Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner

Reba said:
Wow, you are busy! You actually checked "every websites in the world"? That's a lot of work.

busy? and a lot of work? Huh? To me, No... because I´m interesting to focus anything... it´s me. :mrgreen: It´s not hard work or busy but simple to type in google to ask what you want then they give you anything what you ask for. :dunno: I collect anything because I´m interesting to focus what and how etc... :mrgreen:
Reba said:
Liebling:-))) said:
Because of or despite of the use of corporal punishment? Hmmm....???

No, it has nothing do with corporal punishment but form of parent´s discipline how to expose the children like this.

As long as the parents respect school´s rule then it will show children more respectful. No matter there are legal or illegal corpation punishment.

For your information, I know a lot about form of children´s behaviors - where it come from etc... Why/How... I only share with anyone here because I has an experience and know a lot.

A lot of parents including me went to parent conferences voluntarily BECAUSE we are interesting to know how and do because we want help our children which it´s important to us.

No, it has nothing do with Government´s control as what you claim but it´s OUR voluntarily because we want help our children. Nobody of us said "Don´t tell me how rasing our children" , "You don´t know my children but I do" "You don´t know my children" "Don´t preach us how to raise our children" etc. etc because we are open mind and see the sense how important tips they gives us... It´s our decision to try with their tips or try different tips... Of course we thank government to take care of children´s interest that´s why we have parent conferences... Government pays, it show how they care of children´s interest. Government worried about voliecne... they tried to do anything to prevent it.

Anyway, I thought it´s wonderful that Alex created a parent and children section because it´s great for us to share our tips, etc agree and disagree ......
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diehardbiker65 said:
The answer is so simple! Corporal punishment has been outlawed here in the United States, and they already outlaw simple hand spanking on butt in the United States. Teacher are NOT allowed to use physical discipline. They are only allowed to take the time away. That is all, is it workable? I don't think so because many kids, and adult don't mind having their time taken away because they wanted to do NOTHING! That is their advantage, so whats good is discipline? So that is the part of reason why United States have too many out of control kids and adults! The government, schools, and adults spared too much rods and spoil kids rotten. Enough of that! That is why I support this mother, PERIOD! Taking time away isn't workable!
Whats more, Corporal punishment was allowed in the Unitied States prior to 1972. Kids grew up before 1972 were very well behaved and we have high rate of High School graduates. But, after that it decline sharply and that kids became out of control and brat after 1972. So, that is why I see there is serious problem here. Government should quit control parents on how to discipline their kids, PERIOD!

I know that there´re some of corparal punishment legal in different states of America.

I can understand where you come from and know what you mean.

I remember when a lady from school authority come to give us information at parent conference in Kindergarten how to prepare our children´s first school that´s time Danny was 5 years old. She asked us to support teachers please and please let children know that the teachers are the boss instead of against teachers.. and please respect teachers´s form of discipline on their students because it will get children bad movation and do anything against teachers if the parents do something against teachers to support their "evil" children. She told us that story about the children in Berlin, Frankfurt and some of other cities how terrible behavior children have like what you described here because a lot of parents sue teachers after beleive their children without support teachers... It make children motiviate more and more and show teachers that they are "win", "blackmail" etc.. etc.. Teachers are helpless and do nothing... which it´s no good.

As long as the teachers act legal way is good. I told my children to respect their teachers, no matter what... I told them that I only support if teacher do something wrong... If my children have the problem with teachers then I take BOTH sides to listen then decide myself instead of support children against teacher...
See the example about Singaporeans who support school´s rules to expose their children as the same as we support school rules, no matter what... that´s about respect.

I beleive it has nothing do with legal and illegal corpation punishment but parent´s form of discipline.
Reba said:
No, I don't know it, and you don't either. No place in the article said anything about the girl's friends bullying her. You just made that up.

