Yeah...good luck with that approach.
Yep... that is the type of person I'm waiting on to tell me what to do w/my son... not knowing the circumstances of his issues~~(can you see the sarcasm?)
Yeah...good luck with that approach.
works better then most peoples approach apparently
Yep... that is the type of person I'm waiting on to tell me what to do w/my son... not knowing the circumstances of his issues~~(can you see the sarcasm?)
Just curious... do you have kids?? Special needs kids in particular???
People are too quick to judge a situation. not every child who is 'misbehaving' in public is lacking adequate parenting...
I used to think along the lines... MY child will NEVER act like that in public... well what do you know-- it wasn't my decision!!! My baby was born who he is and that means my child has 'problems' that cause him to break down at times, out of nowhere-- screaming, as he has no other way to express what he's feeling at this time, and until I can decipher what is bothering him he will continue to scream... and sometimes it would be totally counter productive for me to just 'tell him to shut up' or 'sit him down' (especially that b/c typically his melt downs indicate he needs to MOVE).
You only see a small part of their life when you see someone out in public... until you know the whole story--- probably best not to say something, unless you're willing to risk pissing off the wrong parent. Especially one who is already stressed because they are trying to figure out why their child is unhappy or upset...
works better then most peoples approach apparently
Since you don't have any children, what would you know about it, exactly?
Just curious... do you have kids?? Special needs kids in particular???
People are too quick to judge a situation. not every child who is 'misbehaving' in public is lacking adequate parenting...
I used to think along the lines... MY child will NEVER act like that in public... well what do you know-- it wasn't my decision!!! My baby was born who he is and that means my child has 'problems' that cause him to break down at times, out of nowhere-- screaming, as he has no other way to express what he's feeling at this time, and until I can decipher what is bothering him he will continue to scream... and sometimes it would be totally counter productive for me to just 'tell him to shut up' or 'sit him down' (especially that b/c typically his melt downs indicate he needs to MOVE).
You only see a small part of their life when you see someone out in public... until you know the whole story--- probably best not to say something, unless you're willing to risk pissing off the wrong parent. Especially one who is already stressed because they are trying to figure out why their child is unhappy or upset...
Gee. That's a good way to get a broken nose and a black eye.
Since you don't have any children, what would you know about it, exactly?
because I was a kid and have other siblings and a big immediate family not one of em ever acted up, because of good parenting, most the times when a child acts up it is the direct result of parenting so dont blame the kid blame the so called "parent" who thinks the problem will just go away if they ignore it
I'd say you do a pretty good job of acting up around here given some of your posts.Maybe your parents ignored a few problems they should have been addressing. :shrug:
so now your saying my parents are unfit? thats a low blow jill, when one expresses his or her opinion then thats all it is an opinion you dont see me attacking you, yet since you dont agree with my post you attack me I could say the same about yours but I dont
You are directly attacking the parenting practices of people you know absolutely nothing about, and are judging the parents as being good or bad based on nothing more than a complete lack of information regarding the situation. If you choose to be judgemental against others, then you can expect to get the same in return.
im not being judgemental im calling it as I see it
And, in your case, that would be the same thing.
its not the same thing lol judgemental and seeing the facts are not the same thing rofl!
because I was a kid and have other siblings and a big immediate family not one of em ever acted up, because of good parenting, most the times when a child acts up it is the direct result of parenting so dont blame the kid blame the so called "parent" who thinks the problem will just go away if they ignore it