Lehrer was great as a moderator. I fell asleep when they got to the focus group.... but I did catch some of them being disappointed that neither candidate really answered the questions on some things. They wanted more details. How, with the time restrictions, and they kind of wasted time defending themselves. However, Obama was better liked by the independents polled. It seems like Obama did well, and made the finishing line by the nose in my opinion. He was gracious while McCain was surly. McCain needed a clear victory and he didn't get that. Ha ha!
McCain was really condscending and kept bringing up his POW and experiences. He kept reminding everyone of how inexperienced Obama was. Obama was right on target when he made this excellent point that we cannot fund a war with what we don't have. Spending 10 billion dollars monthly on this war when we have serious domestic issues... ridiculous. If you want a paternalistic and single-minded sheriff that will spend more resources than we can afford to, then vote for McCain!
Ah, more debates to come... *popcorn*