Obama-McCain Debate Part I

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With this menacing financial crisis looming over us all, I was real disappointed that neither candidate took a real stand on it. They just punted, both of them.

Right, and I wonder what Ralph Nader (or Ron Paul) would have said if they were allowed to join the debate. Instead, we got that old status quo.
Right, and I wonder what Ralph Nader (or Ron Paul) would have said if they were allowed to join the debate. Instead, we got that old status quo.

On second thought, maybe I shouldn't expect either of them, under the scruitny of 90 million viewers, to come up with what the bipartisan committee is currently trying to do but seemingly can't so far....
On second thought, maybe I shouldn't expect either of them, under the scruitny of 90 million viewers, to come up with what the bipartisan committee is currently trying to do but seemingly can't so far....

Screw us? A done deal! :)
Screw us? A done deal! :)

I don't they dare, Beo....the congressmen involved in hammering out something represent all interests in this thing so we shall see...by tonight, maybe. Then it has to be put to paper and a vote taken maybe tomorrow night or Monday...there are many who think it would best to have this all wrapped up by tomorrow before the Asian stock markets open.

Back on topic...as to who won this debate last night, you be the judge.Fox, National Review, etc think McCain won, at least in the last hour on foreign policy (Obama needs to learn about preconditions); MSN, etc think Obama won. Me? I think McCain won. Obama made a strategic error in deciding to be Mr. Nice Guy (aside from calling a fellow Senator in front of 100 million viewers by his first name about 20 times. tsk, tsk) and lost.

That's all I will say about that in this den of 8 out of 10 members being for Obama. :lol:
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It was rather disquieting to hear the war drums beating against Iran. McCain kept saying that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened to "wipe Israel off the map." No he didn't. Come on, there is the internet, just google it.

Well, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has kept saying it over again and again since he became President of Iran. At least one occasion he said that the holocaust did not cease.
I think that it is impossible for both of them to solve our American financial system because SEC started the troubles.

I disagree with McCain that his goal is to build 45 nuclear power plants in our country in 2030 (?). I cannot let this happen because our government sent the largest numbers of wasted radioactive tanks in Nevada's desert underground storage which started about eight years ago. I was told that the radioactive will be wearing out in one hundred years. The problem is that the government will need more nuclear waste storages somewhere in a couple of years. It might be in your town or your backyard underground without your knowledge. The government still has the right because of the domain eminent.

We could try to follow Picken's Plan (T. Boone) for a large windpower farm in the middle of U.S. I think that Obama is willing to do that for us. What's wrong with this idea?

My opinion is that Obama's speech is just all right, and he probably did not want to jump the conclusion. A new president's job is to task the list of things to do for our country. Bush Sr. and Clinton both did not make some promises to us in the past. I think this is why Obama didn't want to make a promise right away until he sees some projects to work together (Republicans and Democrats) so that he will make a promise. I really cannot say who is right or wrong.

Hey, someone broke a light bulb. Who is going to replace it? A new bulb is worth 700 billions dollars! :roll:
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Well, Liza, we are waiting in rapt anticipation or was Jillio's response the punch line?

Haha, I like her answer better! Actually for some reason that line popped in my head and it just seemed the thing to post it at the time. I was gonna think of a punchline if nobody was gonna answer. :lol:

Ultimately, I was gonna say:

What light bulb? They are too busy screwing us over!
Haha, I like her answer better! Actually for some reason that line popped in my head and it just seemed the thing to post it at the time. I was gonna think of a punchline if nobody was gonna answer. :lol:

Ultimately, I was gonna say:

What light bulb? They are too busy screwing us over!
:lol: Liza! I was thinking None. If the government would just leave it alone, it would screw itself in!
:lol: Liza! I was thinking None. If the government would just leave it alone, it would screw itself in!

Screw ourselves in? Or over?

I am still watching both parties. Even then what politician say.... will they to honer what they are saying?

I will vote for the lesser evil

To me it is a political race.

They both will say what we want to hear and they will both try their damnest to get our votes.

I will continue to watch the race but it will be bias without bashing the other parties.
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