Old Testament vs New Testament

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Sorry double post, please delete this post.
We the Christians gave people all the answers from the bible in many different ways, It's the unbelievers who decide to portray God for being such a bad God instead of getting the understanding the nature of God. ;)

Exactly. People need to read the bible first before discussing.

Thank-you. ;) I know there are gonna be people who don't agree with me, But I have left nothing out that was being said from the bible, If I was wrong on what I've said, Reba, Maria, Christoflove, or Eagle can fixed that for me. I wouldn't want to send the wrong message from God out to the people or to the public.

God knows that humans are by nature blind and deaf to the things of God, That's why we Christians are here to help everyone get the understanding of God. ;)

Yup. Everyone have right to speak, as much as they wish. Other people have freedom to ignore or discuss with that person or just read the bible.

And no problemo :)
Hey, wait a min, hon .... that's not true. I don't see Christians said that God hate sinners. They didn't say that. You misunderstood them. They said that God hates SINS, not sinners. God loves sinners, yes and that's why He died for ALL of us. I hope it helps you to understand clear. :)

Yes I know that Christians claimed that God hates sin in their previous posts, that's why I questioned them in my previous posts that God killed the people including babies, toddlers, children because of this? If God hates sin then he should destory sin itself instead of sinner. What I said that God hate sinners because God didn't kill just sin but sinner.

As what you says that God loves sinners but why he killed the people who commit sin (homosexuality, sex before marriage, steal, lies, not beleive in him, etc.). If God really love sinners then kill their sin, not sinner (a person who commit sin).

From what I see Christians claim that God hate sins and send them to hell for not beleive in him. I personally don't agree.

Why would people REJECT God's offer His Love for them that will send them to Hell ? I want to know why ?

I thought the same as you as well but some Christians stated in several threads that we will go to hell if we do not accept Jesus or God as savior.

What's wrong with His Love that He offers to people ? Can you tell me what's wrong ? Ok, let me give you an example : If, I offer you my love for you, will you reject me ? Supposely, if you reject me then, how could I come to see you again ? I will feel hurt and can't come to see you, because you reject my love for you. Does that make sense, Lieblin' ? That's what God feels.

Yes your post make sense but some beleivers see different as you. I noticed that many beleivers claimed that a person can't be good in them without God or a person can’t a good person without God. My answer is: I know plenty of unbeleivers have good heart and nice people good and positive morals, that's what I am trying to say that God love us all, no matter what.
Well. Take a look at the bible. Bible is a BIG book. Also the bible have VERY old language that people barely understand.

Now, there's a huge arguement of misunderstanding in worldwide against the varies of religions, even Christianity with God too.

Yes, it's the problem is the authors of different beliefs interpret verus/scriptures from their bibles differently and choose which beliefs they want to believe in and against each other what they think their bibles are right and other bibles are wrong. That's why I doesn't involve but accept to read ANY bibles from different Religion believers.

The worst is the people including beleivers and unbelievers have trouble to understand the Old Testement because of description over God as a cruel God rather than a loving, caring, God like in the New Testament.

People are all confused. That is what makes them go away from the Christianity. Christian people need to be open-mind a little more, and read the original (untranslated) version of bible and explain to others more clearly. Guess what? They just make the bible look bad, which it wasn't supposed to be.

Yes I second that. The people should to open their mind bit and see the logic. That's why I withdraw and accept and read ALL bibles as history and listen their views then I can agree or disagree only if I has a knowledge and logic...

The only way for people to accept God is when they IGNORE others, and research themselves and make their opinion through the bible.

What I was saying is that people shouldn't listen to other person about the bible. That person need to read the bible and think. It take lot of the time. Read part of the chapters once a day, and think about it for a day.

Well I see nothing wrong when anyone focus any bibles and exchange/collect the people's view on this then we can agree to disagree with them. If the people refuse to read my links but their own links or bible then is their ignorant and closed minded. I accept to read the links where the people provide to and say something why I am agree or disgree to.

God was saying that homosexuality action is not a really serious, but a mistake. It is forgiveable.

