My appt with ENT


But I do wear HA on my right ear and none on my left (dead). So I should hear something fine. :)

Good to hear that, LT! This way, IF, IF, IF the CI doesn't do for you what you seek, you will be alright.

But I do wear HA on my right ear and none on my left (dead). So I should hear something fine. :)

OIC, LT; I was thinking along the lines of discernment vs "just hearing something".
Ummm I noticed the whipping is your favorite thing to do in sex??? :giggle:

Thanks for wishing the patience and good outcome! I hope it would come out really well!!

wishing you patience and good outcome :whip:

Not long now!!! Thinking of you :) Remember to take it easy and don't try and do too much.
Wow! There are several ADers with upcoming CI surgeries! :dance2: Best of luck to all of you!

Lake Tahoe, good luck with your surgery! Let us know how you are doing when you feel well enough to post. :)
Oh thanks everyone! I will have Felixkat post it for me if I don't really feel up to it. Or my DHB. Either one will do it for me.

Once again thanks!
Hi Laketahoe, I hope your CI surgery goes successful and God Bless :angel:
LakeTahoe, I will keep ya in my prayers and hope everything will come smooth for you. Good luck with everything! :hug:
Thanks guys! My surgery is at 12 45 pm. So I should be home around 5 to 7 I am not sure. It gonna be a long day! Dang I'll miss DOOL! But I can watch at 11 if I can stay awake :giggle: