Name one positive thing that GOD did?

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Reba said:
Satan is a created being, a fallen angel. Satan is not a "god".

So God created evil?
Teresh said:
So God created evil?
No. When God created Satan/Lucifer, it was as an angel. Satan/Lucifer, thru his own pride and ambition, became evil.

God created angels to worship and serve Him. Satan/Lucifer abandoned that position, and desired to elevate himself.
Teresh, until you experience the intense spiritual warfare that I am going through ever since I initated serious prayers to be healed of deafness by God My Lord Jesus Christ and My Personal Savior then you will know that God is Real and satan is real but God alone has the victory if I am in obedience to God. Last winter satan actually tried to kill me. I have been attacked by several demons and this is something I never had before. I also have experienced God's Love and His Grace, God's Patience and Kindness. I still have some days and nights where I am doing something then all of a sudden the demonic spirits come and try to wrestle with my mind, body and soul. I have to resist the devil and pray to God, read Holy Scriptures and meditate, refelect on God and His Word. I never ever thought or asked to be put in this position and it is very intense, very real and that is something somebody has to go through in order to really know for sure God is Real so is satan real too. Everybody has their personal tribulations. I pray you will not have that as much as a hard time as I do once you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and God's Awesome Grace.
Reba said:
God created angels to worship and serve Him. Satan/Lucifer abandoned that position, and desired to elevate himself.

So then what's the issue here? If Satan is always weaker than God, why is Satan a problem?

Heath said:
Teresh, until you experience the intense spiritual warfare that I am going through ever since I initated serious prayers to be healed of deafness by God My Lord Jesus Christ and My Personal Savior then you will know that God is Real and satan is real but God alone has the victory if I am in obedience to God.

...yeah. Send me an email when that works out for you. Describe the first thing you ever hear to me.

Heath said:
I pray you will not have that as much as a hard time as I do once you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and God's Awesome Grace.

I'm not a Christian. That's not going to change because Christianity is fundamentally opposed to my moral code and my beliefs. Get that into your head.
He got me out of a marriage that wasn't safe for me and my children, and I finally found the man that I've been searching for all my life... :ily: @ RR!
Teresh said:
I'm not a Christian. That's not going to change because Christianity is fundamentally opposed to my moral code and my beliefs. Get that into your head.

Just one it Christianity itself, or the ways some people have chosen to act on it that turn you off? There's a distinction in my mind, which is why I ask.
Rose Immortal said:
Just one it Christianity itself, or the ways some people have chosen to act on it that turn you off? There's a distinction in my mind, which is why I ask.

Christianity. Christian dogma doesn't make any sense to me.
netrox said:
God gaveth nothing to you, Gemtun.

God did not give you health, your genes and lifestyle gave you health.

God did not give you your beautiful kids, you had sex.

God did not give you your life, your parents created you.

God did not give you faith, you developed faith.

God did not give you your future husband, you chose to keep him.

It's that simple. So sad that people credit too much to an imaginary deity.

Another devil in the works. Are you aware that the devil is persistent? Listen to your heart whisper. It's a light thing, but so many people do not take the time to listen. Have you felt those hunches in your heart pushing you to do something? That's your spirit talking. God is complex/mysterious, not logical. That's why your reasons above doesn't prove anything in the whole world.
Accusing him of being a devil is not going to help you any, ClearSky; if anything you're making his case for him. That's not the loving approach Christians are called to have.
I am not saying he is devil. I am saying that the devil works through anything even a person, so he is listening to him. We all have the choice to listen to the devil or the Lord.
Dear Freedummyring,

I’m not deaf, but I think I have ten things that would satisfy your question, “What has God done for you?” (I am studying ASL, which is how I found this site.)

You asked what serving God has done for me, and to name ten things that God has done. I don’t want to give you examples of things that may be thought to come from circumstance, personal decision, etc. Also, would you accept things that haven’t happened to me directly, but I played a part in it happening?

