mmmmhhh sex phone bill...

Reba said:
Usually a young boy's voice sounds like a girl's voice until about age 14-16 years. Then it starts to change; it becomes deeper like a man's. It usually doesn't happen overnight. It is a gradual process, and the boy's voice sometimes "cracks"--that means, sometimes the boy will be speaking with a deeper voice and it will suddenly get sharp and high again for a second. For some reason, pre-teen boys' voices often sound like their moms' voices. After they change, they begin to sound like their dads' voices. Sometimes when I phone a friend, if the son answers the phone (just says "hello") I think it is the mom.

Strange, because my daughter told me while spoken on the phone, some thought she's ME! :eek: :laugh2: She has to explain that she's "12 years old and I'm not a mom. I am speaking for my mother since she can't find her silly hearing aid." :Oops: It's a fact, I misplaced my hearing aid one time until I found it in the laundry basket. <sigh> Some even thought she's so matured because of her voice and the way she speaks. I cringe in fears sometimes. My son's voice still remains the same but cracks sometimes. :) He's 10 years old.
Reba said:

Don´t you know there´re children disco at school? I see nothing wrong as long as they did not serve them alochol or drugs.

There´re one small disco in next villiage where we live. There´re good reputation disco with no drugs etc. My children didn´t touch there because they are rather too young to go there... no yet.

I don´t mind to let my children go disco in next village after finish their education because we know disco has a good reputation. (I would say 16 to 17 years old but I make sure they should not drink alochol). The owner of resturant and disco is a friend of us because their children went same school as my children.

I would NEVER let my children go disco in any big cities... Thanks God, we live in village, countryside... and 3 miles to small town. Big city is in Nuermberg is 30 miles away from my area.
Audiofuzzy said:
That's what I try to explain Tamara that 12 years old is no longer little boy or girl since they have mature body because 12 years old could be become fathers or mothers. This is a scare when anyone consider 12 years as little boy or girl. I watch my son and accept the fact that he's a young adult.

Oh I got it now.
You mean 12 y old boy or girl may have fully mature body and explore it all the way, meaning they can have sex and become parents themselves and it's a mistake to think they are still 'little kids' still into trucks and Barbies thinking their genitals are for peepee only.

OK I got that, and I agree with it.
But what I tried to say is that 12 old boy or girl while sexually mature and their bodies mature, is still mentally a child incapable of being real adult.
12, 13, 16 even older is still kids having kids..


Yes, it´s exactly. It´s scare... That´s why I make sure that my children should not sex with anyone... because sex is not the fun for anyone.
BlueButterfly said:
Liebling, you wrote "If my underage children want to go disco, then I will make sure that they don't drink too much."

I will NOT ALLOW my underage children to drink AT ALL!!! Would you allow your underage children to drink a bottle of beer or a glass of wine???

I can understand where you come from.

As I know that 21 is legal in your country but here in Europe is different. Drink alocholc at age 18 is legal in Europe.

I drink alocholc when I was 16 years old but it doesn´t mean that I become alocholic because I know my limit. That´s same thing I teach my children to limit their alocholc. (not 12 to 15 years old) but from 16 years old after finish their education first.

One thing, I would like to ask you question about gun legal in your country. Would you own gun in your house? Would you teach your children about gun?

If yes, that´s exact same as what we do with our children and alocholic. We have plenty of wines and beer in basement. We drink glass of wine at weekends. My children never touch any alocholic in basement. ´

There´re common in Europe to drink beer or wine than in America.
Audiofuzzy said:
>>> If my underage children want to go disco, then I will make sure that they don't drink too much. ....<<<

whoaaaa, let's not get carried away here, Liebling.
I am all for tolerance and liberal but everything's it's limits.
If the disco is for 18 and over, younger children have no business to go there.
There is a reason for that.


Check my response post on Reba and Bluebutterfuly
Reba said:
In the United States the saying is, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." That means, even if someone is not aware of a law, if that person breaks the law, that person is still responsible for the consequences that result, such as punishment or fines.

Do you mean criminals? logical yes.

But it´s different with workplaces, doctors, etc. etc.

There´re every different rules at workplaces what we know they are allow or not. We sign work agreement contract with employer. I will get in trouble with my employer if I broke their rule (work agreement contract) because I know their rule before.

German law: You must get information to be preparation from Employers, Doctors, companies etc before do something... It´s their fault for not give you the information or forget to add agreement contract, rules, etc. before... Employers, Doctors, Dentist, lawyers, notary, etc are obligate to give their clients the information about cons/pros or about work rules, etc. etc. before they prepare.

A lady have an operation to remove womb without ovaly. After operation, she are shock that her ovaly are removed and do not accept it because the doctor never told her about ovaly risk before she sign agreement contract but womb. A lady sue doctor and won at court case and receive a lot of money. Everyone are ogliagate to give clients the information BEFORE they do something.
BlueButterfly said:
I think a hearing person can tell a difference with the voice between a young and an older child but I am not sure. We could ask someone who is hearing here in AD if they can tell us. Anyone care to come forward to tell us?

Yes, they can tell children´s voice on the phone.

I asked my son to do a favor for me to phone company with 0180 to order juice maker from TV comerical. My son is glad to do for me and phone but a lady asked him straight way after hear his voice. "How old are you?" Danny answered 12 years old. A lady said that she would not do because he is not 18 years old. Danny tried to tell her that I am deaf and need fax number but she hung. I thank my son to help me and then wrote a letter to company suggest them to add fax for deafies... no reply... :( it was happened last summer.)
Liebling:-))) said:
I can understand where you come from.

As I know that 21 is legal in your country but here in Europe is different. Drink alocholc at age 18 is legal in Europe.

I drink alocholc when I was 16 years old but it doesn´t mean that I become alocholic because I know my limit. That´s same thing I teach my children to limit their alocholc. (not 12 to 15 years old) but from 16 years old after finish their education first.

One thing, I would like to ask you question about gun legal in your country. Would you own gun in your house? Would you teach your children about gun?

If yes, that´s exact same as what we do with our children and alocholic. We have plenty of wines and beer in basement. We drink glass of wine at weekends. My children never touch any alocholic in basement. ´

There´re common in Europe to drink beer or wine than in America.

Ahhhh Liebling, let me try to explain.....the way you wrote about you will not let your underage children drink too much when they go to a disco sounded like you would let your underage children to drink one beer or a glass of wine as long they don't drink too much. Of course, where I am from, there are discos for teenagers but they do NOT serve alcoholic drinks in there.

About guns, I don't own a gun or keep one in my home and I will NEVER keep a gun in my home with my two very young children living with me. You stated "would you teach your children about gun?" Do you mean "would I teach them how to shoot a gun" OR "would I teach them not to touch a gun"?
Rose Immortal said:
WW--good thing you found the hearing aid before you put it in the washing machine!!!

Thanks. :D It's kinda funny but again, it's not funny if somethin' happen to it. :Oops: Yeah, it's a good thing I found it. Medical do not cover the damaged hearing aid if it continue to damage frequently. I had one damaged hearing aid and was warned to be careful. The last time it was damaged, my cousin's dog chewed it. :eek: Luckily, there wasn't a battery in there that time. I know that if he swallows it, he can end up in the hospital for an acid burn in his stomach. The battery was on the counter. Wheew! But sadly, he chewed it roughly well and unrepairable, I got another replacement. I haven't lose it or damage it for a long time now.
Update about meet Ken´s mother yesterday.

Everything goes smooth between me and Ken´s mother. That´s not what I thought about her in first place after received her angry call. :Oops:

My children & I went to Ken´s place at 7.50 pm and stay there until 10.30 pm.

Ken look more scared as he saw us... Alan went with him to Ken´s bedroom but Ken´s mother stopped them and go back to living room. I notice something not okay with Ken... and listen Ken´s mother...

