Mexican Officials Point Rifles and threaten U.S. Border Agents

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Your the one claiming to read my mind ......

really? where? :mad2:

Let me help you, man. I will send you a device I made. Tin Foil does not prevent mind reading. It's for electronic surveillance device.
That video shows that the Border Patrol Agent did not lie about what happened. You do realize that don't you?

An attempted illegal border crossing ..... detainment of illegal resulted in the fleeing suspects throwing rocks at the Border Patrol Agent (an attack on a Federal Employee).

Don't want to get shot? Don't attack Federal Employees.

Don't want to get shot? Don't enter the U.S. illegally.

Care to elaborate on how wicked and the evil our Federal Agents are and how justified the kid was in attempting to enter the U.S. illegally as well as attack a Federal Employee in the process?

What about an explanation regarding the Mexican Officials entering U.S. territory, picking something up, then going back to the Mexican side of the river?
That video shows that the Border Patrol Agent did not lie about what happened. You do realize that don't you?

An attempted illegal border crossing ..... detainment of illegal resulted in the fleeing suspects throwing rocks at the Border Patrol Agent (an attack on a Federal Employee).

Don't want to get shot? Don't attack Federal Employees.

Don't want to get shot? Don't enter the U.S. illegally.

Care to elaborate on how wicked and the evil our Federal Agents are and how justified the kid was in attempting to enter the U.S. illegally as well as attack a Federal Employee in the process?

1. it does not give us rights to use deadly force unless you are met with deadly force
2. how do you explain the close-range fatal gunshot? Border Patrol agent claimed to shoot him from considerable distance because he was being pelted by rocks but the fatal gunshot wound is the same type seen in execution.

What about an explanation regarding the Mexican Officials entering U.S. territory, picking something up, then going back to the Mexican side of the river?
I'd like to see a video on that. got a link?
Wow. This thread certainly delved into stupid quickly. It certainly is reasonable to want to see the video to hash out what really happened. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what happened from the video Jiro put up. It's too spliced and it's too hard to figure out who is who.

I don't know what the rules of engagement for the border patrol are, but if they broke the law, they should be charged. If they acted within the law, Mexico should back off. Anyone disagree?
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 7 > § 111
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§ 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees
How Current is This?
(a) In General.— Whoever—
(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with any person designated in section 1114 of this title while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties; or
(2) forcibly assaults or intimidates any person who formerly served as a person designated in section 1114 on account of the performance of official duties during such person’s term of service,
shall, where the acts in violation of this section constitute only simple assault, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, and where such acts involve physical contact with the victim of that assault or the intent to commit another felony, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
(b) Enhanced Penalty.— Whoever, in the commission of any acts described in subsection (a), uses a deadly or dangerous weapon (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

So ......... a person who assaults a federal employee or officer while they are doing their duty can get life in prison (I am assuming 20 years is life in prison). And a federal employee who meets force with force is justified.
Wow. This thread certainly delved into stupid quickly. It certainly is reasonable to want to see the video to hash out what really happened. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what happened from the video Jiro put up. It's too spliced and it's too hard to figure out who is who.

I don't know what the rules of engagement for the border patrol are, but if they broke the law, they should be charged. If they acted within the law, Mexico should back off. Anyone disagree?

I saw a teenager get shot after he threw a rock at a Border Patrol Officer whom had someone detained.

That clearly showed an act of "assault" on a Federal Employee.
Wow. This thread certainly delved into stupid quickly. It certainly is reasonable to want to see the video to hash out what really happened. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what happened from the video Jiro put up. It's too spliced and it's too hard to figure out who is who.
I agree. the video was shoddy but if you reply it several times, you will see it.

CNN's description
The video shows part of the build-up before the incident, with several individuals running underneath the Puente Negro, a railroad span that connects the two countries.

In the distance, a U.S. border patrol officer on his bicycle can be seen making his way toward the area. Seconds later, the officer can be seen getting off his bicycle and approaching two of the four suspected Mexican nationals who had just crossed through an opening in the fence. One of the suspects is detained by the officer, but never handcuffed, and instead dragged a short distance. This happened on the U.S. side of the border.

