Well, they still think he walks on water. But lately they're finding that water is only an 1/2 inch deep and not a lake.
Why do you think some of people thought Obama can walk on the water?
I never heard of this, though.
Well, they still think he walks on water. But lately they're finding that water is only an 1/2 inch deep and not a lake.
Why do you think some of people thought Obama can walk on the water?
I never heard of this, though.
Like I said in other threads, real votes, not opinion polls are counted on. The opinion polls are for pundits, spin doctors and losers.
These polls help guage what America is feeling and how they feel toward their president, Congress and government. So, I suppose all these news outlet and polling companies seen below are losers as well?
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 6/18 - 7/7 -- 57.8 36.8 +21.0
Gallup 7/5 - 7/7 1547 A 56 36 +20
Rasmussen Reports 7/2 - 7/7 1500 LV 52 48 +4
Quinnipiac 6/23 - 6/29 3063 RV 57 33 +24
CNN/Opinion Research 6/26 - 6/28 1026 A 61 37 +24
Democracy Corps (D) 6/19 - 6/22 1000 RV 56 36 +20
ABC News/Wash Post 6/18 - 6/21 1001 A 65 31 +34
CBS News/NY Times 6/12 - 6/16 895 A 63 26 +37
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/12 - 6/15 1008 A 56 34 +22
Pew Research 6/10 - 6/14 1502 A 61 30 +31
FOX News 6/9 - 6/10 900 RV 62 31 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 6/4 - 6/8 1023 A 64 32 +32
Diageo/Hotline 6/4 - 6/7 800 RV 65 31 +34
Marist 6/1 - 6/3 1028 RV 56 32 +24
Gallup 5/30 - 6/1 1500 A 64 30 +34
Rasmussen Reports 5/30 - 6/1 1500 LV 58 41 +17
Associated Press/GfK 5/28 - 6/1 1000 A 64 32 +32
Democracy Corps (D) 5/28 - 6/1 1013 RV 58 33 +25
Quinnipiac 5/26 - 6/1 3097 RV 59 31 +28
USA Today/Gallup 5/29 - 5/31 1015 A 61 34 +27
CNN/Opinion Research 5/14 - 5/17 1010 A 62 35 +27
FOX News 5/12 - 5/13 900 RV 60 30 +30
Democracy Corps (D) 5/10 - 5/12 1000 RV 59 33 +26
Gallup 5/10 - 5/12 1500 A 64 29 +35
Rasmussen Reports 5/10 - 5/12 1500 LV 57 42 +15
CBS News 5/6 - 5/12 1874 A 63 26 +37
Ipsos/McClatchy 4/30 - 5/3 1004 A 65 31 +34
Quinnipiac 4/21 - 4/27 2041 RV 58 30 +28
Diageo/Hotline 4/23 - 4/26 800 RV 62 33 +29
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/23 - 4/26 1005 A 61 30 +31
CNN/Opinion Research 4/23 - 4/26 2019 A 63 33 +30
CBS News/NY Times 4/22 - 4/26 973 A 68 23 +45
Gallup 4/22 - 4/24 1500 A 66 27 +39
Rasmussen Reports 4/22 - 4/24 1500 LV 56 43 +13
ABC News/Wash Post 4/21 - 4/24 1072 A 69 26 +43
FOX News 4/22 - 4/23 900 RV 62 29 +33
Marist 4/21 - 4/23 975 RV 55 31 +24
Pew Research 4/14 - 4/21 1507 A 63 26 +37
Associated Press/GfK 4/16 - 4/20 1000 A 64 30 +34
National Journal/FD 4/8 - 4/14 1200 A 61 28 +33
Cook/RT Strategies 4/8 - 4/11 833 RV 60 30 +30
Ipsos/McClatchy 4/2 - 4/6 1138 A 63 33 +30
CNN/Opinion Research 4/3 - 4/5 1023 A 66 30 +36
Gallup 4/3 - 4/5 1500 A 61 27 +34
Rasmussen Reports 4/3 - 4/5 1500 LV 58 41 +17
