My appt with ENT

or at 9 am :giggle:

You are welcome! :)

Hi all!

I just got home about 15 minutes ago. I am doing okay and still 'high'. LOL

I will post some more later since I am still 'high' from the medication. So I am gonna get off and get some rest and eat something. I haven't eat since last night! So hungry!

Talk to you guys later!
Yay glad to hear you are home and is doing ok despite the 'High" LOL.. hehe..

Can't wait to hear all of your details! meanwhile rest and take it easy! :)
Lake Tahoe,

It sounds like your recovery is going quite well! Good deal! :)

I don't want to come across as a "mother hen," but be sure to take your pain medication when you feel the slightest twinge of pain. Much better to keep the pain in check instead of suffering when you don't have to.

Take care!

Glad that you are at home resting. Good Luck with the rest of the Journey!
Remember Pain meds and shopping channels do not mix.
Yay and I know that you are high but you are doing very well! :hug: Congrats and I am proud of you!
Hi Leah, I am happy to hear that your CI surgery was very successful. :) :thumb:
Hi all!

I just got home about 15 minutes ago. I am doing okay and still 'high'. LOL

I will post some more later since I am still 'high' from the medication. So I am gonna get off and get some rest and eat something. I haven't eat since last night! So hungry!

Talk to you guys later!

Lake Tahoe:

That's great you're back home and resting!! :) I'm glad your surgery was successful and I am very happy for you!!
Hi all!

I just got home about 15 minutes ago. I am doing okay and still 'high'. LOL

I will post some more later since I am still 'high' from the medication. So I am gonna get off and get some rest and eat something. I haven't eat since last night! So hungry!

Talk to you guys later!

Glad to hear you are doing okay.

Take it easy and before you know will be an official 'borg. :D (Meaning when you get hooked up!)
Thanks everyone! So far I am doing okay...just took real easy and did not do much. :)

My hook up is on February 8th at 9 am. So I hardly wait! :giggle: Just in time before my son 6th birthday.
Lake, I don't know how I had missed this thread -- just jumping in pretty late in the game to congratulate you and hope you're continuing to rest up. It looks like you are the first one on here to have CI surgery in 2007! And a lot others are lining up for their surgeries with my grandson included next month!
Yea...I was hoping to get CI surgery in December but it was all booked so they set me up for January 3rd. :)

I am doing good so far. But keep resting! :)

Lake, I don't know how I had missed this thread -- just jumping in pretty late in the game to congratulate you and hope you're continuing to rest up. It looks like you are the first one on here to have CI surgery in 2007! And a lot others are lining up for their surgeries with my grandson included next month!
My Surgery

January 3rd, I had my Cochlear Implant surgery. It went well! I am doing okay but still sore. My throat was so sore from the darn tube! Now my throat gotten better and still taste funny. I noticed I got a little taste back but not too much. Damn medication I take, it make me so relaxed and 'high'. Of course it make me sleepy, too.

We got to the hospital as outpatient and checked in. We got there 5 minutes late. But at least we got there though! And nurse put me in the triage room, and put IV on me but it didn’t go thru all the way. But she let someone else do it for me. My surgery was delayed for like an hour and half. Finally the surgery started shortly after 2.Then the nurse moved me to pre-op room. Nice guy put little shot (so I won’t feel the pain when he put IV in me) and finally got in 3rd times! Few doctors etc asked me millions of questions. Before doctors wheeled me into operating room, DHB gave me kisses and hugs (of course I had teary eyes). Finally got into the operating room, I have to move onto the table. Then he put mask on my face to put me zzzz land. The surgery started. Of course I don’t remember anything! LOL!

And I woke up around 5:50 PM when I was in recovery room. I don’t remember who woke me up! I was so groggy from the surgery. I don’t remember much from the recovery to triage room before they send me home. I was soo sleepy and had hard time to wake up lol. Tyler got scared. Our new roommate explained to him that was from the surgery and he started understood. DHB gave me a big kiss! How sweet hee! My roommate gave me a great hug. She’s such a great friend. Anyway, after I finally trying wake up and all of sudden I threw up 4 times. UGH! The nurse ran and got me medication thru the IV to make it stop from being so nauseous. And finally the IV medication was all out, and removed my IV. I didn't feel the IV was removed. That was so fast! Then she sent me home around 9 pm. Tyler was soooooo restless and so tired. We got home, had late dinner then put him to bed. He was crabby on next morning! I told him go to bed early tonight which I did.

Tyler was so cute. When I was in bath to relax, he asked me if I can hear. I told him not yet. Not till next month. He said oh. Then he walked out of the bathroom to play or whatever I am not sure. Silly boy! I hardly wait to hear his cute voice! Hee!

My hook up date is on February 8th! I cannot wait and see what it is really like to hear the sound. :giggle: I’ll keep ya posted!
Glad the surgery went well and u are at home resting. :)
Lake Tahoe,

I'm glad your surgery went well! I just about teared up after reading about Tyler asking you if you could hear. Tyler sounds *so* adorable! :)

By the way, I had similar experiences as you in regards to the IV. When I was given an IV before my surgeries (1st and 2nd), the nurse had difficulty inserting the needle because of my small veins. It took several attempts before it was inserted properly.

After my second surgery, the nurse noticed some swelling on my wrist so the IV had to be removed. I also noticed some pain as well as a burning sensation, but that disappeared once the IV was removed and another needle reinserted.

Just a tip for all of you awaiting CI surgery...Be sure to ask if you can be given antinausea medication before your surgery. This is what I did because I have a weak stomach and *knew* I'd have major problems when I awoke in recovery. Fortunately, I only had mild nausea, neck pain and a headache the first time -- and a headache and dizziness the second time.

Lake Tahoe, I can't wait to read all about your activation! You'll have to tell us all about hearing Tyler's voice! :)
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Hear Again -- "Lake Tahoe, I can't wait to read all about your activation! You'll have to tell us all about hearing Tyler's voice!"

That made me smile! And yes you'll have to tell us about that! Well, rest well, girl -- you'll probably just :run: :hyper: in anticipation of the "turn on" day!