Oh my bad you're on Wisonsin time! I miscalculated.
I'm on Austrian time. It's 7:15pm right now.
i'm just curious. did you have trouble adjusting to the time change between austria and washington, d.c.?
Nope not really. I don't sleep regular hours anyway so it doesn't make much difference. <laugh>
Hi Hear Again
Glad that it's nothing too serious![]()
i definitely have dry eye in both of my eyes, but also thinks my allergies may be flaring due to the change in temperatures.
Glad to hear it's nothing seriousness. Also glad to hear the drops are helping. I hope your eyes feel better soon!
thanks, nika! <smile> i'm starting to feel better already, so the eye drops are definitely helping.
glad your feeling okay hear Again!
Oh I didn't realize you missed a day of eye drops or something. Glad you're back on track though.
If you don't mind me asking, do you only have one ophthalmologist? (I have several.)
yes, i only have one opthalmologist. since the only eye condition i have is rop
That makes sense. I was just curious. But it makes sense. I'm glad your Dry Eye is being treated.
i'm perfectly happy as a totally blind person. it's all i've ever known and as the saying goes, you can't miss what you never had. <smile>
I couldn't agree more. Even when I was sighted, to be honest, as weird as this may sound to a lot of folks, I missed being blind. I'm perfectly fine returning to blindness--it feels like going back home.
I've heard a lot of stories of low vision and partially sighted folks that feel stuck between two worlds, just like Hoh can feel stuck between hearing and Deaf worlds.one of my best friends who has albinism had 20/200 vision and was considered a high partial.
I think that the blind and Deaf communities should accept VI and Hoh since the sighted and hearing communities are so bad (as a whole) at accepting anyone different from them.