You aren't resident of US, that means about you haven't knowledge so completely on presidential election, even you just got listen via media and internet, that it but not enough for you to get experience about presidential election, I prefer to discuss in real time over listen to media or online, even we are true american, even we don't need follow to EU or other bullshit, we should do on our own culture and Obama's tax plan looks too extreme for rich people who want create new businesses and hire people, even invites consumers to shop over wal mart or other big businesses, wal mart has long history that killed small businesses, I don't trust about Obama that he stated about would give a tax break to people who own businesses, even he could be lie, like happened to other president, I prefer for rich people have reasonable tax over high like happened in Europe, society and economy in US and EU aren't same, that's very different. If you work for USA, you are still lacks of completely knowledge and service has much to nothing, unless you got knowledge from some Americans who work in service, that's really not enough.