another question - when you go to restaurant.... what can you do when the annoying menu's like 5 pages long?
2 - if there is no braille version for this physical book/magazine/reading source... do you use some kind of computer program to read it for you?
3 - what's your favorite movie?
4 - what's your favorite CURRENT tv show of all time (the one that's still playing in tv)?

i'm able to read braille at 125 wpm, so if it's a braille menu, i'm able to skim over it pretty quickly. if it's a print menu, then i ask the person i'm with to read me the food specials as well as the prices and descriptions of specific food items i'm thinking about eating. doing that helps cut down on alot of time and eliminates me having to read through the entire menu. i also look up menus on the internet, so that saves time as well. since i have a braillenote (a pda for the blind), i'm able to save web pages directly to it and read the menu while i'm sitting in the restaurant.
2. yes. i use a screen reader (window-eyes) and a braille display (braille star 40). i also listen to books on tape and cd.
3. i actually have two favorite movies of all time. the first one is "what about bob?" you can read the review
i also love "ferris beuller's day off." you can read the review of that movie
4. i have a variety of favorite tv programs, so i can't pick just one. they include, "er," "csi" (all series -- csi: ny, csi: miami, etc.), "house," "king of the hill," "real life" (mtv), "the dog whisperer," "animal cops," (all series -- animal cops detroit, animal cops miami, animal cops new york, etc.) "phoenix heroes," "the rachel maddow show," "countdown with keith olberman," "1600 pennsylvania avenue," "meet the press," "cnn investigates," "lockdown," "inside american jail," "american justice," "forensic files," "ski patrol," "speeders," "the principal's office" (i'm not sure if this is still on cable), "top chef" and "little people, big world." there are others as well, but i can't name them all.