Just playing hardball.
We're seriously cracking on AD'ers for their beliefs, so in retrospect its only fair that we do the same for the people described in the news reports.
Just playing hardball.
We're seriously cracking on AD'ers for their beliefs, so in retrospect its only fair that we do the same for the people described in the news reports.
So, what? It's just a cartoon, y'all. Just like most of the politic cartoonists bashed on Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumfield for last 8 years. I didn't complain about it, I laughed.
What does Travis have to do with the stimitus bill? They probably used the monkey as a black person for some reason.
Racist attitudes are often very, very subtle. That's one of the things that makes them so frightening. Acceptance of racially charged materials such as this is indicative of the attitude within oneself.
Totally offensive on so many levels.
Just playing hardball.
We're seriously cracking on AD'ers for their beliefs, so in retrospect its only fair that we do the same for the people described in the news reports.
I can't see the cartoon so can't comment on the exact contents, but it's only a cartoon. I'm all for freedom of speech.
Just playing hardball.
We're seriously cracking on AD'ers for their beliefs, so in retrospect its only fair that we do the same for the people described in the news reports.
I'm willing to bet that if people weren't offended by this cartoon, they likely weren't offended by the cartoon that caused an uproar in the Muslim world in regards to the prophet Mohammed or just about any other racist cartoon.
I remember that cartoon, and thought how rediculous the muslims that objected to it were being. I'm all for freedom of speech. Which includes 'racist' speech.
We should care more about people's lives then about some stupid cartoon. People these days. Their priorities are really screwed up.
They certainly are. Especially when people tolerate racist rhetoric and portrayals all in the name of freedom of speech, yet protest against a woman choosing a perfectly legal medical procedure.:roll:
Moderater: could you please remove Jillo's post as it's off topic. We aren't discussing abortion in this thread. We are discussing a tasteless cartoon and freedom of speech.
Dreama, Jillio's post is not off topic. There is no need to remove her post.
Oh, and Dreama, if you are so supportive of freedom of speech, then why are you asking the moderators to remove Jillio's post? If you are asking the mods to remove her post, you are supporting censorship. :roll: So much for claiming to be supportive of freedom of speech. :roll:
I would say it is right on target representing one of those monkeys in Congress! BUT they should not have perceived it as Obama, as he is spending too much time taming that zoo when he could put his good mind to work!
Perhaps if it had been presented a bit differently, it wouldn't have been perceived as such. The cartoonist said that wasn't his intent. Maybe he needs to take a bit more care to make sure that what he draws and what he intends matches up.