Liebling:-))) said:Cheri, I really don´t care what your Uncle & Aunt doing with their daughter because it´s not our business... As long as they are happy is fine with us as their daughter is good to them in return is also fine with us, too.
It´s important is they did not punish/humilate/abuse their daughter and it´s bad if a daughter is selfish and spoil brat and don´t care about their parents.
Each parents have different form of discipline how to expose their children is fine with us but form of abuse is a different story.
May I correct you? It´s not physical abuse but Emotional abuse..I already add the link about emotional abuse. No it´s not just my belief but every websites in the world say the same... also SuperNanny, too..
liebling... cheri was only trying to tell u each parent treat and discipline their children differently and its not our place to scold them... (i hope i interpreted your post correctly cheri and if i was wrong please let us know) as long as its not abuse. that mother did not hurt her daughter physically or abuse her in anyway. and sometime humilating kids IS neccessary ... especially when the parent has tried everythign else and failed. your opinion of parenting is wayy different than that mother and probably from us too.. in fact im sure my parenting way is different than cheri but no one can complain as long as it doesnt cause any harm...
look at this way... you are thinking of present harm it might cause but not results that it might has... that daughter did learn a vaulable lesson and thats the important thing. Its not like the daughter learned how to fight simply cuz her mother or father hits her, or learn about sex cuz her mother was a whore, or stripper. those shows wayy more negative results. Also it seems you may have forgotten the whole purpose of this?... mother was doing it for HER OWN GOOD! that means she truly cares abotu her kid... not many parents are like that nowadays i see too many spoiled kids simply cuz parents gave up.