Anybody can establish a correlation as long as it's a sound, valid theory supported by statistic, data, etc.
So my correlation? more gun control laws lead to more crimes because our gun laws are so terribly confusing that it's preventing government from effectively prosecuting criminals swiftly and justly. because of this untimely delay, more criminals think they can get away with anything because the courts are full of people quibbling around over complicated laws therefore they continue to commit more violent crimes with illegal weapons. How can prosecutors and police officers do their job if courts are full of people quibbling around over complicated laws?
That's why NRA pushed for Project Exile. I remind you again - under Project Exile, it mandates a 5 year prison sentence without possibility of probation or parole for felons caught in possession of a firearm and mandates a 15 year prison sentence without possibility of probation or parole for felons caught in possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. This program was so effective in Virginia that crime rates dropped by a huge margin. This would deter criminal from robbing a store with a gun and this also means a criminal would use a bat instead and that's fine with me since many store owners have a shotgun hidden under their counter
A correlation established by Malcolm Gladwell stated that a swift justice and punishment can result in lesser crime rate. He was implying that if the death penalty was delivered swiftly and justly, it would serve a reasonably effective deterrent for violent criminals.
This is not a very complicated law. If you're a felon and you're found with a gun on your hand... very very simple - you go to jail. nothing complicated about it. So why this Project Exile is not adopted on federal level? I have no idea. My guess? more senseless quibbling at Congress and White House.
Another example - murdering a federal agent or police officer is an automatic death penalty. Many hardcore gangsters are armed to the teeth with powerful illegal weapons like automatic AK-47 or UZI and there's enough of them to take down even half of LAPD or wipe out entire SWAT teams and yet.... they don't mow down police officers often like in Mexico. there you go. that's a very strong correlation between swift justice and crime rate.
Correlation is not a PROOF. It's establishing a relationship between this and that based on years of variables and what works & what doesn't work. There are a strong correlation and a weak correlation. Brady Campaign came up with a very weak correlation which was why they kept losing for years but this time, they took advantage of Newton shooting and play on their fear. What a shameless thing to do. very shameless.