*shake the head*
Exactly! That may be what this mother is doing, showing them the difference between respecting teacher in school then her daughter will be more sucessful and not in this spot where the daughter is if she is to disrespect the teacher. So, again mother's point is to show the reality and consequence if she flunks school in big way. Plus, this might encourage her daughter to get out of wrong crowd of bad friends. If her friends bully, or harass them, then she is with WRONG people, period! Right crowd of friends won't bully, or harass her. I can bet if she's with right kids, then them right kids will respect her and know she's wrong person to mess with.
Also, you may not aware of this, we DO have gangster problem here! It is spreading now, all started from Los Angeles. Gangster problem isn't new at all, and been there for few decades. I can bet mother do NOT want her daughter to get trapped with gangster by joining them. Once join, it is HARD to get out!

Liebling:-))) said:
diehardbiker65 said:
The answer is so simple! Corporal punishment has been outlawed here in the United States, and they already outlaw simple hand spanking on butt in the United States. Teacher are NOT allowed to use physical discipline. They are only allowed to take the time away. That is all, is it workable? I don't think so because many kids, and adult don't mind having their time taken away because they wanted to do NOTHING! That is their advantage, so whats good is discipline? So that is the part of reason why United States have too many out of control kids and adults! The government, schools, and adults spared too much rods and spoil kids rotten. Enough of that! That is why I support this mother, PERIOD! Taking time away isn't workable!
Whats more, Corporal punishment was allowed in the Unitied States prior to 1972. Kids grew up before 1972 were very well behaved and we have high rate of High School graduates. But, after that it decline sharply and that kids became out of control and brat after 1972. So, that is why I see there is serious problem here. Government should quit control parents on how to discipline their kids, PERIOD!

I know that there´re some of corparal punishment legal in different states of America.

I can understand where you come from and know what you mean.

I remember when a lady from school authority come to give us information at parent conference in Kindergarten how to prepare our children´s first school that´s time Danny was 5 years old. She asked us to support teachers please and please let children know that the teachers are the boss instead of against teachers.. and please respect teachers´s form of discipline on their students because it will get children bad movation and do anything against teachers if the parents do something against teachers to support their "evil" children. She told us that story about the children in Berlin, Frankfurt and some of other cities how terrible behavior children have like what you described here because a lot of parents sue teachers after beleive their children without support teachers... It make children motiviate more and more and show teachers that they are "win", "blackmail" etc.. etc.. Teachers are helpless and do nothing... which it´s no good.

As long as the teachers act legal way is good. I told my children to respect their teachers, no matter what... I told them that I only support if teacher do something wrong... If my children have the problem with teachers then I take BOTH sides to listen then decide myself instead of support children against teacher...
See the example about Singaporeans who support school´s rules to expose their children as the same as we support school rules, no matter what... that´s about respect.

I beleive it has nothing do with legal and illegal corpation punishment but parent´s form of discipline.
Diehard sez: "Once join, it is HARD to get out!"

I agree with this; for many gangs, if not most, the central motto is, Blood in, blood out".
Yup, pretty much true. That is part reason why many of them end up in prisons or 6 foot under. Again prison is really a place where gangster member can meet once again and have fun, or for bloody revenge. That is why most prisons is unworkable! If they were to force to have hard labor for 15 hours a day, 364.25 days year then these gangster won't have time to have fun together and do their service, PERIOD.

Tousi said:
Diehard sez: "Once join, it is HARD to get out!"

I agree with this; for many gangs, if not most, the central motto is, Blood in, blood out".
diehardbiker65 said:
The answer is so simple! Corporal punishment has been outlawed here in the United States, and they already outlaw simple hand spanking on butt in the United States. Teacher are NOT allowed to use physical discipline. They are only allowed to take the time away. That is all, is it workable? I don't think so because many kids, and adult don't mind having their time taken away because they wanted to do NOTHING! That is their advantage, so whats good is discipline? So that is the part of reason why United States have too many out of control kids and adults! The government, schools, and adults spared too much rods and spoil kids rotten. Enough of that! That is why I support this mother, PERIOD! Taking time away isn't workable!
Whats more, Corporal punishment was allowed in the Unitied States prior to 1972. Kids grew up before 1972 were very well behaved and we have high rate of High School graduates. But, after that it decline sharply and that kids became out of control and brat after 1972. So, that is why I see there is serious problem here. Government should quit control parents on how to discipline their kids, PERIOD!

