Huh? who said anything about being a member? Of course I know that you arent a member.
I believe that you were comparing me saying that those who are against the bill are "complaining" is akin to the KKK members saying that the Civil Rights Movement was just black people complaining.
Am I misunderstanding?
because it has happened to deaf people.
My point is that rather than working on fixing the bill they are throwing around words like "eugentics" and "Nazi Germany". Why? Why aren't they trying to work with lawmakers to fix the bill instead of using this kind of rhetoric?
deafies do fight it for years and years.
Yep so we're wary about bills like this. I don't think they were consulted in the past either.
This is what is SOOOOOOO frustrating to me....bills like WHAT? Bills that require professionals to give out unbiased information to parents of deaf children??????????? What is the problem with that?
And hearing people still keep resorting back to putting ENTs and audiologists as having all the power.
Why did they leave us out in the first place? It creates a distrust.
Unbiased...are u completely sure that the audiologists will give out unbiased info? Where are the Deaf stakeholders as a part of the consulting team?
1970 and 2010,
doctor and audiologist provides the same information is go to get HA or CI and focus on speech and withhelding the information about ASL.
Pardon my ignorance, but how is this bill going to change in a negative way anything that is not already occurring today?