Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner

Liebling:-))) said:
Cheri, I really don´t care what your Uncle & Aunt doing with their daughter because it´s not our business... As long as they are happy is fine with us as their daughter is good to them in return is also fine with us, too.

It´s important is they did not punish/humilate/abuse their daughter and it´s bad if a daughter is selfish and spoil brat and don´t care about their parents.

Each parents have different form of discipline how to expose their children is fine with us but form of abuse is a different story.

May I correct you? It´s not physical abuse but Emotional abuse.. :ily: I already add the link about emotional abuse. No it´s not just my belief but every websites in the world say the same... also SuperNanny, too..

liebling... cheri was only trying to tell u each parent treat and discipline their children differently and its not our place to scold them... (i hope i interpreted your post correctly cheri and if i was wrong please let us know) as long as its not abuse. that mother did not hurt her daughter physically or abuse her in anyway. and sometime humilating kids IS neccessary ... especially when the parent has tried everythign else and failed. your opinion of parenting is wayy different than that mother and probably from us too.. in fact im sure my parenting way is different than cheri but no one can complain as long as it doesnt cause any harm...

look at this way... you are thinking of present harm it might cause but not results that it might has... that daughter did learn a vaulable lesson and thats the important thing. Its not like the daughter learned how to fight simply cuz her mother or father hits her, or learn about sex cuz her mother was a whore, or stripper. those shows wayy more negative results. Also it seems you may have forgotten the whole purpose of this?... mother was doing it for HER OWN GOOD! that means she truly cares abotu her kid... not many parents are like that nowadays i see too many spoiled kids simply cuz parents gave up.
SpiceHD said:
liebling... cheri was only trying to tell u each parent treat and discipline their children differently and its not our place to scold them... (i hope i interpreted your post correctly cheri and if i was wrong please let us know) as long as its not abuse.

Huh? For your information, I CAN read and understand Cheri´s post. You do not need to correct my post for Cheri... If Cheri think different then she should tell me herself. Thank you.
Anyway, let me to correct you for her.

I already responsed Cheri´s post saying that "Each parents have different form of discipline how to expose their children is fine with us but form of abuse is a different story." That´s what I mean is different form of discipline is not belongs to form of abuse... Got it?

I convinced Cheri what she talked about her Uncle and Aunt with their daughter belong to form of discipline, not abuse/humiliate/punishment etc. I really don´t care what each parents have different form of discpline how to expose their children because it´s not our business. As long as they are happy is mainly important. Got it?

I´m allow to voice my opinion what I think about a mother and her daughter because a mother let the reporter to take a picture of her and her daughter and want everyone judge her daughter... I judge her daughter? No... I judge a mother. Why can´t I?

that mother did not hurt her daughter physically or abuse her in anyway. and sometime humilating kids IS neccessary ... especially when the parent has tried everythign else and failed. your opinion of parenting is wayy different than that mother and probably from us too.. in fact im sure my parenting way is different than cheri but no one can complain as long as it doesnt cause any harm...

It´s not just me but every websites, mother care magazines, SuperNanny, therapies, hearing American forums, etc. etc. etc. consider it as Emotional Abuse. Hearing American in diffrent forums and my American co-workers said the same things about Emotional abuse.

look at this way... you are thinking of present harm it might cause but not results that it might has... that daughter did learn a vaulable lesson and thats the important thing. Its not like the daughter learned how to fight simply cuz her mother or father hits her, or learn about sex cuz her mother was a whore, or stripper. those shows wayy more negative results. Also it seems you may have forgotten the whole purpose of this?... mother was doing it for HER OWN GOOD! that means she truly cares abotu her kid... not many parents are like that nowadays i see too many spoiled kids simply cuz parents gave up.

Huh? Never mind.....
In general humiliating somebody is considered emotional abuse.

Sometimes a little humiliation is good, like when someone is "too full of it" then a little humilitaion may only do good, but on the whole being humiliated may cause a person to grow too shy and unsure of him/herself, even vindictive.. depends on the severity and frequency of humilitaing incidents.

And I don't know what else the mother of this daughter has tried but like some of my acquaintances suggested, she could have send her to Salvation Army helping to serve food for homeless and make her fake- job searching, for example.

Maybe in this particular case what happened has only good outcome, but I certainly wouldn't want it to become a common practice..

Audiofuzzy said:
In general humiliating somebody is considered emotional abuse.

Sometimes a little humiliation is good, like when someone is "too full of it" then a little humilitaion may only do good, but on the whole being humiliated may cause a person to grow too shy and unsure of him/herself, even vindictive.. depends on the severity and frequency of humilitaing incidents.

And I don't know what else the mother of this daughter has tried but like some of my acquaintances suggested, she could have send her to Salvation Army helping to serve food for homeless and make her fake- job searching, for example.

Maybe in this particular case what happened has only good outcome, but I certainly wouldn't want it to become a common practice..



Public humilation is no good... it is suppose be privately, not public if a parent want to give their children "little" humilation.
No offense here but the more and more I read Liebling's posts it seems to me that she doesn't fully understand what others are saying.
Liebling, each person has a different view and opinion of how to raise her or his child. We cannot tell others on how to raise her or his child as long as there is no physical abuse. We understand that you feel what this mother did to her daughter was wrong and that is your opinion. Don't keep on preaching about it. The way you talk about Americans are not doing a good job with raising a child has turned me off. FYI, I, too, am not an American but I would not say negative stuff about Americans. There are individuals from each country who are also not a good parent, not only in America!
BlueButterfly said:
No offense here but the more and more I read Liebling's posts it seems to me that she doesn't fully understand what others are saying.
Liebling, each person has a different view and opinion of how to raise her or his child. We cannot tell others on how to raise her or his child as long as there is no physical abuse. We understand that you feel what this mother did to her daughter was wrong and that is your opinion. Don't keep on preaching about it. The way you talk about Americans are not doing a good job with raising a child has turned me off. FYI, I, too, am not an American but I would not say negative stuff about Americans. There are individuals from each country who are also not a good parent, not only in America!

Likewise here, BlueButterfly. Thanks for pointin' it out. :)
BlueButterfly said:
No offense here but the more and more I read Liebling's posts it seems to me that she doesn't fully understand what others are saying.
Liebling, each person has a different view and opinion of how to raise her or his child. We cannot tell others on how to raise her or his child as long as there is no physical abuse. We understand that you feel what this mother did to her daughter was wrong and that is your opinion. Don't keep on preaching about it. The way you talk about Americans are not doing a good job with raising a child has turned me off. FYI, I, too, am not an American but I would not say negative stuff about Americans. There are individuals from each country who are also not a good parent, not only in America!

Me not understand fully..? *shake the head* You said this yourself because you can´t read links, websites, etc.

Again, I never say physical abuse but EMOTIONAL ABUSE!!!!!!! Got it?

Again, I already said that EACH PARENT HAVE DIFFERENT FORM OF DISCIPLINE is fine with me, NOT ABUSE... Got it?

The way you talk about Americans are not doing a good job with raising a child has turned me off.

Huh? I never say ... All what I debate with members what we have different views. I don´t mind to have them to disagree with me because I´m open mind - I can´t see the sense why you are offence because I´m disagree with them then?

I wasn´t realized how sensitive you are... What´s debate for... We all need to open our mind... If you don´t like then don´t post here.

Look the example about CI issues, abortion issues, polities issues, etc... debate threads... I has the right to have opinion and against anyone who think it is not abuse... because they can´t read any websites...

I think this thread here is not right for me to share our opinion and debate with agree and disagree respectful and open mind...

I leave here and wish you all best of good luck in the future.
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Liebling:-))) said:
I think this forum here is not right for me to share our opinion and debate with agree and disagree respectful and open mind...

I leave here and wish you all best of good luck in the future.

No offense, Lieblin'. Feel free to do so. :hug:
CyberRed said:
No offense, Lieblin'. Feel free to do so. :hug:

I just edit to correct my mistake... it´s thread, not forum...

Anyway no offense... ...Just let you know that I´m fine :D

I have no problem to share with my friends over children issues because we are open mind and give tips each other... how do that etc because we help each other... but here? Never mind... :ily:
Liebling:-))) said:
... I ALWAY know I am a good mother. I don't care either you disagree with me or not because I know myself that I'm a good mother. :)
Every mother believes that about herself. :)
Liebling:-))) said:
:rofl: huh? Come on!!! This is a logical!!! I thought you also know it, too.
No, I don't know it, and you don't either. No place in the article said anything about the girl's friends bullying her. You just made that up.

Everyone knows that the children could be cruel and mock/bully other children... Do you really think the schoolmates comfort a girl and awwww :hug: a girl? Of course they mock her after saw a newspaper or street...
If anything, her friends would probably sympathize with her, and criticize her mom. Some kids might tease her but I don't know why they would "bully" her.

Either way, I wouldn't assume anything. You can't assume something happened that wasn't in the article.
This is what I was referring to:

Liebling:-))) said:

Corpation punishment etc are ban in Germany, (of course it´s not just Germany but Europe...)
That's too bad. I hope that never happens in America.

