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And... he supposedly disappeared... forever. Same thing...![]()
Disappeared ? Naw. He is still UP there and watchin'.

And... he supposedly disappeared... forever. Same thing...![]()
It is not a fairy tale, The Holy Bible (also referred to as the Word of God or Scripture) The Bible’s sixty-six books were written over a period of 1500 years by at least 40 authors from all walks of life: shepherds, a prime minister, a general, priests, kings, a physician, a tax-collector, even a rabbi tentmaker.![]()
Cher, You are completely contradicting yourself here. I'll point something out to you: I recall that you told them , God forgive sinners and God love sinners. Now, you said God hated sinners and killed them for some reason. You actually blamed God did it instead of people who killed sinners. There is NOTHING to understand beyond that.It is not murder, God had a reason for this, because of His judgments, hating all sin, sin equal death for the one thousand times I've said that, and I'll say it again. God is the creator can do whatever he wants for his judgment.![]()
Nope. Do you masturbate? You lose billions of sperm already. Does a baby grow inside you? Nope. It only grows in a woman's body therefore it's up to a woman to decide what she wants to do with it. It's NOT yours. You only spilled, she is the one that has to carry with a significant burden.
You don't even understand a word I just said, We were talking about Old Testament time when God flooded Noah, the reason of his judgment was that sins equal death, This curse against Satan is the first mention in God's book (Old Testament). This method of covering people's disobedience by the death was God's plan, even before He made the world. That's what I was speaking of on my post above.
Then in New Testament, one day a Savior, born of a woman, to defeat Satan and died for our sins, this time there an offer of forgiveness for the sins of all people, no longer the death of the sin anymore. it's gone, Jesus blood washed it away. Get the picture now?
So, Yes God loves us, people, but hates the sins.(the action not the person) Don't get confused between sinner and sins. I was speaking of the sin the 'Original Sin'![]()
Welcome back.
So, you mean God kill the TRUE Sinners? I mean, like a person who have full of bad things, killing, stealing, etc. without feel qulity about it. The original sin are when people did the sin and feel so regret about it. Was I correct? If I was correct, then I would agree with it.
I also want to tell you sorry for bothers you about the word "Murder".
The Original sin came from Adam and Eve, had injured the human race. Remember when God told Adam and Eve not to get the fruit or u'll die. Right? So, that's where the death came from, sin (From Adam and Eve) entered into this world and by sin death; and so death passed upon all people. God tried to have people follow him for many many years in the Old Testament, nobody wanted to obey him, nobody cared, nobody wanted to turn around and do good, nobody felt that they were a sinner, or felt that they did anything wrong, they mostly blow it off people have filled the earth with violence, only a few people did obey God got saved, Only a few listened to God that got saved.
Now that changes, Jesus paid the price for our sins, only he could save us from the punishment we deserve. He suffered for us, those who have trusted God and believed in Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be saved. When I say that it means We have to know in our heart that we did was wrong, and we know we are a sinner, and felt guilty of the sins that we have done in our past lives and ask Jesus to forgive us, and accept him in our heart then we can have eternity life with Jesus.
Jesus won the fight over Satan, when he died for us.
At the judgment day, Satan, the deceiver, will be thrown into the lake of fire and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever, and those who don't believe in Jesus, who haven't been saved by their sins will go with Satan.
A nice job of Jesus. I would say that Jesus is one of the hot topic for between Christianity to Judaism/Muslim/Islamic.
Welcome back.
So, you mean God kill the TRUE Sinners? I mean, like a person who have full of bad things, killing, stealing, etc. without feel qulity about it. The original sin are when people did the sin and feel so regret about it. Was I correct? If I was correct, then I would agree with it.
I also want to tell you sorry for bothers you about the word "Murder".
I also want to tell you sorry for bothers you about the word "Murder".
You don't have to.
Everyone entitle their opinion as long as they respectfully debate with agree to disagree. I see nothing wrong when you entitle your own point of view. What's this forum for.