Things that happened to me directly:

1. My husband and I were both in the Army. He was given orders for Korea. So I volunteered to go, too. When we got to Korea, they sat us in a room and distributed duty assignments. My husband was assigned to the south; I was given duty in the North, about 5 hours away. We almost jumped out of our seats! “NO NO NO, WE’RE MARRIED!!! CAN’T YOU GIVE US DUTY AT LEAST WITHIN 50 MILES OF EACH OTHER?!?” we wanted to yell. But my husband sat there and asked God what He wanted us to do. God said not to do anything. So I bit my tongue and he held his. We were separated, and he went to his duty station and I was shipped to mine. I didn’t know how God was going to work this out, but I trusted Him—and my husband’s walk with Him.

I was in “reception” for a week, processing paperwork, etc. I had no idea where my husband was or how to contact him or if I would even be able to. Finally two soldiers from my new unit came to pick me up. As we were driving, the sergeant said to me, “Oh, by the way, there’s no room in the regular barracks, so you’re staying in this building on the other camp... oh, and you’re husband is the barracks NCO.” I almost jumped through the roof. To me that was amazing. We prayed and God made it happen. My husband lived one floor below me (no living together in Korea, even if you’re married.)

2. I know this may seem like a small thing. When I was at Ft. Sill, OK, I was overwhelmed by the duty there. I had a desire to be a housewife, and not a soldier anymore. My house was constantly a wreck. Many, many times I would pray that God would give me a break from my work schedule. I can’t tell you how many times, all of a sudden, we would be given a day off. Coincidence? Maybe, but it always happened right after I prayed about it.

3. Again, you might think this is a little thing, but I’m thankful God doesn’t leave us to fight the little things by ourselves. Not too long ago, my mother was very mad at me because I didn’t want to leave the work of God to do what she wanted me to do. I stood my ground and prayed that God would help me with it, especially since I really didn’t want to fight with my Mom. I love her, but I put God’s work first. Lo and behold, she called, all smiles, and said the situation had worked out a different way and she didn’t need me after all.

4. A situation arose that my husband and I felt wasn’t right. We decided to pray about it and keep quiet about it. At a Conference of all our churches, the very issue was taught about—not just in a broad generalization. It was dealt with specifically, right down to the location of the parties involved. We were amazed. We hadn’t told anyone, but God knew, and He knew how to correct it.

Things that didn’t happen to me directly, but I saw with my own eyes:

5. A woman came to our church and asked the pastor to pray for her because she found out she had cancer. The preacher told us her situation and asked us to stand and pray. The congregation of about 1100 people stood up, lifted their hands, and prayed to God to heal her. A week later, it was announced that she called and said the cancer was gone. I don’t know if she ever came back to church, though.

6. My sister-in-law, Kristy, is from California, but she and her husband (my husband’s brother) are living at Ft. Lewis, Washington. One night, while Kristy was very pregnant, someone knocked on her door. She was very surprised when she saw that it was her cousin from California. He told her he had been diagnosed HIV-positive. He didn’t know where else to go, so he got in his car and drove 800 miles because he knew Kristy had a relationship with God. He didn’t tell her he was coming. He didn’t even know how to get to her apartment. He just got in his car and drove. When he got to Tacoma, he asked people to help him until he found someone who took him to her apartment.

She immediately called my husband and me, and brought him to our place. My husband laid his hands on him and prayed for God to heal him. Of course, we were all praying. He went back to California. Some time later, Kristy called to tell us that he was no longer HIV-positive. His tests had come back normal. Yee-ha!

7. One of the guys from the church at Ft. Sill, OK, saw what he thought was a male soldier walking into the Chow Hall. He stopped the soldier to invite “him” to church. He was surprised to see it was a female, but she had shaved her head, and from the back looked like a guy. She accepted the invitation, and came to church not too long after that. She was going through a lot of mental evaluations. You know why she shaved her head? Because her sergeant told her that her hair was too long and was against regulations. So she took a plastic disposable razor and shaved it all off, just to spite him. Then she stood in formation smoking a cigarette, cursing at the sergeant. They desperately wanted her out of the Army. But she came to church and she dedicated her life to God.

A year later, she and I were driving to invite other people to church and she was in her right mind. She was so happy because a year earlier her mental evaluation was, “She will continue to deteriorate until she ceases to exist.” And she pounded the steering wheel and yelled, “AND I’M STILL HERE!”

8. A lady who was attending our church was in a very bad financial situation, and her vehicle had broken down, too. Well, she prayed that God would help her. At 3:00 a.m. she decided to check online for something. She was amazed to find that over $1000 had been deposited in her bank account because of a back-payment for something. She said, “Who deposits money at 3:00 in the morning?!?” How about the God that never sleeps?

Now, maybe God Himself didn’t cause the electronic signal to put money from one account to another. But I’m sure He moved the people involved to get it done.

9. A woman in our church had a serious problem with her feminine parts and needed to have surgery. She had been in super pain and was unable to even walk. She hadn’t been to church in about a week. She determined to go one night. One lady went to go get her and couldn’t get her into the car. So another lady went to her house and eventually got her to church. At the altar call, the pastor prayed for her (and the rest of us prayed, too). She started jumping up and down! She was so happy that the pain was gone. After service, I saw her vacuuming the nursery, just to be a blessing. God had healed her.

10. Two weeks ago a soldier in our church sprained his ankle while running. The doctor said if it had been any worse, it would have been broken. He was bandaged, had crutches, but still wanted to help my husband give people rides to church. So he came. He went to church service, too, and at the altar call the pastor prayed for him and laid his hands on his ankle. That same night, he was walking fine... and the next day, and the next day, and the next...

Things I've been told about:

-One woman in our church had something like six miscarriages by the time she was 19 years old. She was told she’d never have children. When she did get married, she tried to kill her husband, once with a knife, once by running him over with her car. (She was only about 20 years old.) Her husband started coming to our church. The people he worked with said, “She’ll never go to church with you. Don’t even bother.” Well, she kept seeing people from our church when she was shopping, working, etc. Finally she came. After she dedicated her life to God, she immediately stopped drinking, smoking (no withdrawal), and trying to kill her husband. Then she got pregnant and had a baby! Then she had another one, and then another one. So the woman who would never have children now has three. And she is the hardest working Christian I think I’ve ever seen. Her life story and watching her work for God has changed my life.

-A soldier who is a member of our church right now and is getting ready to deploy next week, was diagnosed with cancer. She had the pastor pray for her and now—three years later—she is still healthy and happy.

-A deaf woman and her mother began attending our church. The deaf woman decided she wanted God to make her hear. The pastor prayed for her, and she was able to hear. I don’t know these people, but I trust the person who told me about it, since he believes that if he tells a lie, he’s not right with God. (And so do I.)

So now I want to ask you a question: What has NOT serving God done for you? I’m not being sarcastic or mocking.

You may say, “You’re delusional. That was all coincidence.” You can think what you want. There are millions and millions of people who have had an experience with God who can tell you even more than I did. We can give you evidence that there is a God. Can you convince us that there isn’t?

I only gave a few examples of things that happened directly to me. I hope that the things I saw first-hand will suffice for your question, since seeing it increased my faith. Serving God is more than all this, too. It is an actual relationship with someone you can talk to, and He talks back! People think that’s weird, but it’s true. Even though you are Deaf, He will still talk to you, and it will be unmistakable. I didn’t need physical hearing to “hear” God. I can describe it to you all day long, but you’ll never understand it until you experience God speaking directly to you—and He doesn’t need your physical ears.

It’s obvious the Holy Ghost is calling you, because you’re fighting so hard. Just give in. It’s a much better life, to have a purpose for existing and knowing you don’t have to look over your shoulder all the time. You don’t have to worry about your wife giving you an STD or cheating on you (unless she’s not a Christian.) God said He’d give us 100 times more in this life than we ever had before, and I can attest to that.

God is loving, but can only do what a person will allow Him to do. If a person shoves God out of his life, can God protect him or influence him? He may, out of mercy, but He is not obligated to.

Ask Christ to make you a new person. He’ll do it. Then live for Him.

ClearSky said:
I am not saying he is devil. I am saying that the devil works through anything even a person, so he is listening to him. We all have the choice to listen to the devil or the Lord.

Exactly right!!!!!! The devil whispers to people's ears or minds. That's so awful!!

I beat the devils!!!!!!!!!!!!! The devils whispered in my ears/mind that being deafness is so horrible. That's why I struggled with my deafness. Now, I am very happy and BEAT the devils. Now, I am on God's side and God keeps blessing me and my family. Amazing!!