That means I hope that America doesn't follow Germany and Europe. I hope that we don't make corporal punishment illegal, and that we never trust the government to tell us how to raise our children.
Liebling said:
...The statistic shows that Child Poverty is 2nd place in the world is in America...
I checked your link at Do you actually research your links or do you just accept the surface information that is posted? If you actually studied that link, you would know that the "statistic" does NOT mean that America has the second most poor children in the world.

Check this because it also affect emotional maltreatment...
Sigh, yes, I'm already aware of what the pop psychologists say.

You and other members always said that Germany is not freedom country... Then you should see link yourself.

Freedom in the World, 2005
I never said that Germany wasn't a "free" country. I just said that the people of Germany are more dependent on government services. I know that Germany is a "free" country, thanks to the help of the United States.

Now you see yourself that harsh punishment/humiliation are the responsible to increase more and more volience, aggressive, rebelion, disrespectful etc.
No, I don't see that at all. There is no proof of cause and effect in those stats.

Government are suppose to take care of this and worry how to stop the volience, etc.... instead of spend money on war.
The federal government is responsible for the safety of ALL its people from attack by other countries and terrorist groups. Sometimes that requries WAR. None of our children are safe if we let the enemy attack us.
Liebling:-))) said:
... No it´s not just my belief but every websites in the world say the same... also SuperNanny, too..
Wow, you are busy! You actually checked "every websites in the world"? That's a lot of work.
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes corpal punishment is legal in Singapore but all what I saw there are manner and respectful people.
That proves that your theory about corporal punishment causing violent people is not valid.

... All what I saw Singaporean parents are respectful people and rasing their children very good... show their love on their children a lot... respest them... .
Because of or despite of the use of corporal punishment? Hmmm....???
The answer is so simple! Corporal punishment has been outlawed here in the United States, and they already outlaw simple hand spanking on butt in the United States. Teacher are NOT allowed to use physical discipline. They are only allowed to take the time away. That is all, is it workable? I don't think so because many kids, and adult don't mind having their time taken away because they wanted to do NOTHING! That is their advantage, so whats good is discipline? So that is the part of reason why United States have too many out of control kids and adults! The government, schools, and adults spared too much rods and spoil kids rotten. Enough of that! That is why I support this mother, PERIOD! Taking time away isn't workable!
Whats more, Corporal punishment was allowed in the Unitied States prior to 1972. Kids grew up before 1972 were very well behaved and we have high rate of High School graduates. But, after that it decline sharply and that kids became out of control and brat after 1972. So, that is why I see there is serious problem here. Government should quit control parents on how to discipline their kids, PERIOD!

Liebling:-))) said:
Yes, you are right... but one thing, I´m interesting is: I know Death penatly is legal in America as the same as Singapore as well... Why high crimes in America and very low crime in Singapore when they have same legal over Death Penatly? What difference about them? All what I saw Singaporean parents are respectful people and rasing their children very good... show their love on their children a lot... respest them...
That idea might encourage kids want to be part of these sloth society. Forcing them to work gives them more desire to be part of homeless because they think doing nothing is cool. So instead of having them serving the homeless, making them part of the homeless or whatever to give them clearer mind what it is like to be homeless, and stare at people who have better life and thinking whats best choices here. That is the point where this mother is trying to show.

Seriously, I have heard enough people who don't mind throw in the jail because of free room and board, what they got to lose? NOTHING. But, if they knew there WILL be mandatory hard work in jail, I am sure they will get their acts up! No wonder why we got out of control kids and adults!

Audiofuzzy said:
And I don't know what else the mother of this daughter has tried but like some of my acquaintances suggested, she could have send her to Salvation Army helping to serve food for homeless and make her fake- job searching, for example.

I know it may be off topic, but my point is if we go easy on disciplie they sure will fail. So here is another proof of my theory. I am not fan of death penalty and execution. However since the fact that execution became legal, the murder rates in the United States start to decline! Why they start to decline after the reinstatement of executions? This statistic seems to suggest that there are people out there who wants to do NOTHING for the rest of their life, but do NOT want to die. I hope someday, our government realizes and decidedly time to quit spare the rod and get serious about serious disciplines. I just wish that these prision don't have to just simply take the time away, instead making them work 15 hours a day, 364.25 days a year. Making them work 15 hours even on holidays! Of couse, the sentence will be alot shorter than we have right now. I believe this idea is workable and will turn the society of slothness around. If there is harsh and heavy working at prison, I can bet you that no one would even think about breaking the law!

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