday especially my special need child and preggy daughter need me when I were Palin...
I expect the mother to realize that if she can't make the concept of abstinence only work in her own home, she sure as hell can't make it work for an entire country.

So, then I should blame to part of my family that does the same thing? Ouch, that's hurt my feel. *sniff*sniff*
How? She is not here and there for her teenage preggy daughter and DS son everyday.

We are here to agree to disagree with Palin's way.

Sure, I have no problem for that but Palin? I would reject McCain's offer as his VP and prefer to stick my job as Governor of Alaska then I can see my family everyday especially my special need child and preggy daughter need me when I were Palin...

Exactly. No one is "beating up" on Palin. We are simply saying that, if you attempt to impose your values on an entire country, show us that you can walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Show us how you make it work in your family. If you can't do that, then it probably isn't a good idea to tell everyone else that they must do the same as you.
So, then I should blame to part of my family that does the same thing? Ouch, that's hurt my feel. *sniff*sniff*

You'll get over it. I wasn't aware that a member of your family was running for political office.
How? She is not here and there for her teenage preggy daughter and DS son everyday.

Use your common sense, She didn't throw her daughter out on the street did she or not? Not being there 24/7 makes her a bad mother? People have a life-- a job.
Her daughter's action does not make it her fault, all the mother did was gave her daughter unconditional love and support. Why are you beating up on Palin? Many people don’t approve of pregnancy under the age of 18, but still parents support their children, that's what unconditional love is.

Two things:

1. The actions of the daughter does reflect off of the parents. If your child mis-behaves, people will look at your parenting skills. In this case--Palin wants everyone to adhere to abstinence and its obvious it doesn't work as her daughter boinked a guy and got pregnant.

2. Unconditional love....nice. :)

BTW....welcome back!
Two things:

1. The actions of the daughter does reflect off of the parents. If your child mis-behaves, people will look at your parenting skills. In this case--Palin wants everyone to adhere to abstinence and its obvious it doesn't work as her daughter boinked a guy and got pregnant.

2. Unconditional love....nice. :)

BTW....welcome back!

You gotta be kidding me, Do you actually believe that all teenagers listen to their parents, follow their rules, their methods? I got news for you, The younger generations are getting rude, obnoxious, and downright disrespectful those days, and are you saying it's 100 percent the parent's fault? Interesting input. :hmm:
You gotta be kidding me, Do you actually believe that all teenagers listen to their parents, follow their rules, their methods? I got news for you, The younger generations are getting rude, obnoxious, and downright disrespectful those days, and you're saying it's 100 percent the parent's fault? Interesting input. :hmm:

for normal families - we don't care :laugh2:. shit happens. but for people especially politicians or activists who speak strongly of certain issue/view - well that's the different story. btw - WELCOME BACK, CHERI
You gotta be kidding me, Do you actually believe that all teenagers listen to their parents, follow their rules, their methods? I got news for you, The younger generations are getting rude, obnoxious, and downright disrespectful those days, and are you saying it's 100 percent the parent's fault? Interesting input. :hmm:

Well just remember that the kids are an offspring of their parents. If the kids are rude, obnoxious and disrespectful, chances are good that their parents are the same way.

Shocking, isn't?
Two things:

1. The actions of the daughter does reflect off of the parents. If your child mis-behaves, people will look at your parenting skills. In this case--Palin wants everyone to adhere to abstinence and its obvious it doesn't work as her daughter boinked a guy and got pregnant.

2. Unconditional love....nice. :)

BTW....welcome back!

Right. Teenagers obviously are going to have sex, even when abstinence in preached in their own homes. Abstinence only is ineffective, and results in higher rates of teenaged pregnancy, as is evidenced by Palin and her daughter. So why should we embrace a politician that proposes abstinence only as the only form of sex education permissable? It doesn't work. Come up with something that does.
Well just remember that the kids are an offspring of their parents. If the kids are rude, obnoxious and disrespectful, chances are good that their parents are the same way.

Shocking, isn't?

Well said!
for normal families - we don't care :laugh2:. shit happens. but for people especially politicians or activists who speak strongly of certain issue/view - well that's the different story. btw - WELCOME BACK, CHERI

Exactly. If a "normal family" wants to practice a program of abstinence only, they are perfectly free to do so. But don't tell all that they must accept that value as their own...particularly those of us who choose not to enforce a concept that doesn't work.
Right. Teenagers obviously are going to have sex, even when abstinence in preached in their own homes. Abstinence only is ineffective, and results in higher rates of teenaged pregnancy, as is evidenced by Palin and her daughter. So why should we embrace a politician that proposes abstinence only as the only form of sex education permissable? It doesn't work. Come up with something that does.

Defining sex education in the way we'd expect abstintence from kids going through puberty and peer pressure is extremely unrealistic as it is shouting at a blogger to stop blogging. *tongue in cheek* :cool2:

Educating about the responsibilities of sex is very important. HIV, STD, pregnancy etc... everyone needs to know this, even the kids that have opportunities in having sexual experiences.
Well just remember that the kids are an offspring of their parents. If the kids are rude, obnoxious and disrespectful, chances are good that their parents are the same way.

Shocking, isn't?

Not always. Wait until you have kids some days, You'll be surprised.
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