Not so relaxing camping :(

I only when camping by myself once with my Samoyed Husky in Northern California. Someone told me about a real neat hippie camp that had everything all set up. So I had a friend drop my dog and me off on a highway to hitchhike rides from Berkley to Northern California. My boyfriend wanted nothing to with and told me not to go. I got a ride from a guy that knew a shot cut to the hippie camp, you had to cut through a sheep farm! We decided to try the short cut and while we where walking through the farm my dog freaked out and got of her collar! I was worried she would get shot as I knew the farmers had a rights to kill any 'animal' that threat to their livestock. The next thing I knew it looked like
The Beverly hillbillies where coming after the guy and me! A trucked pulled up and 3 young guys jumped out the back and the dad came out of driver side with a rifle and pointed it at the guy and me and held us at gun point! My dog came back right then and rifleman aimed his rifle at my dog and I jump up in front of the gun ,He wanted to know who dog it was and I said mine. The cops finally came and wanted to know why we need not get off the farmer land when he was yelling at us. I told that cops I was HOH and never did not hear him. We where allowed to leave as long as we kept off the farmer land, he told us to watch out for his 'wild' dogs! When we got back to the guy's car all of his windows been broken ! When I finally got to the hippie camp I was told no dogs where allowed!! I brought no tent as I was counting on staying at hippie camp that had tents set up!! I had to camp with no tent that night and while looking for a camp site a park ranger wanted to see my ID, he thought I was a 'run away teenager', I told him I was 25 years but he did not believe, I an ID card to prove it. That night I woke when I heard my dog growling like never before! A mountain lion was in our camp site and my timid dog became a Rin Tin Tin and kept the mountain lion out of our camp site! And there was no fight. I decided it would be best to move to safer place and made the first spot that looked safe our new camp site. I woke up very early the next when I heard "moo moo moo. "I had slept in a cow pasture all night!! And there where cows everywhere mooing! LOL!! It was time to go home!
Wow! Your story sure takes the prize! :eek3:
Oh that's a shame that your freinds' tent got ruined and they cant afford another one. How about going to thrift stores and seeing if they can find one?
Let's just say they have a new tent coming their way in a few days. :)
I used to camp for so many years. I had a pop-up trailer. That did the job as far as keeping us dry, but sometimes it was NOT a fun weekend when it was nothing but rain, rain, rain. I remember one weekend when it rained so much that anyone in tents was just WET. The campsite next to ours was so soaked, they started up a fire the next morning and burned EVERYTHING. Including the tent. I think they were pissed. :lol: We sold the trailer years ago, but we are starting to talk about getting back into doing that again.

Sorry your camping weekend wasn't so hot, Reba. I could just envision everything you were saying !!
I think a pop-up trailer would be nice. We have a trailer hitch on the Jeep. Who knows? Maybe someday. :)
Sorry the weather wasn't too good, but that's the risk you take when going camping.

In Massachusetts tonight, we are expecting snow up to one foot in some areas. It's very unusual, but that is the risk of New England weather.

I'm sure the hamburgers tonight will be good.

It was not bad here in my city , we only got 2 inches of wet sloppy snow.
How much snow did you get? My power when out but I was sleeping and not sure how long it was out for. I had no TV when I woke up,but I could get on line. I Comcast for my TV and Verizon for internet. I will be happy when my city finally has Verizon for TV too!
Thank you.

Yes, it is a very nice location. We always put our tent very close to the water. We usually get lots of visits from the ducks and other water birds. :giggle:

Don't keep any food out with seagulls around and be careful eating around them! My granddaughter had some food in her hands and a seagull took it right out her hands! I am glad my granddaughter was not hurt!
At least your camping trip was not boring for sure!!
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Don't keep any food out with seagulls around and be careful eating around them! My granddaughter had some food in her hands and a seagull took it right out her hands! I am glad my granddaughter was hurt!
At least your camping trip was not boring for sure!!

Good on ya.
Sorry about the mishaps at your camping trip, but I cannot help but giggle because it sounds like you had an unforgettable experience, and you will be able to look back at it and laugh. :giggle:
Reba, sorry you had such a rough time. That lake looks like a big one.

Oh, and nice of you and TCS to replace that tent....
aww that is so bummer. my hub and I love camping.. still using the tent for years. Right next to the water is pretty cold. thank you for sharing the photos with us. :)
What's the sense in living in a subdivision where you have no real rights over your own property?

Actually it's pretty nice to have a subdivison protect the value of your property. Remember Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation? Do you want that parked next door?
This was a large group of bikers, all military veterans and active duty, from different parts of the country (I think mostly East Coast) who gathered to ride together. They all had Motto Guzzi motorcycles.

They stayed in the cabins and guest houses. :lol:


Those cabins look kind of smallish; do you need to sleep on bunks?

