Well, Hubby (TCS) and I went camping with some friends yesterday (Friday afternoon). We were supposed to stay until late this afternoon. TCS told me yesterday, "Just take some time to relax; just sit around the fire, and relax."
Well, when we got to the campgrounds, there was a little drizzle and breeze. The temperature was dropping. We expected it to get cool that night but not too bad.
We got everything set up, cooked our hot dogs over the open fire, and visited with out friends. Not too bad except for the dampness and colder weather. Finally, I was just too cold and went to bed about 10:30. It wasn't too bad in our tent because TCS and I brought our electric blanket.
During the night, it got colder but we didn't realize how much because our blanket kept us warm. I did notice that the rain flap and tarp over our tent was flapping kind of hard.
I got up at 7 a.m., went to the wash house (bathroom), came back changed clothes, packed a few things. Then I went outside to start up the fire, which had died overnight. When the fire was going good, I went back to the wash house to freshen up. By the time I walked back, the wind had really picked up. Everyone else in our group us up by then. The tents were starting to bounce and sway. After a while, they started to collapse. The other two ladies and the two kids sat in their minivan. The two single guys put away their two small tents. TCS was starting to take down our screen-room tent that we use as a common kitchen area. It had already started to bend.
I started unloading our stuff from our tent because it looked like it was going to either collapse or blow into the lake. It started raining. It was really cold and windy.
We didn't realize that the other husband was still in his family's large tent. He's an injured vet with mobility and pain problems. By the time we found out, his tent was collapsing and tearing apart. We all went to help him unload his tent and help him out of it. (We ended up putting their tent in the dumpster at the campgrounds.

By 9 a.m., we were packed up and leaving. We told some other campers there that they could have the rest of our firewood. (We brought a load of wood in our utility trailer, and about half was left.)
It was even more upsetting for the other family because two of their guests were from upstate, and they had already paid to stay a second night. Not to mention, they have no more tent, and they can't afford a new one.
We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning our camping gear, drying it out, and putting it away. (Some is still drying.) We're going to invest in heavier duty tent stakes.
TCS and I will grill our hamburgers at home tonight. :|