Yes, I agree with you that the devils whispered in Netrox's ears/mind. That's why he had so much on disagreements on God.
Hi Katefields-

FABULOUS!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us!!!!!! Welcome to AllDeaf, by the way! :)

I'm deaf and am 41 yrs old.

I can hear God's words very easily!!!!!! I did witness Jesus while I was sleeping in 7 years ago. It's a long story. I already shared with my dream experience in this section last October.

I had many amazing experiences like yours.

God is a huge part of my life and I always talk about God. I love God very, very much. Of course, I love my deaf husband very, very much and my two hearing kids, too!!!! :)

Thank you SO MUCH for posting here. God is very very happy that you can tell them about God.

God Bless You!!!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

katefields said:
Dear Freedummyring,

I’m not deaf, but I think I have ten things that would satisfy your question, “What has God done for you?” (I am studying ASL, which is how I found this site.)

You asked what serving God has done for me, and to name ten things that God has done. I don’t want to give you examples of things that may be thought to come from circumstance, personal decision, etc. Also, would you accept things that haven’t happened to me directly, but I played a part in it happening?

Things that happened to me directly:

1. My husband and I were both in the Army. He was given orders for Korea. So I volunteered to go, too. When we got to Korea, they sat us in a room and distributed duty assignments. My husband was assigned to the south; I was given duty in the North, about 5 hours away. We almost jumped out of our seats! “NO NO NO, WE’RE MARRIED!!! CAN’T YOU GIVE US DUTY AT LEAST WITHIN 50 MILES OF EACH OTHER?!?” we wanted to yell. But my husband sat there and asked God what He wanted us to do. God said not to do anything. So I bit my tongue and he held his. We were separated, and he went to his duty station and I was shipped to mine. I didn’t know how God was going to work this out, but I trusted Him—and my husband’s walk with Him.

I was in “reception” for a week, processing paperwork, etc. I had no idea where my husband was or how to contact him or if I would even be able to. Finally two soldiers from my new unit came to pick me up. As we were driving, the sergeant said to me, “Oh, by the way, there’s no room in the regular barracks, so you’re staying in this building on the other camp... oh, and you’re husband is the barracks NCO.” I almost jumped through the roof. To me that was amazing. We prayed and God made it happen. My husband lived one floor below me (no living together in Korea, even if you’re married.)

2. I know this may seem like a small thing. When I was at Ft. Sill, OK, I was overwhelmed by the duty there. I had a desire to be a housewife, and not a soldier anymore. My house was constantly a wreck. Many, many times I would pray that God would give me a break from my work schedule. I can’t tell you how many times, all of a sudden, we would be given a day off. Coincidence? Maybe, but it always happened right after I prayed about it.

3. Again, you might think this is a little thing, but I’m thankful God doesn’t leave us to fight the little things by ourselves. Not too long ago, my mother was very mad at me because I didn’t want to leave the work of God to do what she wanted me to do. I stood my ground and prayed that God would help me with it, especially since I really didn’t want to fight with my Mom. I love her, but I put God’s work first. Lo and behold, she called, all smiles, and said the situation had worked out a different way and she didn’t need me after all.

4. A situation arose that my husband and I felt wasn’t right. We decided to pray about it and keep quiet about it. At a Conference of all our churches, the very issue was taught about—not just in a broad generalization. It was dealt with specifically, right down to the location of the parties involved. We were amazed. We hadn’t told anyone, but God knew, and He knew how to correct it.

Things that didn’t happen to me directly, but I saw with my own eyes:

5. A woman came to our church and asked the pastor to pray for her because she found out she had cancer. The preacher told us her situation and asked us to stand and pray. The congregation of about 1100 people stood up, lifted their hands, and prayed to God to heal her. A week later, it was announced that she called and said the cancer was gone. I don’t know if she ever came back to church, though.

6. My sister-in-law, Kristy, is from California, but she and her husband (my husband’s brother) are living at Ft. Lewis, Washington. One night, while Kristy was very pregnant, someone knocked on her door. She was very surprised when she saw that it was her cousin from California. He told her he had been diagnosed HIV-positive. He didn’t know where else to go, so he got in his car and drove 800 miles because he knew Kristy had a relationship with God. He didn’t tell her he was coming. He didn’t even know how to get to her apartment. He just got in his car and drove. When he got to Tacoma, he asked people to help him until he found someone who took him to her apartment.

