Update about meet Ken´s mother yesterday.
Everything goes smooth between me and Ken´s mother. That´s not what I thought about her in first place after received her angry call. :Oops:
My children & I went to Ken´s place at 7.50 pm and stay there until 10.30 pm.
Ken look more scared as he saw us... Alan went with him to Ken´s bedroom but Ken´s mother stopped them and go back to living room. I notice something not okay with Ken... and listen Ken´s mother...
Ken´s mother said that she has the reason to invite Alan to listen his side of story to compare with Ken´s how happened with phone call. I see no problem with that. Alan is scared of Ken´s mother. I told him to not be scare - I´m here with you and then told him to tell Ken´s mother what he had told us. Alan did. Ken said nothing... Ken´s mother look back to Ken and ask him is it true? Ken is too scared and ran back to his bedroom. It make Ken´s mother madder and follow Ken to his bedroom... We sat and was like Huh? Danny overheard and told me that Ken´s mother scream on him and call him liar, again liar... and said him to stay his bedroom... She came back to us and calm down herself.
Ken´s mother told us what Ken said to her that I allowed them use 0190 on my phone and that´s why Alan got him to use his phone instead of my phone to be fair. My children & I was like Huh? His mother carried to talk again and said that she was like

after read my text that we block 0190 on my phone at years ago - how could Alan know then? That´s why she want to see Alan and Ken´s story herself. I understood. Alan is upset and angry and don´t like Ken said bad and liar about him and don´t want to be friend with Ken. I told Alan to not talk bad about Ken... it could be that Ken is scare...
Ken´s mother & I talked normal... I asked her is it first time? She said it´s not first time. She said that she accepted her responsible for her failure supersivon. I suggested her to check with lawyer because a lady is not suppose to giggle with my children because my children are not 18 years old. It´s illegal. Ken´s mother said it´s not worth to run to lawyer and make hassle over that $200. As long as it´s okay that a lady didn´t talk them about sex. She paid and forget it, that´s why she ground Ken for 3 months and ask me why I did not do that to Alan the same. I explained her the same what I told you all here. How do Alan know she allow Ken to use her phone during her absence? I told her that I thought they change their work schedule to watch Ken or what? She said yes, their employer agreed to have them to change their work schedule... Ken´s father took one week off to take care of his sick father in East Germany. She is alone and have to go work and need to save leave annual for visit to Grandparents on Xmas holiday... She never thought how happened with that phone calls. She said it´s not first time... She is upset why Ken disrespect her rule more and more. I told her in my opinion that punishment is not solve anything to teach Ken a lesson. She said "How?" I remind her about damage window at 2 years ago - that´s how I removed $12 from Alan´s month allowance. I would do the same if Alan disrespect my rule for touch my phone. Ken´s mother said "wow, that´s good suggestion, I never thought about this" She has to talk with her husband when he came home from his shift. We talked and talked about discipline children etc. etc. we drank glass of wine and laugh each other... and her anger is gone... and have Ken back to us... Ken´s mother have Ken to aplogoy Alan. They make up peace.... She said that she will talk to her husband about our suggestion/tips... I told her that I would not influence her decision how to discipline her son... She said, no no no... she appreciate it very much because she want to help Ken and reduce her stress.
I told her that we don´t mind to watch Ken if she go to work and her husband is away.
Thank God, everything goes okay between me and her... Ken´s mother did not made me to pay half of her sex phone bill becasue she know she is responsible. It prove me that she is a mature lady to understand what she doing wrong or right.