Obama nominates Sotomayor to Supreme Court

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maybe you should calm down and take a breather as you have complained in other thread that you are suffering from depression and some other things. This is not first time it has happened so you might want to heed this friendly advice if you do not want to be banned for 2 months.

Again - this is just a friendly advice as your fellow ADer.

:ty: for your concern, but I'm an adult who can make my own decisions. I will continue to post as I see fit.

By the way, my bipolar has absolutely nothing to do with this thread so I would appreciate it if you would not make it appear as if I'm using it as an excuse. That's not what I'm doing and you know it.
I do. Alcohol causes all kinds of problems when it is abused. It also kills innocent people.

It wont solve the problems...there are always going to be things that people will find to abuse. People are the problem not the alcohol or the items.
George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are two individuals. In the past you've said neither of them should be judged based on the decisions made by each other.
I do not remember saying that, do you recall where I said that? I am curious and in what context.
I do not remember saying that, do you recall where I said that? I am curious and in what context.

You said "a Bush appointed Stotomayer" as opposed to making a specific reference to George H. W. Bush. I will look through the posts and post evidence of this so you'll know exactly what you said.
It wont solve the problems...there are always going to be things that people will find to abuse. People are the problem not the alcohol or the items.

Problems wouldn't exist in the first place if alcohol were not available.
I do. Alcohol causes all kinds of problems when it is abused. It also kills innocent people.

The problem is, even if it was outlawed, people would still be able to get it through criminals. As long as there is demand, there will always be a supply.

Then buyers will be at risk of being blinded or killed by bad hooch.
I have a problem with you, Hear Again and people like you who think its ok to imprison someone to save them from themselves.

Humanity was never perfect. We are not robots. Some of us eat too much, maybe watch too much tv, etc. That is just part of being human. If someone wants to go home after work and smoke some weed, or shoot some heroin that is their right.

Just because the current regime sez otherwise dont mean shit. They used to say it was ok to own slaves and imprison homosexuals for breaking sodomy laws. A lot of the fears towards illegal drugs is brainwashing propaganda the government puts out.

Ive dont just about all of them, and theyre not that big of deal. Totally overrated, but the propaganda out there makes it look like some kind of forbidden fruit. The people that get hooked, are the once looking for an escape from their miserable lives. Maybe theyre self medicating things like ptsd or others. The said part is when they get clean, and realized they pissed away years of their youth and have nothing to show for it.
The alcohol started a very, very long time ago, and it is very well-known worldwide, no reason to outlaw it since it is not worse than drugs. :roll:
The alcohol started a very, very long time ago, and it is very well-known worldwide, no reason to outlaw it since it is not worse than drugs. :roll:

alcohol is the hardest drug Ive ever tried. Withdrawel from it can cause death. Heroin withdrawl isnt pleasant but it wont kill you.

Theres a lot of people in jail committed crimes during a blackout therefor having no recollection of committing the crime.

Thats the absurdity of the drug laws. To allow something as dangerous as alcohol to be legal while keeping marijuana illegal. And marijuana has been used for thousands of years as mediciene.
Is those posts do with Sotomayor ? :confused:

The idea that these old assholes that dont even know me, think they have the right to tell me how to live my life. To make me criminal, if I ever want to grow some marjuana for personal use. What ever happend to the wisdom of treat others as youd treat yourself? If someone dont bother you, then dont bother them.

Most americans have been brainwashed by the skool system to submit to authority, even when the authority is clearly wrong.
The alcohol started a very, very long time ago, and it is very well-known worldwide, no reason to outlaw it since it is not worse than drugs. :roll:

Alcohol is a drug. Each drug has its own properties and effects on humans. Some more deadly than others.

Can you please move all the drug and alcohol posts to a new thread?
You know, I'm not a judge, but I think I'll become one because of my unique life experiences I bring to the table. I would hope that a wise white man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina female who hasn't lived that life.

I could go on and list some bad decisions made by wise Latina female jurists.

I'd suggest you attend law school, pass the bar, practice for many years, and achieve on the same level Sotomayor has. Please list those bad decisions. It would certainly add some substance to the discussion.
Actually it was the liberal media that started creating quotes to attribute to Limbaugh and Hannity.

Although they each have their own opinions, and I haven't heard them from them, I'd say that what is quoted in the MSM is probably at least out of absolute context and at worst created.
Much like the fabricated quotes and misquotes attributed to Limbaugh during the campaign that he stated he "wanted Obama to fail because he is black".

I haven't heard what Gingrich supposedly said.

And here we go again with confusing what is racist and what is discrimination or what is bigotry. They are not interchangable.
For example, I wouldn't say Sotomayor's comments regarding the strong latina woman as necessarily any of the three.

Just to clear up some mis-information. Paul Shanklin, a comedian/satirist created the Barack the Magic Negro song, not Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh played it but so did many other outlets.

And that is what I said. Limbaugh played it on air. Doesn't do much to further his credibility. And says quite a bit about his racist attitudes.
Again, only if you knew. Rush is one cool, patriotic American. Perhaps tell everybody here on what it means to be a patriotic American then? I'm sure people are curious.

Why doesn't that view surprise me?:laugh2:
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