Sorry your trip was a bit rough. However, I have found that the bad trips offer some of the best memories.
What's the sense in living in a subdivision where you have no real rights over your own property?

22 years ago we lived in a subdivision in a nearby town without covenants. Anything goes. Broken down cars, boats, trailers in the front yards. There was even a rooster across the street.

Where we now live is an area that has some rules. It is nice to have a neater place. It is still not as restrictive as many other places. Also our HOA is made up of volunteers living in the subdivision.

I also reason that why spend thousands on an RV when it will just sit and cost money. Could not afford one now anyway. For people who would use a RV more, then it would make sense. All my camping equipment is in the shed without costing me rent.
Those cabins look kind of smallish; do you need to sleep on bunks?

Sorry your trip was a bit rough. However, I have found that the bad trips offer some of the best memories.

Those cabins are small. They have 2 single beds, electricity, A/C-heat, microwave. The showers/restrooms are right nearby.
22 years ago we lived in a subdivision in a nearby town without covenants. Anything goes. Broken down cars, boats, trailers in the front yards. There was even a rooster across the street.

Where we now live is an area that has some rules. It is nice to have a neater place. It is still not as restrictive as many other places. Also our HOA is made up of volunteers living in the subdivision.

I also reason that why spend thousands on an RV when it will just sit and cost money. Could not afford one now anyway. For people who would use a RV more, then it would make sense. All my camping equipment is in the shed without costing me rent.
I can understand not wanting to see your neighbors have cars on cement blocks filled with junk and trash all over the yard, but I have no problem with someone that keeps their property looking nice that happens to have an RV parked in a shed in their back yard. But at the same time I wouldnt enjoy living in a neighborhood with HOA covenants so restrictive as to what type of driveway you can have, where you park your vehicle, and in some cases I have heard even what type of fencing and how many and what kind of plants a house can have. Usually these neighborhoods are what I cal 'cookie cutter subdivisions' where every house literally looks the same as all the others.

As I said, I don't mind my neighbors house looking different from mine, but I don't want to see eyesores when I look out of my living room window. I think eyesores are usually managed by city code meaning your yard can't look like a jungle and your house needs to be in good repair and no junk in your yard such as an old car on cement blocks with junk in it. Old refrigerators and other appliances thrown out and numerous dogs tied up to trees all over the property with weeds taking over the fence that's also in bad need of repair.

I guess I go for the happy medium.
Sorry about the mishaps at your camping trip, but I cannot help but giggle because it sounds like you had an unforgettable experience, and you will be able to look back at it and laugh. :giggle:
Yes, we met with the other family today, and had some good laughs about it. They're doing fine, too. :lol:
I can understand not wanting to see your neighbors have cars on cement blocks filled with junk and trash all over the yard, but I have no problem with someone that keeps their property looking nice that happens to have an RV parked in a shed in their back yard. But at the same time I wouldnt enjoy living in a neighborhood with HOA covenants so restrictive as to what type of driveway you can have, where you park your vehicle, and in some cases I have heard even what type of fencing and how many and what kind of plants a house can have. Usually these neighborhoods are what I cal 'cookie cutter subdivisions' where every house literally looks the same as all the others.

As I said, I don't mind my neighbors house looking different from mine, but I don't want to see eyesores when I look out of my living room window. I think eyesores are usually managed by city code meaning your yard can't look like a jungle and your house needs to be in good repair and no junk in your yard such as an old car on cement blocks with junk in it. Old refrigerators and other appliances thrown out and numerous dogs tied up to trees all over the property with weeds taking over the fence that's also in bad need of repair.

I guess I go for the happy medium.

Exactly. That is why we moved into a "minimum" covenant neighborhood. We can still do our own landscaping, fly a flag in the yard, or park any brand or type of vehicle with two axles.
I think a pop-up trailer would be nice. We have a trailer hitch on the Jeep. Who knows? Maybe someday. :)

Get a used one, if you do. One negative about pop-up trailers is that they lose their value mighty darn quick. You can save thousands by getting a barely-used one. The guy I bought mine from used his twice in one summer and then sold it to me. He paid 5000, I paid 3000.
Sorry about your camping trip! Reminds me of my honeymoon where we were camping in the Black Hills, and during the night a heavy storm developed. Little rain, but gusty winds were practically blowing our little shock corded tent flat, but since I bought heavy wrought iron stakes from a friend who was a SCA blacksmith I knew I didn't have to worry about the tent pulling out of the ground. I recall sleeping most of the night with my arm holding up the roof of our tent off our sleeping bags so they wouldn't get soaked.

We woke up to clean crisp beautiful morning and found everyone else had left our area. Then the park ranger comes by as we're breaking camp and explains he was pretty interested to see how our little tent survived that 'tornado' that came through last night, and while I'm adjusting one of the iron wrought stakes, quips "I see you really put down some roots there, how long do you plan on staying?". :lol: