its not the same thing lol judgemental and seeing the facts are not the same thing rofl!
You may think that having a child is so easy to manage, but just wait until you're a parent one day.

its not the same thing lol judgemental and seeing the facts are not the same thing rofl!
because I was a kid and have other siblings and a big immediate family not one of em ever acted up, because of good parenting, most the times when a child acts up it is the direct result of parenting so dont blame the kid blame the so called "parent" who thinks the problem will just go away if they ignore it
so now your saying my parents are unfit? thats a low blow jill, when one expresses his or her opinion then thats all it is an opinion you dont see me attacking you, yet since you dont agree with my post you attack me I could say the same about yours but I dont
Amen!one more thing... looking at a situation from the outside w/out knowing the facts... and making an assumption/opinion about it-- IS being judgemental!!!
I have been there.... where I went ahead and requested the food to go. Due to my child would not stop screaming.
I put her little butt in the carseat and sat in the car while hubby went and paid for the food and grab the to go boxes.
In case that you didn't know....
Doctors would recommend parents to ignore their toddlers who are in their stage of "terrible twos", not to give in to their temper tantrums that's when they become increasingly negative. When parents gives in or responds to their temper tantrums, the child will most likely turns into a spoil monster and the attention tends to make the tantrum last longer. It's very important that parents remain cool, and to never bribe a child to behave because a child will think it's a reward and will continue with their tantrums to keep getting rewards, because simply you gave in and respond to their temper tantrums. The more you ignore, the child will stop on his/her own.
Babyface, I find it ironic that you had to put in your signature "hmmm ignorance abounds" after the fact you felt you were judged.
See how easy it is for people to pass judgment subtly?
You may think that having a child is so easy to manage, but just wait until you're a parent one day.![]()
yeah try to play in my signature without knowing what it means
and I didnt pass judgement I said I could say the same thing she says but I dont because im not ignorant she was raised one way i another, thats the way it goes
I fail to see where you are going with this signature ploy.
I merely pointed out the irony in your signature.
The fact you pointed out you didn't pass judgment because you could have and claimed you were not ignorant about how you and "she", the said person, was raised differently STILL insinuates a judgment call by itself.
on the contrary if one ignores the problem the child will see it as acceptable and continue to do so later in life , becoming a spolied monster as you pointed out,my point being is it isnt the childs fault its lack of parenting skills
You seem to judged parents right off the bat for their child's misbehavior. Why do you just assume of bad parenting skills, That's not where the problem is. You have failed to realize that it's nobody's fault, not even the child nor the parent. It's just how the child expressed their frustration. All children misbehave and causes disruption, not one child is perfect. What do you expect those parents to do? beat their child just because they misbehaved? I'll love to see you try, because you won't have a child living with you anymore when the law comes after you.
Many children find restaurants pretty boring and can't handle sitting still. They're likely to amuse themselves by shredding napkins, mashing food, play around with salt, pepper, or sugar packets until their food arrives to the table. It's very common, I see it happen all the time, not just with my kids, but with others as well. So what, they're just kids being kids.![]()
Many children find restaurants pretty boring and can't handle sitting still. They're likely to amuse themselves by shredding napkins, mashing food, play around with salt, pepper, or sugar packets. It's very common, I see it happen all the time, not just with my kids, but with others as well. So what, they're just kids being kids.![]()
spanking isnt a beating, like I said if the child is raised correctly then the child will sit there and keep his or her mouth shut or be polite and respectful and not be disruptive , and when did I ever mention beating a child thats attrocious how can you think stuff like that
spanking isnt a beating,
when did I ever mention beating a child
I think it is safe to say you put the words in your own mouth.
spanking isnt a beating, like I said if the child is raised correctly then the child will sit there and keep his or her mouth shut or be polite and respectful and not be disruptive , and when did I ever mention beating a child thats attrocious how can you think stuff like that
Just how you could do so much different than most parents have not done when you're not a parent yet, you have not walked in their shoes, nor have any kids to even make suggestions or form an opinion on how to raise a child,. until you do have kids then you're more than welcome to share your suggestions and form an opinion based on your experience, otherwise I'm not interesting in hearing you out until you walk a mile in our shoes. Ty.![]()
Many children find restaurants pretty boring and can't handle sitting still. They're likely to amuse themselves by shredding napkins, mashing food, play around with salt, pepper, or sugar packets. It's very common, I see it happen all the time, not just with my kids, but with others as well. So what, they're just kids being kids.![]()