Seb, if you don't understand what I am saying. Okay here is good example, John Doe had a mental illness and has desire to go out and have mass shooting, John Doe knew if he wants to get gun, the best way is to avoid background check so that nobody knows he wanted to commit mass shooting, he would look somewhere around the town, good chance John Doe will find a illegal gun dealer, bought bunch of firearms... Guess what? That illegal gun dealer failed to report, did nothing but collect profit. BAM! there is headline Another Mass shooting at ACME High School. So, Seb, how can you solve this problem? That is the problem you seems to fail gasp the concept why gun control will not prevent another massacres. Don't forget there are too many silent potential mass shooters out there and there is no way we can detect until they commit. So, how can we lessen the risk? Increase awareness and allowed armed personnel around, abolish the gun ban policy. Of course, it will not stop anybody but the percentage of shooting occurrence will decrease over time.
Seb, have you ever heard of any mass shooting at gun shows? Why it never happened? Yes, there have been accidental firearm discharges in the past, these accidental discharge does not count as committing such crime.