Moments later, the officer points, what appears to be his firearm in the direction of a second suspect, standing about 60 feet away from the officer -- on the Mexican side of the border. The video shows the suspect running away.

Seconds later, two gunshots can be heard on the video. A third gunshot is heard in a different sequence of the tape. After the shooting, another suspect is seen running in the upper left hand side of screen away from the incident.

FBI Special Agent Andrea Simmons's version
This agent, who had the second subject detained on the ground, gave verbal commands to the remaining subjects to stop and retreat. However, the subjects surrounded the agent and continued to throw rocks at him. The agent then fired his service weapon several times, striking one subject who later died.


I don't know what the rules of engagement for the border patrol are, but if they broke the law, they should be charged. If they acted within the law, Mexico should back off. Anyone disagree?
yes I agree. Here's what the Border Patrol policy

Can Border Patrol Shoot Into Mexico? |
Border Patrol Policy


-Agents can shoot into Mexico
-Trained to use great discretion
-Rights to protect self and others

*currently looking for official source on that policy*
I saw a teenager get shot after he threw a rock at a Border Patrol Officer whom had someone detained.

That clearly showed an act of "assault" on a Federal Employee.
Let's shoot all those rock throwing punks! :shock:
So ......... a person who assaults a federal employee or officer while they are doing their duty can get life in prison (I am assuming 20 years is life in prison). And a federal employee who meets force with force is justified.

I saw a teenager get shot after he threw a rock at a Border Patrol Officer whom had someone detained.

That clearly showed an act of "assault" on a Federal Employee.

I'm glad you're not in LEO field or related. I would never do such thing even if I'm being pelted by rocks. I'm sorry but that's not justifiable enough for me to use deadly force.

Rock =/= Gun

The Border Patrol agent's judgment is erroneous. Why not let the boy run back to border? No need to arrest one especially since if he's going to be released back to Mexico after being processed. Nothing is gained from arresting this illegal. It's not worth killing a life for this. The Border Patrol agent came and scared them away. That should be good enough. He did his job by preventing them from illegally crossing into America but he went too far. way too far.
It really is that obvious that Liberals do not have superior intellect. Your right, pretending makes it more obvious.

so conservatives are more intelligent than liberals?
I'm glad you're not in LEO field or related. I would never do such thing even if I'm being pelted by rocks. I'm sorry but that's not justifiable enough for me to use deadly force.

Rock =/= Gun

The Border Patrol agent's judgment is erroneous. Why not let the boy run back to border? No need to arrest one especially since if he's going to be released back to Mexico after being processed. Nothing is gained from arresting this illegal. It's not worth killing a life for this. The Border Patrol agent came and scared them away. That should be good enough. He did his job by preventing them from illegally crossing into America but he went too far. way too far.

LEO's shoot for far less than pelting rocks.

Again, don't want to get shot? Don't attack a FEDERAL employee.

Are you implying that throwing rocks at Federal Employees is ok?
It really is that obvious that Liberals do not have superior intellect. Your right, pretending makes it more obvious.
Who is a Liberal? Not me. I am moderate. You dislike anyone that is different from you. So it goes.

BTW, since you keep playing the "I am smart" card, learn some basic spelling and grammar. I can imagine some of your Conservative friends are cringing at your posts.
I saw a teenager get shot after he threw a rock at a Border Patrol Officer whom had someone detained.

That clearly showed an act of "assault" on a Federal Employee.
True, throwing rocks at a federal official would be assault, but it doesn't follow that that means the federal official automatically has the right to open fire on the assaulter. Nowhere in the text you put up does it say how a federal official may respond. That would depend on what his rules of engagement are.

I agree. the video was shoddy but if you reply it several times, you will see it.
Part of the problem is because the video is so spliced and the range is limited, we don't know everything that happened. Some important stuff might have been cut out or other things might be happening outside the camera's view.
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