She immediately called my husband and me, and brought him to our place. My husband laid his hands on him and prayed for God to heal him. Of course, we were all praying. He went back to California. Some time later, Kristy called to tell us that he was no longer HIV-positive. His tests had come back normal. Yee-ha!

7. One of the guys from the church at Ft. Sill, OK, saw what he thought was a male soldier walking into the Chow Hall. He stopped the soldier to invite “him” to church. He was surprised to see it was a female, but she had shaved her head, and from the back looked like a guy. She accepted the invitation, and came to church not too long after that. She was going through a lot of mental evaluations. You know why she shaved her head? Because her sergeant told her that her hair was too long and was against regulations. So she took a plastic disposable razor and shaved it all off, just to spite him. Then she stood in formation smoking a cigarette, cursing at the sergeant. They desperately wanted her out of the Army. But she came to church and she dedicated her life to God.

A year later, she and I were driving to invite other people to church and she was in her right mind. She was so happy because a year earlier her mental evaluation was, “She will continue to deteriorate until she ceases to exist.” And she pounded the steering wheel and yelled, “AND I’M STILL HERE!”

8. A lady who was attending our church was in a very bad financial situation, and her vehicle had broken down, too. Well, she prayed that God would help her. At 3:00 a.m. she decided to check online for something. She was amazed to find that over $1000 had been deposited in her bank account because of a back-payment for something. She said, “Who deposits money at 3:00 in the morning?!?” How about the God that never sleeps?

Now, maybe God Himself didn’t cause the electronic signal to put money from one account to another. But I’m sure He moved the people involved to get it done.

9. A woman in our church had a serious problem with her feminine parts and needed to have surgery. She had been in super pain and was unable to even walk. She hadn’t been to church in about a week. She determined to go one night. One lady went to go get her and couldn’t get her into the car. So another lady went to her house and eventually got her to church. At the altar call, the pastor prayed for her (and the rest of us prayed, too). She started jumping up and down! She was so happy that the pain was gone. After service, I saw her vacuuming the nursery, just to be a blessing. God had healed her.

10. Two weeks ago a soldier in our church sprained his ankle while running. The doctor said if it had been any worse, it would have been broken. He was bandaged, had crutches, but still wanted to help my husband give people rides to church. So he came. He went to church service, too, and at the altar call the pastor prayed for him and laid his hands on his ankle. That same night, he was walking fine... and the next day, and the next day, and the next...

Things I've been told about:

-One woman in our church had something like six miscarriages by the time she was 19 years old. She was told she’d never have children. When she did get married, she tried to kill her husband, once with a knife, once by running him over with her car. (She was only about 20 years old.) Her husband started coming to our church. The people he worked with said, “She’ll never go to church with you. Don’t even bother.” Well, she kept seeing people from our church when she was shopping, working, etc. Finally she came. After she dedicated her life to God, she immediately stopped drinking, smoking (no withdrawal), and trying to kill her husband. Then she got pregnant and had a baby! Then she had another one, and then another one. So the woman who would never have children now has three. And she is the hardest working Christian I think I’ve ever seen. Her life story and watching her work for God has changed my life.

-A soldier who is a member of our church right now and is getting ready to deploy next week, was diagnosed with cancer. She had the pastor pray for her and now—three years later—she is still healthy and happy.

-A deaf woman and her mother began attending our church. The deaf woman decided she wanted God to make her hear. The pastor prayed for her, and she was able to hear. I don’t know these people, but I trust the person who told me about it, since he believes that if he tells a lie, he’s not right with God. (And so do I.)

So now I want to ask you a question: What has NOT serving God done for you? I’m not being sarcastic or mocking.

You may say, “You’re delusional. That was all coincidence.” You can think what you want. There are millions and millions of people who have had an experience with God who can tell you even more than I did. We can give you evidence that there is a God. Can you convince us that there isn’t?