I am not sorry what I say about God as murder because it's my point of view after see the logic. I do not mock God as murder or whatever but fact because he killed the people. I do not say anything disguist against God but accept what and how God did as history.
the Holy bible referred to the Greek myth! Because Your eyes already saw black slaves in hands of whites who beat them to death for 400 years, but you still don't believe the autheic history's record. you do still think my stories or other people's stories are fairy-tale stories. mmm
Whatever they think then let them. We stand what we see from our view if they see different then let them. This debate forum is good education for us to collect/exchange our experiences only if we are open mind to debate with agree to disagree - perhaps we could agree with them or not... Perhaps they convince us... We never know... If the people are upset with our view then is their ignorant and closed mind. Don't worry what others say but stay what you are. I enjoy myself to read your POV.
Cher, You are completely contradicting yourself here. I'll point something out to you: I recall that you told them , God forgive sinners and God love sinners. Now, you said God hated sinners and killed them for some reason. You actually blamed God did it instead of people who killed sinners. There is NOTHING to understand beyond that.
God killed sinners, then God love sinners and save the sinners for their life. Later God will change his mind to have eneimes on his side want them to kill the sinners.. that is none make sense to me...
if you know people claimed that God is murder what they entitled their own opinions because they want to. Maybe you'll stop confusing yourself by not being concerned about what other people do with their own opinion, because it is none of your buisness.
Does God love-hate relationship with christians or nonchristians? Yes sound like God does.. I really have very diffcult to accept that.
Yes I second that. I have to accept people's view without concern/offense.
As I know that God love everyone no matter what. All what I see Christians' view that God hate sinners and send them to hell. It makes no sense to me either.
Exactly. And thank you for the definition of the sin, sin, sinners![]()
Whatever they think then let them. We stand what we see from our view if they see different then let them. This debate forum is good education for us to collect/exchange our experiences only if we are open mind to debate with agree to disagree - perhaps we could agree with them or not... Perhaps they convince us... We never know... If the people are upset with our view then is their ignorant and closed mind. Don't worry what others say but stay what you are. I enjoy myself to read your POV.
Yes I second that. I have to accept people's view without concern/offense.
As I know that God love everyone no matter what. All what I see Christians' view that God hate sinners and send them to hell. It makes no sense to me either.
Hey, wait a min, hon .... that's not true. I don't see Christians said that God hate sinners. They didn't say that. You misunderstood them. They said that God hates SINS, not sinners. God loves sinners, yes and that's why He died for ALL of us. I hope it helps you to understand clear.
Why would people REJECT God's offer His Love for them that will send them to Hell ? I want to know why ?
What's wrong with His Love that He offers to people ? Can you tell me what's wrong ? Ok, let me give you an example : If, I offer you my love for you, will you reject me ? Supposely, if you reject me then, how could I come to see you again ? I will feel hurt and can't come to see you, because you reject my love for you. Does that make sense, Lieblin' ? That's what God feels.
Hey, wait a min, hon .... that's not true. I don't see Christians said that God hate sinners. They didn't say that. You misunderstood them. They said that God hates SINS, not sinners. God loves sinners, yes and that's why He died for ALL of us. I hope it helps you to understand clear.
Why would people REJECT God's offer His Love for them that will send them to Hell ? I want to know why ?
What's wrong with His Love that He offers to people ? Can you tell me what's wrong ? Ok, let me give you an example : If, I offer you my love for you, will you reject me ? Supposely, if you reject me then, how could I come to see you again ? I will feel hurt and can't come to see you, because you reject my love for you. Does that make sense, Lieblin' ? That's what God feels.
Well. Take a look at the bible. Bible is a BIG book. Also the bible have VERY old language that people barely understand.
Take a look at the church. There's lot of people who are snobs, closed-mind, clean. That scare other people away from the church.
Now, there's a huge arguement of misunderstanding in worldwide against the varies of religions, even Christianity with God too.
People are all confused. That is what makes them go away from the Christianity. Christian people need to be open-mind a little more, and read the original (untranslated) version of bible and explain to others more clearly. Guess what? They just make the bible look bad, which it wasn't supposed to be.
The only way for people to accept God is when they IGNORE others, and research themselves and make their opinion through the bible.
