Name one positive thing that GOD did?

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The ten guidances from God assumes that you believe in such a being.

You can have a parent do all that for you. You can have a lover do all that for you.
God healed me once when I was a baby and I had a hole in my heart and my mom prayed to Jesus Christ and God healed my heart. The doctor said that can't be. I Thank God Abba Father for healing my heart when I was a baby or I would not be here. :angel:
netrox said:
God gaveth nothing to you, Gemtun.

God did not give you health, your genes and lifestyle gave you health.

God did not give you your beautiful kids, you had sex.

God did not give you your life, your parents created you.

God did not give you faith, you developed faith.

God did not give you your future husband, you chose to keep him.

It's that simple. So sad that people credit too much to an imaginary deity.

Yes I second that.
No, it´s not God who choose to negative people´s life but the people THEMSELVES choose to go right or wrong path.
He created light.

He created souls that have bodies and a spiritual consciousness.
(how they choose to believe that is their free choice)!

He created fruits and vegetables and salt and water and animals and rocks.

He created the trees to help ground us from the electrical currents running through the grounds and air that man has created.

He created herbs and flowers for the animals and for us and the rocks.

He created Earth with a Spirit and it's guardian is Humanity!
(We're still learning that one, just because most people don't tell the gov't what they should be doing!)
Guys looks either way god or no god...its better to have something to believe on because if you have nothing to believe in, then how can you accomplish something? and plus you never know...there may be a god out there or maybe there isnt no god out there....the thing is that nobody knows so how can some one say something but saying it while you not 100% sure?? Think about that and let it sink in and think long before you form your opinion and also be sure that you are 100 percent sure!
I think its funny one little question, got such a great bite! lol :scatter:

i like to see someone actually prove he does exist....
but more then that i want someone to prove that he doesnt exist
sultan2979 said:
Guys looks either way god or no god...its better to have something to believe on because if you have nothing to believe in, then how can you accomplish something? and plus you never know...there may be a god out there or maybe there isnt no god out there....the thing is that nobody knows so how can some one say something but saying it while you not 100% sure?? Think about that and let it sink in and think long before you form your opinion and also be sure that you are 100 percent sure!

You're basically stating Pascal's Wager... if you're not sure what that is, Wikipedia has some good information about it.

You assume that "God" is good and if He really is good, then yes, your chances of getting what you want by believing in Him is a good bet. But what if there is no GOOD God? What if the God of the world DOESN'T reward "believe in a good God" thinking behavior? It's the same attitude of people who don't want their employees kissing their asses at work. God can have that attitude as well. Then you would be doing yourself a disservice by believing in a "good" God.

It doesn't matter what you postulate. Nobody can really know if God is "good." Therefore, your positive thinking doesn't matter in the end. "Believe in God anyway, what can you lose?" can still be a losing gamble.
Actually I believe Earth is a training school for us to be Gods ourselves, and for many of us, this may take eons.........

And I believe the one who created everything is called the Creator, and God is some spirit or such below him.

God has many labels, but Earth has the Web of Life, and we are all connected.
Dennis said:
You assume that "God" is good and if He really is good, then yes, your chances of getting what you want by believing in Him is a good bet. But what if there is no GOOD God? What if the God of the world DOESN'T reward "believe in a good God" thinking behavior? It's the same attitude of people who don't want their employees kissing their asses at work. God can have that attitude as well. Then you would be doing yourself a disservice by believing in a "good" God.

I'd say that God is both Good and Evil, both Merciful and Judgemental. If God were all Good and Merciful, the world would be oversaturated with sin and there would be no moral people. If God were overly Evil and Judgemental, intelligent life could not exist. Therefore, God cannot be Good nor Evil--Rather, God must be both.
God is holy, love, grace, mercy, and judge.

God is NOT evil. Satan is evil.
When you say, "Name one positive thing that God did"... it sounds like you don't think that God did anything positive and are asking us for proof. ;)
VamPyroX said:
Well, I'm not going to say anything since I haven't really seen proof that God did "this" or "that". ;)

Look out your window, honey. All kinds of "proof" right there, which is all that's required for "proof." Knock yourself out!
VamPyroX said:
Well, I'm not going to say anything since I haven't really seen proof that God did "this" or "that". ;)

If only the other atheists in this thread could've confined their replies to themselves, as you did, without having to bash others in the process!

As for me, I believe that one of God's greatest gifts to me was the gift of synesthesia. That my hearing has a visual component is a true blessing to me. That the anomalous interconnections between different parts of my brain were designed in such a way as to be helpful and not destructive or painful to me is a blessing, and even more so that it gives me beauty. There is great artistry in this gift that I have received, in the way each feature of it has been designed that I think of it not as an accident but something designed all the way down to the quantum level.
pek1 said:
Look out your window, honey. All kinds of "proof" right there, which is all that's required for "proof." Knock yourself out!
How is that proof? I never actually saw God do it. It's just simply scientific nature.
Teresh said:
And you claim to be a monotheist?
Satan is a created being, a fallen angel. Satan is not a "god".
Reba said:
Satan is a created being, a fallen angel. Satan is not a "god".

Correct ! Satan used to be God's musician before Satan was cast out of Heaven.
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