I only gave a few examples of things that happened directly to me. I hope that the things I saw first-hand will suffice for your question, since seeing it increased my faith. Serving God is more than all this, too. It is an actual relationship with someone you can talk to, and He talks back! People think that’s weird, but it’s true. Even though you are Deaf, He will still talk to you, and it will be unmistakable. I didn’t need physical hearing to “hear” God. I can describe it to you all day long, but you’ll never understand it until you experience God speaking directly to you—and He doesn’t need your physical ears.

It’s obvious the Holy Ghost is calling you, because you’re fighting so hard. Just give in. It’s a much better life, to have a purpose for existing and knowing you don’t have to look over your shoulder all the time. You don’t have to worry about your wife giving you an STD or cheating on you (unless she’s not a Christian.) God said He’d give us 100 times more in this life than we ever had before, and I can attest to that.

God is loving, but can only do what a person will allow Him to do. If a person shoves God out of his life, can God protect him or influence him? He may, out of mercy, but He is not obligated to.

Ask Christ to make you a new person. He’ll do it. Then live for Him.

:gpost: You are very good BRAVE!! for Lord! Wonderful story here! AWEMSOME!!!

Jesus told me in my dream that God made me deaf so that way, I can hear Him to make others to realize that there is God.

For example, my sister just gave birth to her daughter in 2 months ago. Her daughter, Hadley had bleeding in her stool and the nurses put Hadley to ICU. My other sister called her daughter, Elizabeth to talk to me thru "im" on the computer in the early morning and told me what happened about Hadley's stools. My two sisters and Elizabeth know that I can hear God's words so they wanted me to pray to God for His answers. Then, I prayed to God "what caused Hadley to have bleeding in her stools?" God said that Hadley swallowed the poops and it caused flamed in her while Hadley was in my sister's stomach. My sister, Jennifer pushed the baby out and somehow somewhere in Jennifer's inside stomach got ripped and it got leaked from jennifer's stools into Hadley's mouth. It caused infected. Not to worry at all as God said.

After I heard God's words, I told Elizabeth on IM what God said. Then, Elizabeth called her mother, Sarah. Then, Sarah called my sister at the hospital and told Jennifer not to worry and told her what I heard from God. Jennifer was so relieved but she wasn't sure if I heard the right words from God. Then, in about 9 hours later, the doctor found the problem. The doctor told Jennifer EXACT the same as to what I heard from God. Jennifer was soooooo speechless and she didn't tell her doctor about my prayer to God and God's answers. Everyone in my family was in a huge shock that I heard God's words matched to what the doctor found the problem.

Now, Hadley is doing so great and so darling!!!! I prayed to God that I wanted God to give my sister to have two children. Jennifer is almost 45 years old. Jennifer and her husband are so blessed to have me in their life. If I never pray to God and never talk about God, my sister may not have to have kids. Her doctor told her that she can't have children. But with my prayer, God gave my sister and her husband two children!!! They got married in about 5 years ago. She also has a little boy - almost 2 yrs old.:)

Hi Katefields-

Maybe you might like to read my story. Look for my thread which is called,
"Is anyone who had this experienced seeing Jesus?"

Enjoy reading!:)
Teresh said:
So then what's the issue here? If Satan is always weaker than God, why is Satan a problem?
The problem is man is weak and is susceptible to Satan's lies and temptations.
Reba said:
The problem is man is weak and is susceptible to Satan's lies and temptations.

So Satan becomes more powerful if he has the obedience of men? If God is more powerful than all, does it matter, from God's perspective, if some men are wicked? He would be dissappointed, yes, but it would not phase him.
Teresh said:
So Satan becomes more powerful if he has the obedience of men? If God is more powerful than all, does it matter, from God's perspective, if some men are wicked? He would be dissappointed, yes, but it would not phase him.
No, Satan doesn't become more powerful. His influence can become more widespread if more people surrender to his temptations.

On the other hand, as the Holy Spirit indwells more Christian people, and they surrender to the leading of Him, the more widespread God's influence will become.

That is the battle on earth--Satan's spiritual influence in Man versus God's spiritual influence in Man.

Yes, that does faze God. He is more than "disappointed" by Man's sin. God's heart is broken when He sees lives destroyed by Satan. God's anger is kindled when He sees the filth that Satan spreads.
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