What I mean about the fourth paragraph is:
God hate fags<------ MYTH!!!
God was saying that homosexuality action is not a really serious, but a mistake. It is forgiveable.
What I was saying is that people shouldn't listen to other person about the bible. That person need to read the bible and think. It take lot of the time. Read part of the chapters once a day, and think about it for a day.
I didn't mean to critizing against other people, like Cheri, who was speaking from the bible, they just have right to speak. People shouldn't agree 100 percent with that person, people should read the bible and stick with EXACTLY what the bible said, not twisting the words what God said through the bible.
Even though I was a Theravada Buddhism, I am also into the Christian, but just a confusing man. I use Theravada Buddhism as my living guide to happiness, peace, joy, kindness, and use the bible to explain me why I am here, why the earth is here, etc etc etc. Theravada Buddhism explain that well too (to me).
Wow, that is the best post I ever could post.
Well. Take a look at the bible. Bible is a BIG book. Also the bible have VERY old language that people barely understand.
Take a look at the church. There's lot of people who are snobs, closed-mind, clean. That scare other people away from the church.
People at my church are not snobs or closed-mind. Of course, they listen and explain in a calm way to show the scriptures to help others to know what's right from wrong. The Bible applies to everyone includin' me. I know what you mean about some people who are snobs or closed-mind at some churches, but that's wrong. They are supposed to show their love for others... like Jesus said " Love thy yourself before you love others ".
Now, there's a huge arguement of misunderstanding in worldwide against the varies of religions, even Christianity with God too.
Well, everyone are learnin' in each day everyday. Read the bible daily to prevent misunderstandin' and try to improve their understandin' thru the Word of God....soo this way, they could understand others better.
People are all confused. That is what makes them go away from the Christianity. Christian people need to be open-mind a little more, and read the original (untranslated) version of bible and explain to others more clearly. Guess what? They just make the bible look bad, which it wasn't supposed to be.
I know, but it is not necessary to make the Bible to look bad. Oh, wait a min -it is not the Bible they make it to look bad, but to make Jesus to look bad, because He is the Livin' Word. People aren't supposed to twist His Word when Jesus said " I am the Truth ". What part of the Truth Jesus said people don't understand ? When He said " I am the Truth " then, He is the Truth. Some people like to contradictin' His Word by lookin' for His faults and say that Jesus don't love sinners or called Him a murderer or called Him a liar or whatever to blame Him.
The only way for people to accept God is when they IGNORE others, and research themselves and make their opinion through the bible.
Right..but, I just want to say somethin' a little bit here, my dear friend. I don't like the word " opinion " when it comes to readin' or researchin' through the Bible, because once a person research or read the Bible in order for this person to understand clear, this person will agree with Christians. Know why ? Because, Jesus is for EVERYONE and His Word speak for everyone the same and help them to grow in Him and to become like Him - with the same mind, heart and spiritual. There's no opinion to against other opinion.
What I mean about the fourth paragraph is:
God hate fags<------ MYTH!!!
God HATES " homosexual " behavior. God loves homosexual person, yes, but NOT person's behavior when this person engaged with the same sex. That's all there's to it.
God was saying that homosexuality action is not a really serious, but a mistake. It is forgiveable.
Oh, yes it can be forgivin'. But, will God forgive that person who will repeat that behavior once that person is forgivin' ? That's somethin' you need to examine through the Word of God yourself and convincin' through the Holy Spirit.![]()
What I was saying is that people shouldn't listen to other person about the bible. That person need to read the bible and think. It take lot of the time. Read part of the chapters once a day, and think about it for a day.
And, also attend church to learn other Christian friends as well...not just the Bible. The person needs feedback from Christians'. The person also can learn from Christians' experiences.
I didn't mean to critizing against other people, like Cheri, who was speaking from the bible, they just have right to speak. People shouldn't agree 100 percent with that person, people should read the bible and stick with EXACTLY what the bible said, not twisting the words what God said through the bible.
Even though I was a Theravada Buddhism, I am also into the Christian, but just a confusing man. I use Theravada Buddhism as my living guide to happiness, peace, joy, kindness, and use the bible to explain me why I am here, why the earth is here, etc etc etc. Theravada Buddhism explain that well too (to me).
