Melting Pot--The Expanding Languages: Cultures and Barriers

Reba said:
The Pilgrims that landed in Massachusetts did not invade, massacre, or rape Native Americans. The Spaniards did that, and some later French and English settlers in other areas did that as they moved westward.

Ummm, just google "The first Thanksgiving" and you will find out that the Pilgrims did indeed poison all the Indians at that fabled feast.
Beowulf said:
Ummm, just google "The first Thanksgiving" and you will find out that the Pilgrims did indeed poison all the Indians at that fabled feast.
Do you have a specific link? I googled "The first Thanksgiving" and found many links, but none that mentioned poisoning Indians.

You are not pulling my drumstick are you?
Whoops, Reba, my error.
Google "Indians poisoned at first Thanksgiving."
I wish I was "pulling your drumstick," Reba, but I fear that the truth is rather unpleasant and it must be faced, if for no other reason than to KNOW the truth.
I will agree beforehand with your kneejerk response that nothing on the internet is absolute Truth, and that is another thread, perhaps. I gave you a means of getting links supporting the belief that Indians were butchered by the Pilgrims, and I daresay you will have a difficult time providing links rebutting it. Oh well.
Merry Christmas.
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Beowulf said:
Whoops, Reba, my error.
Google "Indians poisoned at first Thanksgiving."
Is this what you are talking about?
"in 1623, the British indulged in the first use of chemical warfare in the colonies when negotiating a treaty with the tribes near the Potomac River, headed by Chiskiack. The British offered a toast ‘symbolizing eternal friendship,’ whereupon the chief, his family, advisors, and two hundred followers dropped dead of poison."

If so, those weren't Pilgrims, and that wasn't the first Thanksgiving. Different time, different place, different people.
America is referred to as the new world, and of course, christopher columbus discovered the New World. The old world is europe and for almost 2,000 years Europe has controlled the world. Europe has dominated the world. And Rome has dominated Europe since 2000 years Rome or the Roman church. if we look at the back of the dallor bill, on the left-hand side, we see the magic circle. Within the magic circle is the pyramid, with the all-seeing-eye separated above top of the pyramid. Above the eye you have Annuit Coeptis which is Latin for "our enterprise is now a sucess" that is the new world order!

Consider the official Great Seal of the Unites States of America[5], which is most commonly seen on the back of the one the dollar bill[6] - probably the world's most familiar banknote. On the US Great Seal, beneath the ancient Pyramid, is the Latin inscription: "Novus Ordo Seclorum". The official translation of this motto is "A New Order of the Ages". The Latin word "Novus" means "New", and "Ordo" means "Order". The Latin word "Seclorum" and its English equivalent "Secular" both share the same three alternative definitions: (1) "Secular" - without religion; (2) "Worldly" - of this world; and (3) "From century to century" - or from age to age. Thus, the motto "Novus Ordo Seclorum" has three different but equally valid translations:

New Secular Order
New World Order
New Order of the Ages
I acknowledge this 48 nation-state of the Untied States with only one language speaking english for over 400 years I don't want this the Untied States which called melting pot. I refuse to accpet you people want this nation was suppose to calling melting pot go on lists what you desire to call. I ask you who did created 48 states in one nation and one language? who bulit the cities and who made farms? untied states did not mean that melting pot or diversy of nation. i know you reject nation had spoke of this history and record. I reject you too, this nation-state will tore into battlefield by your enemies around you on this soil.

The Spaniard people complaint their language suppose to be Spanish all over the USA place. Look at mexico or south america had one people and one language but in 400 year ago, where is the president, mightly army and one nation with spanish language before I and my people created this nation-48 state? Look Now today of events at mexcio or south america: Mexican Indian of people war against spanish people. they feeling that spaniard people gained to controlled minds of indian mexicans after spaniard people invaded land of mexico which killed kings, leaders, then took over land of mexico by The Spaniard rule and result: Spaniard men rape indian girls and women. Next here , I know you are coming up here to invade my country, take over my usa and goverment by wicked spaniards, will kill my people and rape teen girls and women like you did to land of mexico in past times. I always remember your history from past which repeat itself.
ckfarbes said:
I acknowledge this 48 nation-state of the Untied States ...I ask you who did created 48 states in one nation and one language? ... before I and my people created this nation-48 state? ...
I don't know which history books you read, but the United States of America has 50 states since 1959.
Reba said:
Is this what you are talking about?
"in 1623, the British indulged in the first use of chemical warfare in the colonies when negotiating a treaty with the tribes near the Potomac River, headed by Chiskiack. The British offered a toast ‘symbolizing eternal friendship,’ whereupon the chief, his family, advisors, and two hundred followers dropped dead of poison."

If so, those weren't Pilgrims, and that wasn't the first Thanksgiving. Different time, different place, different people.