In some States of the USA, Corporal punishment is still allowed. It's not outlawed. When I was in junior high, They had corporal punishment which using a paddle, not by teachers But, by principals, and still using it today. ;)
:hug: Liebling....( Sorry, I had to do that because it seems too many are jumping on her just cause she sees it differently than most of us do )...
sorry liebling but you seem to be trying to convince us to agree with you instead of simply giving your opinion on it. i personally think theres nothing wrong with this. take easy there okay?

*jumps out of this thread*
This thread is keeping circle round and round again, as it is pointless to read it.
No offence taken please!!
SpiceHD said:
sorry liebling but you seem to be trying to convince us to agree with you instead of simply giving your opinion on it. i personally think theres nothing wrong with this. take easy there okay?

*jumps out of this thread*

Huh? Whatever you think is not my problem.

I see nothing wrong to have anyone to convince me to this because I'm open mind and good listener and need to see the sense. We need to collect our experiences and share our good tips etc because we are open mind to any issues. What's this forum for?

All information what I share to help the parent's decision is my problem, not your. It's up to every parents who agree or disagree... It's up to me who agree and disagree with them because I'm open mind and straightforward person.


instead of simply giving your opinion on it

For your information, I already have my opinion in my first response post here. (I would suggest you to go back to 1st page then you will understand ;)) It's people who took my post as quote to disagree or have different view to this that's how debate began - I don't mind to have them to debate with me to agree/disagree because I like to listen/collect their opinions why they disagree with me. I didn't complaint about this but you? Why you complaint for?
^Angel^ said:
:hug: Liebling....( Sorry, I had to do that because it seems too many are jumping on her just cause she sees it differently than most of us do )...

Thank you for concern, my sweetie :angel: :hug:

Yes, that's right we have different view - I can't see the sense why the people are so senstive because I see different as them.
Anyway, all what I gave my information here what I know and help every parent's decision. All what I done here is enough for now and leave every parent's decision.

I will be there for any parents who have the problem to cope with their children - I will be more than glad to help them. I also helped some of my friends, too. I don't want to bring this issue here again because it's repeat and repeat like circle... like what Tamara says is true... especially diehardbiker65 because his post is interesting - about the children and corpal punishment issue etc.
diehardbiker65 said:
Exactly! That may be what this mother is doing, showing them the difference between respecting teacher in school then her daughter will be more sucessful and not in this spot where the daughter is if she is to disrespect the teacher. So, again mother's point is to show the reality and consequence if she flunks school in big way.

Okay, this is your opinion. You know my opinion in my previous posts as well. :|

Plus, this might encourage her daughter to get out of wrong crowd of bad friends. If her friends bully, or harass them, then she is with WRONG people, period!

Yes, it's correct. Depend on kind of bullies what/how the children attend to.

The children join wrong crowd to make them feel good and want their attention how they "can" do etc because they didn't get attention enough from their parents.

I as parent would notice something wrong with my child's behavior and then get my child to talk and then talk to teacher straight way and then transfer my child to other school if teacher do nothing with those bully issues.

It was happened to my eldest son once as soon as he just join his first school. They bullied him about our deafness. Do I blame children? No, because they didn't know what deafness are. I went to principal to get him to give the teachers the information to spread out to school about deafness. Afterward they got information and be nice to my eldest son. My son smart them that he is proud to have us as their parent. Their friends are nice to us. It's a simple...

14 years old boy beat my son up at few years ago. We went to his mother to have a talk but all what I listen is she support him and swear at me. It's her choice to refuse to solve with us and then informed CPS and school right way. I learned from them that it's not a first time. Alot of people from my village reported landlord with complaint so landlord inform CPS and then rental right before he can ask her to leave. (Why mother must leave because of her bad behavior toward people and REFUSE to get the help and think her son is wonderful which it's no right.) I learned that the school where my sons attend throw him out after warned his mother 3 times and tried to solve with her dozen of times how to help her son with the permission from school authority. CPS found somewhere for her to live. Nobody knows where his mother lives and where his son live at secure home.

Right crowd of friends won't bully, or harass her. I can bet if she's with right kids, then them right kids will respect her and know she's wrong person to mess with.