Wonderin', if there's a Theravada Buddism bible ? I would like to know what it looks like, if there's one.
Wow, that is the best post I ever could post.
Good for you !
Thank-you.Hey, wait a min, hon .... that's not true. I don't see Christians said that God hate sinners. They didn't say that. You misunderstood them. They said that God hates SINS, not sinners. God loves sinners, yes and that's why He died for ALL of us. I hope it helps you to understand clear.s.
We the Christians gave people all the answers from the bible in many different ways, It's the unbelievers who decide to portray God for being such a bad God instead of getting the understanding the nature of God.PuyoPiyo said:They just make the bible look bad, which it wasn't supposed to be.
Thank-you.PuyoPiyo said:I didn't mean to critizing against other people, like Cheri, who was speaking from the bible, they just have right to speak. People shouldn't agree 100 percent with that person, people should read the bible and stick with EXACTLY what the bible said, not twisting the words what God said through the bible.
..I had no idea why God can't destroy Lucifer...
me either
But I know God gave test on everyone choose serve Lord or serve devil. Adam knew which evil or good choose one. Satan won target on Eve and Adam. God told Adam dont eat fruit the tree.
Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Well I rather to protect my children's safety over test their faith when I were God.
Reason, God kill the people what you can explain me what your point?
Those 2 links will explain you the reason why God kill the people.
gospeakit.com - Bible Body Count
Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)
I would like to share with you, Lieblin' about the Ten Commandments in the New Testament. I will just go ahead and type the scriptures here for you to read.
Matthew 19:16-19
" And behold, one came to him and said, Teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why askest thou me concerning that which is good? One there is who is good: but if thou wouldest enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? And Jesus said, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and mother; and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. "
One man asked Jesus about the Ten Commandments and Jesus answered. You see, from the Old Testament God spoke to Moses about the Ten Commandments and NOW, Jesus answered to one man about the Ten Commandments. This is the SAME God who spoke to Moses in the Old Testament AND in the New Testament to one man who asked Him.
My magnify glass is sharp and clear.![]()
People at my church are not snobs or closed-mind. Of course, they listen and explain in a calm way to show the scriptures to help others to know what's right from wrong. The Bible applies to everyone includin' me. I know what you mean about some people who are snobs or closed-mind at some churches, but that's wrong. They are supposed to show their love for others... like Jesus said " Love thy yourself before you love others ".
Well, everyone are learnin' in each day everyday. Read the bible daily to prevent misunderstandin' and try to improve their understandin' thru the Word of God....soo this way, they could understand others better.
I know, but it is not necessary to make the Bible to look bad. Oh, wait a min -it is not the Bible they make it to look bad, but to make Jesus to look bad, because He is the Livin' Word. People aren't supposed to twist His Word when Jesus said " I am the Truth ". What part of the Truth Jesus said people don't understand ? When He said " I am the Truth " then, He is the Truth. Some people like to contradictin' His Word by lookin' for His faults and say that Jesus don't love sinners or called Him a murderer or called Him a liar or whatever to blame Him.
Right..but, I just want to say somethin' a little bit here, my dear friend. I don't like the word " opinion " when it comes to readin' or researchin' through the Bible, because once a person research or read the Bible in order for this person to understand clear, this person will agree with Christians. Know why ? Because, Jesus is for EVERYONE and His Word speak for everyone the same and help them to grow in Him and to become like Him - with the same mind, heart and spiritual. There's no opinion to against other opinion.
God HATES " homosexual " behavior. God loves homosexual person, yes, but NOT person's behavior when this person engaged with the same sex. That's all there's to it.
Oh, yes it can be forgivin'. But, will God forgive that person who will repeat that behavior once that person is forgivin' ? That's somethin' you need to examine through the Word of God yourself and convincin' through the Holy Spirit.
And, also attend church to learn other Christian friends as well...not just the Bible. The person needs feedback from Christians'. The person also can learn from Christians' experiences.
Wonderin', if there's a Theravada Buddism bible ? I would like to know what it looks like, if there's one.