My appt with ENT

Another Update!

I got more update!

I went to Audiogolist recent Monday to pick out Cochlear Implant of my choice. So I choosen Freedom.

And I just got Email that I got approval for CI!!!! So I am so freaking excited! Now I am waiting for Email to set up the surgery date. I asked her what's the next available surgery. So I am gonna call cuz I cannot sit and wait! LOL!

Surgery Date

Dang! I was hoping to have the surgery in December but all booked! It will be on January 3rd to have CI surgery and not sure the time yet. I will find out on the 21st of December I guess. My pre-op is on December 21st at 1:15.


Be patient and before you know will be a 'borg like the rest of us. :D
Dang! I was hoping to have the surgery in December but all booked! It will be on January 3rd to have CI surgery and not sure the time yet. I will find out on the 21st of December I guess. My pre-op is on December 21st at 1:15.


Congratulations! You must be so excited! :) I can still remember how excited I was to learn about the approval of my CIs. I was literally bouncing off the walls. LOL!

Perhaps there will be a cancellation which will allow you to have an earlier surgery date. I've heard of that happening before. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones! If not, the holidays will make the time pass quickly. Before you know it, January will be here and you'll have your CI!
Yay!! You got your date :) That's about 6 weeks right? That will go in a flash especially when you are busy over Christmas and New Year. The waiting to be switched on will be hardest if you are anything like me.
Thanks guys! I hardly wait! :giggle: I am not thrilled about surgery but thrilled to get a implant! ROFL!
I will have an appt. with ENT on Tuesday, the 14th of November at 2:45. (all am appt. are booked :( ) I may have take my son out of school a bit early. Just never know it take forever in the office. After I see ENT then make an appt to see my Audiologists, hopefully not taking too long! And she and I can discuss about CI and which implant I wanted. And I hope to get the surgery date ASAP! I am going for Freedom. :thumb: Onec I get the surgery date, I may have someone stay with us/or to watch our son till I am home from surgery center. That's because my DHB work 2 jobs, with 1st job he can get time off but not with 2nd job. So wait and see when the surgery date will be.

I am a bit excited but nervous at same time. LOL!

How did you do it? Pm me please
Dang! I was hoping to have the surgery in December but all booked! It will be on January 3rd to have CI surgery and not sure the time yet. I will find out on the 21st of December I guess. My pre-op is on December 21st at 1:15.

I forgot to check your post.

You got it and good luck with your surgery.
Hey that is great that you got the ci approval.. but i know gotta wait for a while before you have the surgery.. but u know time will fly by so fast before you know it the holiday will be over then it will be your surgery. I wish you all the luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery and on mappings to come.... I am so happy for you! :) yayay! :h5:
Thanks! :)
Hey that is great that you got the ci approval.. but i know gotta wait for a while before you have the surgery.. but u know time will fly by so fast before you know it the holiday will be over then it will be your surgery. I wish you all the luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery and on mappings to come.... I am so happy for you! :) yayay! :h5:
Best wishes to you on your journey. Btw, what is the most you expect from the CI?

I don't expect anything. I let it flow and find out myself. I am hoping to hear my son's voice. My mom kept telling me that DHB's and my son's voice is so darn cute! Other than that I don't know. So I rather let it flow and pick up what I can hear. :)

Best wishes to you on your journey. Btw, what is the most you expect from the CI?

I don't expect anything. I let it flow and find out myself. I am hoping to hear my son's voice. My mom kept telling me that DHB's and my son's voice is so darn cute! Other than that I don't know. So I rather let it flow and pick up what I can hear. :)

Good to hear that, LT! This way, IF, IF, IF the CI doesn't do for you what you seek, you will be alright.