Name sign for President Obama (ASL and Subtitled)

Is this sign regional in Washington, D.C only or for the USA?
I am sure it is for the whole USA country, OB. But some of the deaf people have their owm sign regionally as in example - anne marie showed us a different sign but I like what Kirsti showed us - which shows a better inspiring sign for President Obama.
I don't really like that sign, definitely lame, and non-sense. We do not have name signs for Jackson, Nixon (not after what he lied, but during his presidency), Bush, Clinton (not after his cheating). I do not consider Obama as true American, so therefore I won't sign that.
I prefer to spell O B A M A .
A couple of things...What did Clinton's affair have to do with his ability to run the country? He was a good president. We as a nation are too darn worried about everyone's private lives. He doesn't get a sign name because he cheated on his wife?? I guess that trumps the fact that he allowed funding for programs which benefited so many Americans. Also, why is Obama not an American? Are you an American? Please elaborate on your post. Why isn't Obama an American. Why isn't he deserving of a sign name?
... He doesn't get a sign name because he cheated on his wife??
I don't think Clinton's adultery had anything to do with his not getting a sign name. He was President for several years prior to the Lewinsky scandal, so I don't think that had anything to do with a sign name.
Someone at my work already brought it up before I did...everyone seems to accept it and we taught it to the students.
I am sure it is for the whole USA country, OB. But some of the deaf people have their owm sign regionally as in example - anne marie showed us a different sign but I like what Kirsti showed us - which shows a better inspiring sign for President Obama.

Yes, I did see both signs for Obama. Today, someone gave me a regional sign which was completely different than these two signs shown. I was a directing my question to the American Deaf Community if
one sign is established to use.
Well, to the video -- it is relevant to the Obama Presidental Logo.
why not BAM sign? that's his news nickname.
Hoooow about "O-black" in ASL? I'm sick of the people saying the first black president all the is enough.
yes, that makes perfect sense. thanks for the description, karissa! by the way, i like that sign name! :D

! No problem at all!
There is a lot more to Obama than his race. That would be reducing his character to his race. Kind of like if you made a sign name for a Deaf person named Rachel R-initial DEAF, which would be reducing Rachel to her deafness.
That is very good proud of president Ombar really wonderful
No because you will be incorporating his skin color into his name sign. Not a good idea......
So why was there so much emphasis about "the first African -American President" prior to and during the inauguration? I thought that was a source of pride for the African-American community. At least that's what the TV and print news indicated.
Yes, that's true Reba. However that isn't all there is to him. It is a milestone in history given our country's past. After all, black slaves built the very house the Obama family is living in now. It is a symbolic moment that a person that would have at one point been considered 3/5 of a person is now in the highest position in the country. But there is still a lot more to Obama than his race--like his politics, for example.
Is this sign regional in Washington, D.C only or for the USA?

I'm not quite sure if that sign in the video is for regional use but I am pretty sure we will be seeing several signs for Obama within the next few years. Some may prefer one sign and some may prefer another sign. Eventually, it will come down to one sign that will be commonly used.

Just like we have had a sign for Clinton - There was several sign names for Clinton. So, I'm thinking, the same thing would apply for Obama.