CBS News/NY Times 4/1 - 4/5 998 A 66 24 +42
Pew Research 3/31 - 4/6 1506 A 61 26 +35
Marist 4/1 - 4/3 928 RV 56 30 +26
Newsweek 4/1 - 4/2 1003 A 61 27 +34
FOX News 3/31 - 4/1 900 RV 58 32 +26
Quinnipiac 3/24 - 3/30 2326 RV 58 31 +27
USA Today/Gallup 3/27 - 3/29 1007 A 64 30 +34
ABC News/Wash Post 3/26 - 3/29 1000 A 66 29 +37
Diageo/Hotline 3/26 - 3/29 800 RV 63 31 +32
Democracy Corps (D) 3/25 - 3/29 1000 RV 58 34 +24
Gallup 3/23 - 3/25 1500 A 62 29 +33
Rasmussen Reports 3/23 - 3/25 1500 LV 56 43 +13
CBS News 3/20 - 3/22 949 A 64 20 +44
CBS News 3/12 - 3/16 1142 A 62 24 +38
CNN/Opinion Research 3/12 - 3/15 1019 A 64 34 +30
NPR - POS/GQR 3/10 - 3/14 800 LV 59 35 +24
Pew Research 3/9 - 3/12 1308 A 59 26 +33
Ipsos-McClatchy 3/5 - 3/9 1070 A 65 29 +36
Newsweek 3/4 - 3/5 1203 A 58 26 +32
FOX News 3/3 - 3/4 900 RV 63 26 +37
Gallup 3/1 - 3/3 1500 A 61 28 +33
Rasmussen Reports 3/1 - 3/3 1500 LV 60 38 +22
Diageo/Hotline 2/28 - 3/2 803 RV 67 27 +40
Quinnipiac 2/25 - 3/2 2573 RV 59 25 +34
Cook/RT Strategies 2/27 - 3/1 880 RV 57 28 +29
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/26 - 3/1 1007 A 60 26 +34
ABC News/Wash Post 2/19 - 2/22 1001 A 68 25 +43
CBS News/NY Times 2/18 - 2/22 1112 A 63 22 +41
CNN/Opinion Research 2/18 - 2/19 1046 A 67 29 +38
FOX News 2/17 - 2/18 900 RV 60 26 +34
Associated Press/GfK 2/12 - 2/17 1001 A 67 24 +43
Rasmussen Reports 2/11 - 2/13 1500 LV 60 39 +21
Gallup 2/10 - 2/12 1500 A 66 21 +45
Democracy Corps (D) 2/9 - 2/10 1000 LV 58 27 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 2/6 - 2/9 1042 A 69 26 +43
CNN 2/7 - 2/8 806 A 76 23 +53
Pew Research 2/4 - 2/8 1303 A 64 17 +47
Gallup 2/5 - 2/7 1500 A 64 22 +42
Rasmussen 2/3 - 2/5 1500 LV 61 36 +25
CBS News 2/2 - 2/4 864 A 62 15 +47
Gallup 2/2 - 2/4 1012 A 65 20 +45
Democracy Corps (D) 1/26 - 1/29 1000 LV 55 20 +35
FOX News 1/27 - 1/28 900 RV 65 16 +49
Gallup 1/25 - 1/27 1500 A 64 16 +48
Rasmussen 1/25 - 1/27 1500 LV 62 36 +26
Hotline/FD 1/21 - 1/24 800 RV 63 9 +54
Gallup 1/21 - 1/23 1591 A 68 12 +56
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
Polls only reflect the current mood. In the future, others may regard Obama as a great president. Or they may not. We shall see.
I certainly approved of Bush during the 9/11 tragedy. I'm afraid that I don't much approve of his handing of affairs like Iraq though.
From past to current mood on how Obama is doing the approval trend clearly shows a steady and constant downward trend.That's undeniable. This seems to relate very well with the current and downward economic downturn.
It's called a "messiah-complex."
He himself is painting himself as one, subconsciously or consciously so, as well as the mainstream media who try to paint him as one in a variety of ways. And then we have people who literally bowed their heads to him while some in the MSM reported that Obama is sort of like God.
"Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD." - Newsweek Evans Thomas, June 2009.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
WORLD Magazine | Messiah complex | Gene Edward Veith | Aug 23, 08
These polls help guage what America is feeling and how they feel toward their president, Congress and government. So, I suppose all these news outlet and polling companies seen below are losers as well?
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 6/18 - 7/7 -- 57.8 36.8 +21.0
Gallup 7/5 - 7/7 1547 A 56 36 +20
Rasmussen Reports 7/2 - 7/7 1500 LV 52 48 +4
Quinnipiac 6/23 - 6/29 3063 RV 57 33 +24
CNN/Opinion Research 6/26 - 6/28 1026 A 61 37 +24
Democracy Corps (D) 6/19 - 6/22 1000 RV 56 36 +20
ABC News/Wash Post 6/18 - 6/21 1001 A 65 31 +34
CBS News/NY Times 6/12 - 6/16 895 A 63 26 +37
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/12 - 6/15 1008 A 56 34 +22
Pew Research 6/10 - 6/14 1502 A 61 30 +31
FOX News 6/9 - 6/10 900 RV 62 31 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 6/4 - 6/8 1023 A 64 32 +32
Diageo/Hotline 6/4 - 6/7 800 RV 65 31 +34
Marist 6/1 - 6/3 1028 RV 56 32 +24
Gallup 5/30 - 6/1 1500 A 64 30 +34
Rasmussen Reports 5/30 - 6/1 1500 LV 58 41 +17
Associated Press/GfK 5/28 - 6/1 1000 A 64 32 +32
Democracy Corps (D) 5/28 - 6/1 1013 RV 58 33 +25
Quinnipiac 5/26 - 6/1 3097 RV 59 31 +28
USA Today/Gallup 5/29 - 5/31 1015 A 61 34 +27
CNN/Opinion Research 5/14 - 5/17 1010 A 62 35 +27
FOX News 5/12 - 5/13 900 RV 60 30 +30
Democracy Corps (D) 5/10 - 5/12 1000 RV 59 33 +26
Gallup 5/10 - 5/12 1500 A 64 29 +35
Rasmussen Reports 5/10 - 5/12 1500 LV 57 42 +15
CBS News 5/6 - 5/12 1874 A 63 26 +37
Ipsos/McClatchy 4/30 - 5/3 1004 A 65 31 +34
Quinnipiac 4/21 - 4/27 2041 RV 58 30 +28
Diageo/Hotline 4/23 - 4/26 800 RV 62 33 +29
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/23 - 4/26 1005 A 61 30 +31
CNN/Opinion Research 4/23 - 4/26 2019 A 63 33 +30
CBS News/NY Times 4/22 - 4/26 973 A 68 23 +45
Gallup 4/22 - 4/24 1500 A 66 27 +39
Rasmussen Reports 4/22 - 4/24 1500 LV 56 43 +13
ABC News/Wash Post 4/21 - 4/24 1072 A 69 26 +43
FOX News 4/22 - 4/23 900 RV 62 29 +33
Marist 4/21 - 4/23 975 RV 55 31 +24
Pew Research 4/14 - 4/21 1507 A 63 26 +37
Associated Press/GfK 4/16 - 4/20 1000 A 64 30 +34
National Journal/FD 4/8 - 4/14 1200 A 61 28 +33
Cook/RT Strategies 4/8 - 4/11 833 RV 60 30 +30
Ipsos/McClatchy 4/2 - 4/6 1138 A 63 33 +30
CNN/Opinion Research 4/3 - 4/5 1023 A 66 30 +36
Gallup 4/3 - 4/5 1500 A 61 27 +34
Rasmussen Reports 4/3 - 4/5 1500 LV 58 41 +17
CBS News/NY Times 4/1 - 4/5 998 A 66 24 +42
Pew Research 3/31 - 4/6 1506 A 61 26 +35
Marist 4/1 - 4/3 928 RV 56 30 +26
Newsweek 4/1 - 4/2 1003 A 61 27 +34
FOX News 3/31 - 4/1 900 RV 58 32 +26
Quinnipiac 3/24 - 3/30 2326 RV 58 31 +27
USA Today/Gallup 3/27 - 3/29 1007 A 64 30 +34
ABC News/Wash Post 3/26 - 3/29 1000 A 66 29 +37
Diageo/Hotline 3/26 - 3/29 800 RV 63 31 +32
Democracy Corps (D) 3/25 - 3/29 1000 RV 58 34 +24
Gallup 3/23 - 3/25 1500 A 62 29 +33
Rasmussen Reports 3/23 - 3/25 1500 LV 56 43 +13
CBS News 3/20 - 3/22 949 A 64 20 +44