Nope. Not that. Keep googling if you dare.
It is amusing that absolute "proof" is demanded of some arguments while folklore will suffice for others.
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In fact: This nation of the mixed to be identified "One Drop of Blood"


Schizophrenic Slip-up!!!

Consider the bogus logic here. No one says a drop of Native American blood makes you 'Indian.' Nor does anyone call the offspring of white-Asian marriages 'Asian.' Yet, as once wrote, your blood must be mighty powerful, since only one drop of it is all it takes to make you all Negrito.

the flood of Malaysian Negrito, Philippine Negrito, Southern India, Dravidians, India, Melanesians of the Pacific, Negritos of Japan and China, Negritos of the south Americas, Oceania, Australia and parts of the Middle East who immigrated this country in the same category as of the Negrito characteristics.. In the United States, the indigenous Negritos of population is about to lose its biological identity by mixed heritage. They are infected: "We all bleed red blood." "America is a nation of immigrants." "Race/Language doesn't matter." "We're all the same under the skin." "People are all the same." "There's no such thing as race or language." "Skin color or cultural language doesn't matter." "We're all humans." "Diversity is wonderful." result, all those “natives" of Aboriginal origin and Blacks have practice similarity in the US being classified “multiracial as absolutely Negritos.”

BLACK, BROWN, and YELLOW of foreign nations refugeed in this nation are classified it all “GOES BACK the same Negrito TYPE.” In other words, everything other living creature on Earth looks more like the differences category of chimps and gorillas.

Now you can put the puzzle pieces in the correct images for yourself. Do they all fit together???

remember they are "multiracial" still featured national Negritos by drop the blood make themselves negrito on their rest!.
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ckfarbes said:

Schizophrenic Slip-up!!!

Consider the bogus logic here. No one says a drop of Native American blood makes you 'Indian.' Nor does anyone call the offspring of white-Asian marriages 'Asian.' Yet, as once wrote, your blood must be mighty powerful, since only one drop of it is all it takes to make you all Negrito.

the flood of Malaysian Negrito, Philippine Negrito, Southern India, Dravidians, India, Melanesians of the Pacific, Negritos of Japan and China, Negritos of the south Americas, Oceania, Australia and parts of the Middle East who immigrated this country in the same category as of the Negrito characteristics.. In the United States, the indigenous Negritos of population is about to lose its biological identity by mixed heritage. They are infected: "We all bleed red blood." "America is a nation of immigrants." "Race/Language doesn't matter." "We're all the same under the skin." "People are all the same." "There's no such thing as race or language." "Skin color or cultural language doesn't matter." "We're all humans." "Diversity is wonderful." result, all those “natives" of Aboriginal origin and Blacks have practice similarity in the US being classified “multiracial as absolutely Negritos.”

BLACK, BROWN, and YELLOW of foreign nations refugeed in this nation are classified it all “GOES BACK the same Negrito TYPE.” In other words, everything other living creature on Earth looks more like the differences category of chimps and gorillas.

Now you can put the puzzle pieces in the correct images for yourself. Do they all fit together???

remember they are "multiracial" still featured national Negritos by drop the blood make themselves negrito on their rest!.

I'm multi racial (Cherokee and Caucasion..or cracker is some neighborhoods) but I'm not sure what you are getting at...I'm having a difficult time comprehending what you are trying to say (without making assumptions or reading between the lines).

In a society where communication is important, having the same language helps things run smoothly and quickly, doesn't matter if it's France, America, or Japan.
But to become annoyed with the effort put forth by your county to include people who speak a different language; or to be annoyed that people who speak another language want to be a part of your country but have serious difficulty speaking the language; or to deny the same quality of life you enjoy to others just because of language..... that just confuses me.

DreamSlayer, I think you have misunderstood what some of the people are upset about. I don't believe that its the use of other languages within our country. I have no problem a Hispanic chooses to speak Spanish to friends, family, neighbors, etc. The problem I have is when I go to a local fast food restaurant and cannot order food a certain way because the clerk cannot understand 'no pickle' because he cannot understand English. I live in Maryland, and the last time I checked was still within the 50 states (or is it 48 ;) )

I have no problems at all if people want to preserve their own culture from where they are from....In fact, I'm a believer that peoples cultures should be celebrated, no matter their race or origin. I just find it troubling that I have to learn a new language...a language from another country...just to do business in my hometown.

The way I look at it is the same it has been for many, many generations. Earlier I mentioned the language of my tribe. In order for somebody to be employed by the local goverment, they must have a grasp of the native language. I believe the same should be true here in the United States. If I go into a local business, the clerk should have a working grasp of English and be able to communicate in English. Let me ask you a question...What if you had to call 911 and the person on the other end did not speak English? Why should any other business be the same.

I tend to find the people that will not attempt to learn english somewhat lazy (sorry if I offend anyone). When I walk into my local Chinese restaurant, the owner and his family all speak English fluently. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand them, but they can communicate in English. When I go into our local Italian restaurant, the Italians all speak English to their customers even though they immigrated here not too long ago. They will speak Italian amongst themselves, but they understand English. For generations when people came to this country to make a better life for themselves, they learned to integrate into society. Why should now be any different?