Did you know the story about Sodom and Gomorrah? God killed the people because their homosexuaility are sin.

People shouldn't agree 100 percent with that person, people should read the bible and stick with EXACTLY what the bible said, not twisting the words what God said through the bible.

Everyone entitled their POV and can agree to disagree if they want to. We accept what the bibles say and can make theory ourselves after see the logic between the bible and reality. I do not stick only bible but any bibles from different beleifs.

Even though I was a Theravada Buddhism, I am also into the Christian, but just a confusing man. I use Theravada Buddhism as my living guide to happiness, peace, joy, kindness, and use the bible to explain me why I am here, why the earth is here, etc etc etc. Theravada Buddhism explain that well too (to me).

What you choose which belief, you feel like to and feel comfortable is great... :thumb:

Wow, that is the best post I ever could post.

... All what I see Christians' view that God hate sinners and send them to hell. It makes no sense to me either.
Then I guess you haven't been paying attention to the Christians' posts. That is NOT the Christian view.

This is the Christian view:

John 3
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Then I guess you haven't been paying attention to the Christians' posts. That is NOT the Christian view.

This is the Christian view:

John 3
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I didn't point my finger on you but chrisitan's view in general way what I have seen some of their previous posts. Oh yes, I was being labelled by them for go to hell if I do not accept Jesus as Savior. Some Christians also claimed in their previous post that God hates sin. I questioned them about this. (see my response post to Marie's post).
As I know that God love everyone no matter what. All what I see Christians' view that God hate sinners and send them to hell. It makes no sense to me either. That is not correct. God loves sinners, but hate sin. These are two separate part. Jesus died for ALL sinners and paid off our sin debt in full. Like Paul said, unbelievers think the message of the cross doesn't make sense and thinking it is foolish.
Why Did God Change His Mind? Old Testament versus New Testament.

ATHEIST: It says in Deuteronomy that nonbelievers and fags should be

CHRISTIAN: Jesus invalidated the Old Testament.

ATHEIST: Why do you still use it if it's obsolete?

CHRISTIAN: Well, it has historical importance.

ATHEIST: Well, it _influenced_ history...but that doesn't mean what
happened in it is true, does it?

CHRISTIAN: It's true.

ATHEIST: Evidence?

CHRISTIAN: The Bible. Faith. The flood thing.

ATHEIST: Um, that isn't evidence. None of that is evidence. The Bible
is assertions, religious faith is a substitute for evidence and the
alleged evidence of the flood thing has been refuted repeatedly.

CHRISTIAN: Well, as a Christian I follow Christ's teachings anyway.

ATHEIST: Didn't Christ say in Matthew 5 that he didn't intend to
devalue the laws of the prophets?

CHRISTIAN: Yes, "until it is finished". When he died, his last words
were "it is finished".

ATHEIST: Well...Matthew 27 says: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried
with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to
say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he
cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost." And Luke 23:46
says: And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father,
unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up
the ghost. And John 19:30 says: When Jesus therefore had received the
vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up
the ghost.

CHRISTIAN: Well, they were standing at different distances from the
cross so they heard different things.

ATHEIST: Maybe, but damn--Christ sure seems to have some mixed
sentiments there. Anyway, let's assume that God did want the laws
changed from the Old Testament.

CHRISTIAN: Thank you.

ATHEIST: Very welcome. It's not like you have a chance without a
handicap anyway. My question to you is: why did God change His mind?

CHRISTIAN: Because the world changed.

ATHEIST: So God's nature is influenced by the world?

CHRISTIAN: Um, um...sure. Yes, I mean no, I mean yes.

ATHEIST: So how has His nature changed since the New Testament?

CHRISTIAN: It hasn't.

ATHEIST: Why not?

CHRISTIAN: Because the world hasn't changed in the past two millenia.

ATHEIST: Okaaay. Well, isn't the God of the Old Testament a hypocrite
anyway--with the genocide and the not killing people and all that?

CHRISTIAN: God's a nice guy now. He just burns people forever anyway
because that's what you do when someone you love disagrees with you.

