So? Some posters wanted to know why the chimp was used in the cartoon about the stimulus bill.
For a woman of your intelligence--you had to ask this question?
So? Some posters wanted to know why the chimp was used in the cartoon about the stimulus bill.
What question did I ask?For a woman of your intelligence--you had to ask this question?
What question did I ask?
This is getting ridiculous. All I did was explain why a chimp was in a crude cartoon that I don't even find funny.
The reasons the cartoonist used the chimp were:
1. Travis the chimp was recently in the news so it's current and attention-getting.
2. People who don't support the stimulus bill consider it so bad that a chimp could have written it. That is, it wasn't written by an intelligent person.
Are you implying that the President isn't intelligent?
I think the cartoon is more tasteless more than racist.
W Bush was compared to chimps many times
George W. Bush or Chimpanzee?
but there is a history of racism linking black people to primates.
All of us debating this nonsense is exactly what the newspaper wanted. They know how to push our buttons
Ya know what's so funny though? I remember a LOT of jokes comparing Bush to a chimp.... no one got upset. I am not so much bothered by the chimp (would you rather the chimp be replaced by a donkey? Actually that would make more sense... since democrats = donkey) but more so that they KILLED the chimp. That was kinda messed up....
As I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine.Interesting as you described it in your post:
I thought you understood my answer. I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine. I don't believe Obama is stupid; I believe he is wrong.Then I asked a question to you, which you haven't answered:
You are really off base in your appraisal of my viewpoint.Knowing full well that you grew up during the 1960's and been exposed to the racial injustices in the United States, I am a little appalled at your lack of disgust at this political cartoon depicating Obama as a monkey.
Maybe you been living in South Carolina a little too long?As I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine.
I thought you understood my answer. I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine. I don't believe Obama is stupid; I believe he is wrong.
You are really off base in your appraisal of my viewpoint.
Maybe you been living in South Carolina a little too long?As I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine.
I thought you understood my answer. I described the cartoonist's viewpoint, not mine. I don't believe Obama is stupid; I believe he is wrong.
You are really off base in your appraisal of my viewpoint.
As you and others at AD seem to "know" that the cartoonist wanted to make a racist point with his cartoon.Or perhaps his sense of social justice is showing.
And, you describe the depiction of the cartoon from your perspective. As you are not the cartoonist, and I think we can safely assume that you did not consult with the cartoonist prior, you cannot describe his perspective.
As you and others at AD seem to "know" that the cartoonist wanted to make a racist point with his cartoon.
Guess what? I can see and describe the viewpoints of those that aren't mine. That doesn't mean I agree with them.
But since the tone of this thread has been established with no room for discussion outside of the establishment, I see no reason to stick around as thread punching bag.
Bush is not black, and in no way did comparing Bush to a chimp reference back to a horrid history of injustice and racism. The implications are entirely different.
That's where it gets gray to me. If you treat everyone the same, except the person who is black, out of the fear you may be offending him, isn't that also racist?
Example: If I wanna be stupid and talk "ghetto" saying "Whazzah!" to everyone except the black person because the stereotype is black people are "ghetto", so I just say "Oh hello sir."
(This is kind of a bad example but you get the drift.)
I mean it's MOST LIKELY that the cartoonist was probably thinking racially, but my question is where do we draw the line?
As you and others at AD seem to "know" that the cartoonist wanted to make a racist point with his cartoon.
Guess what? I can see and describe the viewpoints of those that aren't mine. That doesn't mean I agree with them.
But since the tone of this thread has been established with no room for discussion outside of the establishment, I see no reason to stick around as thread punching bag.