Obama burns!

I'm sure that you were the first in line to view this, eh Koko?

Burning people in effigy. Classy. :roll:
It's a statue, sallylou. And it is considered as art to do this. There's a meaning behind the reason for the burning according to the Chinese artist.

no way! a mythical man reborn from burning ash! so he is the phoenix! he will save us! :eek3:


Give Obama a chance. His public ratings may be going down, but they always have the potential to improve. You know the saying "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched..." :)
Stooping to artistic loonyism....desperation...I smell fear.
You lost the election......got three more years plus......or 7 years plus. See no reason to piss and moan for years. Live with it.
Yousound like you are still campaigning....krikey wait till the next round starts....they start way to early as it is. Campaign burnout. Boring.
Look, he'll start trying to chummying up the conservatives soon enough as next cycle approaches.

Give Obama a chance. His public ratings may be going down, but they always have the potential to improve. You know the saying "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched..." :)

No. Since everything he has done has gone against lower taxes, limited govt, capitalism, business and investing, a strong national defense and no sense of fiscal responsibility and accountability whatsoever.
No. Since everything he has done has gone against lower taxes, limited govt, capitalism, business and investing, a strong national defense and no sense of fiscal responsibility and accountability whatsoever.

why are you describing GWB? He's no longer the President of United States :lol:

Give Obama a chance. His public ratings may be going down, but they always have the potential to improve. You know the saying "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched..." :)

Well, people complain that they don't give a chance to Obama yet, no one gave a chance to Bush when he was a president.

I'm not surprise if you never give Bush a chance for the same reason...
It is China thing to do.

Kokonut, you have no idea about what you are talking so your comment is garbage.
Bush didn't run up a $1.4 trillion dollar deficit in 6 months flat in his first year in office which, incidentally, would be 4 to 5 times over Bush's own deficit after his first full year in office.
Well, people complain that they don't give a chance to Obama yet, no one gave a chance to Bush when he was a president.

I'm not surprise if you never give Bush a chance for the same reason...

People gave him a chance until he declared war on Iraq.

I don't remember any anti-Bush message until 2003...
People gave him a chance until he declared war on Iraq.

I don't remember any anti-Bush message until 2003...

No. He did not declare war on Iraq. Congress voted to go to war....both parties.

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