Name one positive thing that GOD did?

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LuciaDisturbed said:
Katefield, all the stuff you said are all BULLSHIT!
Can you prove that?
Reba said:
No, Satan doesn't become more powerful. His influence can become more widespread if more people surrender to his temptations.

On the other hand, as the Holy Spirit indwells more Christian people, and they surrender to the leading of Him, the more widespread God's influence will become.

That is the battle on earth--Satan's spiritual influence in Man versus God's spiritual influence in Man.

Yes, that does faze God. He is more than "disappointed" by Man's sin. God's heart is broken when He sees lives destroyed by Satan. God's anger is kindled when He sees the filth that Satan spreads.
That's is soo true. We are still in the wilderness, thru daily battle, we keep marching on toward across the Jordan River!
Reba said:
Satan is a created being, a fallen angel. Satan is not a "god".
God already kicked out and throw out Lucifer and 1/3 angels to earth from heaven. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan. Lucifer was perfect in beauty and wisdom. Lucifer shielded God's throne. The 1/3 angels become demons who joined to Satan. Lucifer wanted instead to God. God not accepted it but Lucifer forget that God created Lucifer first the place. Ezekiel 28:11-19 Isaiah 14: 12-14 Revelation 12:4 Colossians 1:16-17.
I thank God that He did answer several prayers of mine in years. I looked back about answering my prayers. I can't believe that many happened to my life. I hardly explain you how wonderful GOD is because my mind is limited.. GOD is too big mind than mine! God is good to me!

Kinda odd thread... For one God gave us free will to combat sins.

If God didn't truly care for us, then why do we have free will?

BTW all that crap of Satan becoming more powerful than God is utter crap.

I have several Biblical friends that always lecture on me about God and I just got used to it and began to spread the message.
Being saved and beliving in God pulled me out of a deep deppression.
FreedummyRing said:
People said God negative this and that...

Is there anything positive that GOD has done for us?

Name one.

If you want, name 10 things.

Our existance, beauty of nature, Jesus' death on cross to provide salvation that we wouldn't have to follow laws, our freedom to make choices in our lives, food to survive and what's more United States!!!
Momoftwo said:
Exactly right!!!!!! The devil whispers to people's ears or minds. That's so awful!!

I beat the devils!!!!!!!!!!!!! The devils whispered in my ears/mind that being deafness is so horrible. That's why I struggled with my deafness. Now, I am very happy and BEAT the devils. Now, I am on God's side and God keeps blessing me and my family. Amazing!!

Yes, I agree with you that the devils whispered in Netrox's ears/mind. That's why he had so much on disagreements on God.

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