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I'm so excited for you, Hear Again! You would make a great psychiatrist. I really mean that.

thanks, nika! <smile> as i've said before, i've had 2 wonderful pdocs in the past whom i've learned a great deal from.
what type of population would they like to work with? i'd like to work with people who have mental illness.

My sister works for the school district so she mainly works with kids I am thinking. As for her ex, I think he does it for money more than people.

i apologize for stepping on your thread. i was asked a question by another ad'er and wanted to be polite and answer it. hope you don't mind!
My sister works for the school district so she mainly works with kids I am thinking. As for her ex, I think he does it for money more than people.

that's great about your sister. too bad her ex isn't in it for the right reasons though. oh well!

i can't remember if i've asked you this before or not, but what are the names of some of your favorite books and authors?

i can't remember if i've asked you this before or not, but what are the names of some of your favorite books and authors?

It really depends on my mood, right now im reading Schuyler's monster by Robert Rummel-Hudson. It is really good, but here lately i havent been in the mood to do anything at all, so i am not very far. the next book i'm going to read is Deaf like me.