Agree - and of course but including parent's positive love and attention that's how she join right crowd.

Also, you may not aware of this, we DO have gangster problem here! It is spreading now, all started from Los Angeles. Gangster problem isn't new at all, and been there for few decades. I can bet mother do NOT want her daughter to get trapped with gangster by joining them. Once join, it is HARD to get out!

gangster? :eek: I didn't know about this... It sound movie "The Principal" we saw few months ago. *goose pump movie*

We thought it's just invention movie until you brought this issue here... It's scary. I didn't forget about your recommend over "Lean on Me in"... I will buy it because I'm interesting...

But... I would send my children to private school or other better school if I know the school with bad reputation or move out to other state where it could be safe. It's parent's responsible for decide which school they send their children to - they should think twice before send them to there and control children's behavior before it's too late. All what I say it's parent's responsible to take care of their children.
It all depends on what parents can afford, do NOT accuse parents for not being responsible if they can't afford. Private school ain't cheap here! And the inner city residents often stuck with system that they don't have choices. I know my city isn't the only city, but believe it or not, here in city public school the average student graduate with regent high school diploma is around 22%!!! Suburbs in my area average of 83%. Just think about this, if a parent who happens to be high school drop out and can't find decent job. Stuck in inner city which have cheaper apartment rent, or generally accepts with bad credit, can't afford transportation of their own, and that the area school was so bad, what the heck can this parent do? Blaming on this parents for being irresponsible? :nono: I don't think so! Is it common? More than you realize in America! Maybe this mother is working on minimum wage, and barely makes the ends met. What choices do this mother have with her daughter if her daughter flunks the school? Just think about it.

Liebling:-))) said:
But... I would send my children to private school or other better school if I know the school with bad reputation or move out to other state where it could be safe. It's parent's responsible for decide which school they send their children to - they should think twice before send them to there and control children's behavior before it's too late. All what I say it's parent's responsible to take care of their children. [/COLOR]
diehardbiker65 said:
It all depends on what parents can afford, do NOT accuse parents for not being responsible if they can't afford.

That's not what I mean. I mean is private school OR "other better school" = other better public school. As far as I know there're homeschooling legal in your country... What about that? Like what I say it's parent's responsible. Please don't deny it because you know yourself as father who are responsible for your children - pick which the best for your children.

I think you misread my post... I say it's parent's responsblie what I mean is EVERY parent's responsible to decide which school or anything they want their children expose to. Got it? Yes, it's MY responsible as parent who expose our children to... Of course YOU, ME and EVERY Parents.

Private school ain't cheap here!

Correct... I can't afford either. I'm not rich but the children's future is matter to me.

And the inner city residents often stuck with system that they don't have choices. I know my city isn't the only city, but believe it or not, here in city public school the average student graduate with regent high school diploma is around 22%!!! Suburbs in my area average of 83%. Just think about this, if a parent who happens to be high school drop out and can't find decent job. Stuck in inner city which have cheaper apartment rent, or generally accepts with bad credit, can't afford transportation of their own, and that the area school was so bad, what the heck can this parent do? Blaming on this parents for being irresponsible? :nono: I don't think so! Is it common? More than you realize in America! Maybe this mother is working on minimum wage, and barely makes the ends met. What choices do this mother have with her daughter if her daughter flunks the school? Just think about it.

Yes I can understand. Example, I would not choose to live in Berlin or Frankfurt because it's my decision and responsible to expose my children's future.

Like what I say it's parent's responsible and decision whatever they choose to live. It has nothing do with "accussation" or "blaming" but all what I say is it's parent's responsible and decision to choose what they want to live and which school they want to put their children to. Yes, it's my decision to choose which school I want my children expose to is my responsible. Got it?

Liebling, it is goose bumps not goose pumps like you have written down in several of your posts.
BlueButterfly said:
Liebling, it is goose bumps not goose pumps like you have written down in several of your posts.

(pumping the goose).. *kapoof*... oops..

BlueButterfly said:
Liebling, it is goose bumps not goose pumps like you have written down in several of your posts.

:Oops: thank you for correct my spelling... I will remember goose bumps, not p :Oops:

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