Obama-McCain Debate Part I

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The reason why I don't support this whole ethanol fuel thing is because you mainly need corn for it and it has a highly inefficient process to extract ethanol fuel from it. Since you need a massive amount of corns to create ethanol fuel, this drives up food price for corns and this also caused furious uproars for Mexicans.
I don't support growing corn for fuel. I support growing corn for food.

Fuel is important but people need inexpensive, nutritious food more than fuel.
I wouldn't worry too much Reba. You didn't miss anything terribly significant from either side.

Glad you finally got some much needed sleep!
Lehrer was great as a moderator. I fell asleep when they got to the focus group.... but I did catch some of them being disappointed that neither candidate really answered the questions on some things. They wanted more details. How, with the time restrictions, and they kind of wasted time defending themselves. However, Obama was better liked by the independents polled. It seems like Obama did well, and made the finishing line by the nose in my opinion. He was gracious while McCain was surly. McCain needed a clear victory and he didn't get that. Ha ha!

McCain was really condscending and kept bringing up his POW and experiences. He kept reminding everyone of how inexperienced Obama was. Obama was right on target when he made this excellent point that we cannot fund a war with what we don't have. Spending 10 billion dollars monthly on this war when we have serious domestic issues... ridiculous. If you want a paternalistic and single-minded sheriff that will spend more resources than we can afford to, then vote for McCain!

Ah, more debates to come... *popcorn*
How was McCain condescending to Obama? At least McCain referred to him as "Senator Obama." Obama called McCain "John". How is that more "gracious"?
I'm embarrassed to say that I fell asleep about 9:40, so I missed the rest of the debate. :Oops: I've been sleeping from 12:30 - 4:30 a.m. all week, and it just caught up with me, pow! I'll try to catch the rest of the debate on "reruns".

Same here..I fell asleep about the same time. I had been sick with a bad chest cold all week but instead of resting, I worked all week.
How was McCain condescending to Obama? At least McCain referred to him as "Senator Obama." Obama called McCain "John". How is that more "gracious"?

McCain kept telling Obama that he didn't understand stuff. I take that to be very patronizing.

Perhaps Obama sees him as his equal, but McCain may have wanted to keep a formal distance. *shrug* Tomato, tomahto.

Obama fulfilled my definition of graciousness by agreeing with McCain on some points. He is a teamplayer and it was clear to me that McCain did not want to be one. I just happen to put a lot of value on team-playing.
What I thought was more interesting was what happend afterwards.

All news anchors interview the vice-presidents with Palin declining. It was announced that Giuliani would end up speaking on the behalf of the GOP and has been for major interviews and not Palin. :hmm:

The Vice President debate would be interesting.....
McCain kept telling Obama that he didn't understand stuff. I take that to be very patronizing.

Perhaps Obama sees him as his equal, but McCain may have wanted to keep a formal distance. *shrug* Tomato, tomahto.

Obama fulfilled my definition of graciousness by agreeing with McCain on some points. He is a teamplayer and it was clear to me that McCain did not want to be one. I just happen to put a lot of value on team-playing.

I heard that McCain is not the same McCain that people grew to admire and respect in past years. He has become a "yes" man.
It means an existing threat such as nuclear, biological or chemical weapons by a terrorist organization or military against your country.

That is hardly "existential".
What I thought was more interesting was what happend afterwards.

All news anchors interview the vice-presidents with Palin declining. It was announced that Giuliani would end up speaking on the behalf of the GOP and has been for major interviews and not Palin. :hmm:

The Vice President debate would be interesting.....

Wonder if she'll have a stand in for that one?
I heard that McCain is not the same McCain that people grew to admire and respect in past years. He has become a "yes" man.

I find him to be condescending and to be out of touch with his inane priorities. I do wish he could make points that make me really think. I'm not really opposed to ideas that can make a good difference in our society. I would vote for him if I knew he could serve our country well and be efficient as one of the global leaders. He encourages punishing other incooperative countries such as Iran through the negative reinforcement of isolation and perhaps more, but he forgets that we need the cooperation of other nations like China to make this efficient. I feel Obama has a better understanding of the bigger picture as far as politicians go.
How many politicians does it take to screw a light blub?
McCain kept telling Obama that he didn't understand stuff. I take that to be very patronizing.
Maybe Obama didn't understand.

Perhaps Obama sees him as his equal, but McCain may have wanted to keep a formal distance. *shrug* Tomato, tomahto.
Or maybe McCain was showing respect for Obama's position as Senator.

Obama fulfilled my definition of graciousness by agreeing with McCain on some points. He is a teamplayer and it was clear to me that McCain did not want to be one. I just happen to put a lot of value on team-playing.
While they're functioning as senators, team playing could be important. However, in the executive position of President, it will be leadership that will be most important. Every team needs a leader or else there is chaos.
It was rather disquieting to hear the war drums beating against Iran. McCain kept saying that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened to "wipe Israel off the map." No he didn't. Come on, there is the internet, just google it.
It is what John McCain emphasized the viewers who are voters, of Obama's lack of experience on foreign and energy policies. To be honest with you, it was annoying for me to see him do it over again and again.
Yeah me too. I felt both need to focus on their own instead of point finger to each others. IMO.
Maybe Obama didn't understand.

Or maybe McCain was showing respect for Obama's position as Senator.

While they're functioning as senators, team playing could be important. However, in the executive position of President, it will be leadership that will be most important. Every team needs a leader or else there is chaos.

I am glad we all have a role in deciding the type of leadership we will be getting from these candidates. I think it is important for a team to have the kind of leader that will work for the team, not the way around.

I can see your definition on respect. Once again, you are entitled to your own definition, and I mine.
With this menacing financial crisis looming over us all, I was real disappointed that neither candidate took a real stand on it. They just punted, both of them.
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