Why Did God Change His Mind? Old Testament versus New Testament. - Atheism vs Christianity | Google Groups

A christian here, fullly disagree with this... No sane Christian would support this.
I understood Reba prefectly and only said that I watch the police at training which mean I know what and how they use the gun to shot.... It make no difference either I use gun or not but know from watch them how to use gun to shot. ;)

I understand where u coming from, Liebling, but you are missing
the whole point here, what im saying is, Have you ever actually
use the gun/rifle like going hunting? I have, gone hunting with
my husband several times, he has taught me how to use the
rifle, i have shot the squirrels, deer, etc...so the point is: HAVE
This is going to be my last post, ...... I'm done
~via BB~

Not again!, Here is a very contradiction....

Cheri, You are quietly contradicting yourself here AGAIN. My point something out to you: you did put me on frontpage made me look bad image, sayings "You don't understand a word I said....".

You thinking that I don't understanding your post? Mmmmmm..

Now I switch you, I put you on frontpage. Now you look yourself, you told the world, saying "this is last post". Conclusion, you def don't understanding what does "L-A-S-T" and "D-O-N-E" meaning to you. Look that you kept posts after your last annonced it. Your post is not LAST. You aren't DONE. You confuse yourself and put your confuse us around! But I aint confuse this. I drive "you are one who def confusion" out of my head. That's it. WHEW! Thank to my own logics.
Hey, man, she's (Cheri) entitled to change her mind!
I understand where u coming from, Liebling, but you are missing
the whole point here, what im saying is, Have you ever actually
use the gun/rifle like going hunting? I have, gone hunting with
my husband several times, he has taught me how to use the
rifle, i have shot the squirrels, deer, etc...so the point is: HAVE

Yes, its like sayin, I watch my dad driving a car and knows what's involved, but it is BIG DIFFERENCE if he give me a key to start the engine to DRIVE.

Same thing as you watch people shooting, but its not the same experience as YOU tried it yourself first.
~via BB~

Not again!, Here is a very contradiction....

Cheri, You are quietly contradicting yourself here AGAIN. My point something out to you: you did put me on frontpage made me look bad image, sayings "You don't understand a word I said....".

You thinking that I don't understanding your post? Mmmmmm..

Now I switch you, I put you on frontpage. Now you look yourself, you told the world, saying "this is last post". Conclusion, you def don't understanding what does "L-A-S-T" and "D-O-N-E" meaning to you. Look that you kept posts after your last annonced it. Your post is not LAST. You aren't DONE. You confuse yourself and put your confuse us around! But I aint confuse this. I drive "you are one who def confusion" out of my head. That's it. WHEW! Thank to my own logics.

I was listening to my friend and unusual a story...

Old testament and New testament are .....

He believe that long,long,long,long. time ago.... the knowledgeable group people who working hard and survivor but they are tired of another people who parties/drunks and adultery too much.

Then Group of people considered an idea to make the book and told people who fractiousness that............... "Look" If you re not working and too much party.. Then heaven will not take you .. Then its effective start scare to community and begins a slave! :eek:
~via BB~

Not again!, Here is a very contradiction....

Cheri, You are quietly contradicting yourself here AGAIN. My point something out to you: you did put me on frontpage made me look bad image, sayings "You don't understand a word I said....".

You thinking that I don't understanding your post? Mmmmmm..

Now I switch you, I put you on frontpage. Now you look yourself, you told the world, saying "this is last post". Conclusion, you def don't understanding what does "L-A-S-T" and "D-O-N-E" meaning to you. Look that you kept posts after your last annonced it. Your post is not LAST. You aren't DONE. You confuse yourself and put your confuse us around! But I aint confuse this. I drive "you are one who def confusion" out of my head. That's it. WHEW! Thank to my own logics.

OMG. You make no damn sense. When are you going to get counseling and a real education to fix up your messy life?
OMG. You make no damn sense. When are you going to get counseling and a real education to fix up your messy life?


BACK TO Liebling:)))'s thread's topic, thank you!
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