Ken´s mother said that she has the reason to invite Alan to listen his side of story to compare with Ken´s how happened with phone call. I see no problem with that. Alan is scared of Ken´s mother. I told him to not be scare - I´m here with you and then told him to tell Ken´s mother what he had told us. Alan did. Ken said nothing... Ken´s mother look back to Ken and ask him is it true? Ken is too scared and ran back to his bedroom. It make Ken´s mother madder and follow Ken to his bedroom... We sat and was like Huh? Danny overheard and told me that Ken´s mother scream on him and call him liar, again liar... and said him to stay his bedroom... She came back to us and calm down herself.

Ken´s mother told us what Ken said to her that I allowed them use 0190 on my phone and that´s why Alan got him to use his phone instead of my phone to be fair. My children & I was like Huh? His mother carried to talk again and said that she was like :confused: after read my text that we block 0190 on my phone at years ago - how could Alan know then? That´s why she want to see Alan and Ken´s story herself. I understood. Alan is upset and angry and don´t like Ken said bad and liar about him and don´t want to be friend with Ken. I told Alan to not talk bad about Ken... it could be that Ken is scare...

Ken´s mother & I talked normal... I asked her is it first time? She said it´s not first time. She said that she accepted her responsible for her failure supersivon. I suggested her to check with lawyer because a lady is not suppose to giggle with my children because my children are not 18 years old. It´s illegal. Ken´s mother said it´s not worth to run to lawyer and make hassle over that $200. As long as it´s okay that a lady didn´t talk them about sex. She paid and forget it, that´s why she ground Ken for 3 months and ask me why I did not do that to Alan the same. I explained her the same what I told you all here. How do Alan know she allow Ken to use her phone during her absence? I told her that I thought they change their work schedule to watch Ken or what? She said yes, their employer agreed to have them to change their work schedule... Ken´s father took one week off to take care of his sick father in East Germany. She is alone and have to go work and need to save leave annual for visit to Grandparents on Xmas holiday... She never thought how happened with that phone calls. She said it´s not first time... She is upset why Ken disrespect her rule more and more. I told her in my opinion that punishment is not solve anything to teach Ken a lesson. She said "How?" I remind her about damage window at 2 years ago - that´s how I removed $12 from Alan´s month allowance. I would do the same if Alan disrespect my rule for touch my phone. Ken´s mother said "wow, that´s good suggestion, I never thought about this" She has to talk with her husband when he came home from his shift. We talked and talked about discipline children etc. etc. we drank glass of wine and laugh each other... and her anger is gone... and have Ken back to us... Ken´s mother have Ken to aplogoy Alan. They make up peace.... She said that she will talk to her husband about our suggestion/tips... I told her that I would not influence her decision how to discipline her son... She said, no no no... she appreciate it very much because she want to help Ken and reduce her stress.

I told her that we don´t mind to watch Ken if she go to work and her husband is away.

Thank God, everything goes okay between me and her... Ken´s mother did not made me to pay half of her sex phone bill becasue she know she is responsible. It prove me that she is a mature lady to understand what she doing wrong or right.
BlueButterfly said:
Ahhhh Liebling, let me try to explain.....the way you wrote about you will not let your underage children drink too much when they go to a disco sounded like you would let your underage children to drink one beer or a glass of wine as long they don't drink too much. Of course, where I am from, there are discos for teenagers but they do NOT serve alcoholic drinks in there.

I explained Rose Immortal in general way the example about parent´s responsible until children are 18 years old. "IF" underage children which I mean is they are not 18 years old yet because she said.

Rose Immortal
Right, but by that age a 16 year old should be responsible enough to be able to read a sign that says it's illegal to park in that spot, even if I don't expressly say so. Why should I have to tell my child everything? How does he or she learn to analyze a new situation and make a proper decision if I spoon-feed everything to him?

That´s what I mean is my responsible as parents to tell them to not drink too much or be careful when they go out... That what I made is in general way.