CBS News 3/12 - 3/16 1142 A 62 24 +38
CNN/Opinion Research 3/12 - 3/15 1019 A 64 34 +30
NPR - POS/GQR 3/10 - 3/14 800 LV 59 35 +24
Pew Research 3/9 - 3/12 1308 A 59 26 +33
Ipsos-McClatchy 3/5 - 3/9 1070 A 65 29 +36
Newsweek 3/4 - 3/5 1203 A 58 26 +32
FOX News 3/3 - 3/4 900 RV 63 26 +37
Gallup 3/1 - 3/3 1500 A 61 28 +33
Rasmussen Reports 3/1 - 3/3 1500 LV 60 38 +22
Diageo/Hotline 2/28 - 3/2 803 RV 67 27 +40
Quinnipiac 2/25 - 3/2 2573 RV 59 25 +34
Cook/RT Strategies 2/27 - 3/1 880 RV 57 28 +29
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/26 - 3/1 1007 A 60 26 +34
ABC News/Wash Post 2/19 - 2/22 1001 A 68 25 +43
CBS News/NY Times 2/18 - 2/22 1112 A 63 22 +41
CNN/Opinion Research 2/18 - 2/19 1046 A 67 29 +38
FOX News 2/17 - 2/18 900 RV 60 26 +34
Associated Press/GfK 2/12 - 2/17 1001 A 67 24 +43
Rasmussen Reports 2/11 - 2/13 1500 LV 60 39 +21
Gallup 2/10 - 2/12 1500 A 66 21 +45
Democracy Corps (D) 2/9 - 2/10 1000 LV 58 27 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 2/6 - 2/9 1042 A 69 26 +43
CNN 2/7 - 2/8 806 A 76 23 +53
Pew Research 2/4 - 2/8 1303 A 64 17 +47
Gallup 2/5 - 2/7 1500 A 64 22 +42
Rasmussen 2/3 - 2/5 1500 LV 61 36 +25
CBS News 2/2 - 2/4 864 A 62 15 +47
Gallup 2/2 - 2/4 1012 A 65 20 +45
Democracy Corps (D) 1/26 - 1/29 1000 LV 55 20 +35
FOX News 1/27 - 1/28 900 RV 65 16 +49
Gallup 1/25 - 1/27 1500 A 64 16 +48
Rasmussen 1/25 - 1/27 1500 LV 62 36 +26
Hotline/FD 1/21 - 1/24 800 RV 63 9 +54
Gallup 1/21 - 1/23 1591 A 68 12 +56
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
We should wait for next few years to see how good or bad job he is doing. It is way too early to determine how well he is doing because he has been U.S. President for only six months.
We should wait for next few years to see how good or bad job he is doing. It is way too early to determine how well he is doing because he has been U.S. President for only six months.
The yellow lines are trend lines. Both clearly show that it's only a matter of tiime til it crosses. Pretty much confirms the continued downward trend in approval ratings, and an upward trend on disapproval ratings. He's still going down...down..
The grey line (bottom) are the spread differences between approval points and disapproval points. As you can see the gaps continues to get smaller and smaller.
That link compared them only thru May. We are past that month.
Have you read 3rd link "Obama Approval Compares Favorably to Prior Presidents" in my first post?
Someone will always have something to gripe about, regardless of who is the President.
I have noticed several people still call Obama "Mr. Obama" Instead of "President Obama". Even several newscaster. If you pay attention, it is what they call him. Weird....
The standard for broadcasters is to refer to the President as "President Last-Name" for the first reference, and then "Mr. Last-Name" or "the President" for subsequent references. If the news story is military related, they may refer to him as "Commander in Chief."
That link compared them only thru May. We are past that month.