About guns, I don't own a gun or keep one in my home and I will NEVER keep a gun in my home with my two very young children living with me. You stated "would you teach your children about gun?" Do you mean "would I teach them how to shoot a gun" OR "would I teach them not to touch a gun"?

What I stated "would you teach your children about gun"? what I mean is everything in general way like "not touch", "not shoot" etc.

Most of Americans beleive to own guns in their houses in other thread where we debated. I just want to ask you because I know gun is legal in your country, that´s all.
All is well that ends well :)

It occured to me that perhaps Ken is already growing into one of those sex phone regulars.. ?

juts kidding just kidding :)

Liebling:-))) said:
Ken´s mother look back to Ken and ask him is it true? Ken is too scared and ran back to his bedroom. It make Ken´s mother madder and follow Ken to his bedroom... We sat and was like Huh? Danny overheard and told me that Ken´s mother scream on him and call him liar, again liar... and said him to stay his bedroom... She came back to us and calm down herself. .

That's the problem, Ken sees her anger and is scare to tell her the truth, Some parents are like that way and that's not how to handle the situation. What she needs to do was after she recoved on her phone bill of sex calls, the first thing she needs to do be by herself for a bit until she is all calm down, she could ask Ken what happen in a nice way, that's the only way children can come up to you and tell you the truth, only if parents promise they wouldn't get more upset after a child tells them the truth. Communication is very important on both parties, sit and listen, hear the child out and then take care of the punishment afterwards if needed. ;)

And it isn't the first time Ken did that, I can tell the way he was influencing Alan by calling them, I mean how would he know that the number he was going to dial was supposed to be funny? He could have done it before, and knowing that Ken's mother knew about it, and still let him stay home alone?
Liebling:-))) said:

What I stated "would you teach your children about gun"? what I mean is everything in general way like "not touch", "not shoot" etc.

Most of Americans beleive to own guns in their houses in other thread where we debated. I just want to ask you because I know gun is legal in your country, that´s all.

Hm...I'm not sure if I'll own one or not. But I think it would be a good comparison to use when speaking to a child because they understand that guns are powerful things that can kill under the right circumstances. Same thing for a car. What I would teach them is "have extreme respect for this and be very cautious." I am not against guns and I support the rights of those who have them with proper background checks and training, and who use them responsibly. It's similar to me with a car--one should have the proper checks when applying for a license, and also the proper training, and the car should be treated with respect because it is a powerful machine that can become deadly if handled improperly. So the lesson I would be teaching is "caution".
Well, if it was me after the meeting with Ken's Mother, I would offer to pay maybe 25% of that bill as a good neighbor gesture. Alan would learn something because, since this was not the first time, there's no way Alan didn't know that this activity was "not allowed", especially since there was no supervision at the house for a period of time....but that's just me.
Glad it ended well there for you Liebling.

I remmy it happened to my deaf cousin who phone bill was so high cuz of the physic calls that was made by her daughter and my stepdaughter. I told her to call the phone company and explained to them that they are underage and didnt get the permission from the parents. Also told her to block the 900 number so she did and the phone company said that she will not have to pay but if it happened again then she will pay for it. Since then nothing happened.

I know kids are doing it out of curious. We all do. Yea it is parents responsible to keep an eyes on them. I have done my share of responsible.
Liebling:-))) said:
Don´t you know there´re children disco at school?
I'm surprised that anyone is going to discos now. I thought discos died out about 20 years ago. Maybe that was just in America.

Anyway, you said exactly, "If my underage children want to go disco, then I will make sure that they don't drink too much...."

"Underage" means the children are not legally old enough to drink alcohol. If you allow your "underage" children to drink alcohol (even "not too much") it is illegal, against the law. So you were saying that you allow your children to break the law. That shocked me. I thought you always said you taught your children to obey the law, not break the law.

Big city is in Nuermberg is 30 miles away from my area.
America and Germany are so different. Thirty miles is not far. Most people in my area don't mind driving that far for work or the beach. I know many people who drive that far every day. :)

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