Now, they want me to change my language so I can order food at my restaurant. They want to give them drivers licenses without them being legal aliens....I did a lot to get my drivers license when I was 16. It must be nice to go to the DMV, not even be a legal alien in this country, not speak English, and walk out with a drivers license. Our state requires all motorists to have auto insurance, but that concept escapes many of the aliens here. Get a license in another state, transfer it to Maryland, put keys in car and go. If you get pulled over or in an accident, give them one of the 4 names you use as aliases because you are not a legal alien. There is no way to track them down.

Think about this the next time your driving down the road and get into an accident. Could the other driver be an illegal alien who was given a license by the state. They don't really know who he is because he was an illegal alien given a license without a birth can't really know his/her identity. Then you find out they didn't have any insurance. That other driver gets off the hook and you get stuck with all the bills. You couldn't sue the other person because you really don't know who they are or where they are from. I find it a form of laziness...instead of doing it by the book the way its been done for generations, have everyone evolve around you.
Beowulf said:

Nope. Not that. Keep googling if you dare.
It is amusing that absolute "proof" is demanded of some arguments while folklore will suffice for others.
I really don't have time for this. If you have a link, just post it. If not, forget it.
Taylor said:
DreamSlayer, I think you have misunderstood what some of the people are upset about. I don't believe that its the use of other languages within our country. I have no problem a Hispanic chooses to speak Spanish to friends, family, neighbors, etc. The problem I have is when I go to a local fast food restaurant and cannot order food a certain way because the clerk cannot understand 'no pickle' because he cannot understand English. I live in Maryland, and the last time I checked was still within the 50 states (or is it 48 ;) )

I have no problems at all if people want to preserve their own culture from where they are from....In fact, I'm a believer that peoples cultures should be celebrated, no matter their race or origin. I just find it troubling that I have to learn a new language...a language from another country...just to do business in my hometown.

The way I look at it is the same it has been for many, many generations. Earlier I mentioned the language of my tribe. In order for somebody to be employed by the local goverment, they must have a grasp of the native language. I believe the same should be true here in the United States. If I go into a local business, the clerk should have a working grasp of English and be able to communicate in English. Let me ask you a question...What if you had to call 911 and the person on the other end did not speak English? Why should any other business be the same.

I tend to find the people that will not attempt to learn english somewhat lazy (sorry if I offend anyone). When I walk into my local Chinese restaurant, the owner and his family all speak English fluently. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand them, but they can communicate in English. When I go into our local Italian restaurant, the Italians all speak English to their customers even though they immigrated here not too long ago. They will speak Italian amongst themselves, but they understand English. For generations when people came to this country to make a better life for themselves, they learned to integrate into society. Why should now be any different?

Now, they want me to change my language so I can order food at my restaurant. They want to give them drivers licenses without them being legal aliens....I did a lot to get my drivers license when I was 16. It must be nice to go to the DMV, not even be a legal alien in this country, not speak English, and walk out with a drivers license. Our state requires all motorists to have auto insurance, but that concept escapes many of the aliens here. Get a license in another state, transfer it to Maryland, put keys in car and go. If you get pulled over or in an accident, give them one of the 4 names you use as aliases because you are not a legal alien. There is no way to track them down.

Think about this the next time your driving down the road and get into an accident. Could the other driver be an illegal alien who was given a license by the state. They don't really know who he is because he was an illegal alien given a license without a birth can't really know his/her identity. Then you find out they didn't have any insurance. That other driver gets off the hook and you get stuck with all the bills. You couldn't sue the other person because you really don't know who they are or where they are from. I find it a form of laziness...instead of doing it by the book the way its been done for generations, have everyone evolve around you.
Taylor said:
I'm multi racial (Cherokee and Caucasion..or cracker is some neighborhoods) but I'm not sure what you are getting at...I'm having a difficult time comprehending what you are trying to say (without making assumptions or reading between the lines).
Taylor, I am sorry that you have been diffcult time understanding me, due that your mind is barrier and corrupt what it is exact identity you since you are Mult-racial. My point is that once drop of 'Negrito indian' blood makes man: a Negrito, which is equivalent to saying that if a citizen has ninety-nine white ancestors and one Negrito indian ... 'drop' of 'Negrito' blood still count on you for your rest till death come!
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I am sorry but your statements don't have much veracity to them. You seem fixated on the concept of eugenics and "racial purity", like the Nazis.

If you don't even know how many states there are in the United States, how can we trust anything that you post?
Taylor, I am sorry that you have been diffcult time understanding me, due that your mind is barrier and corrupt what it is exact identity you since you are Mult-racial.

LOL...too funny. Its been awhile since someone has told me I was corrupt because I was bi-racial. LOL And we thought Steve went over the line.

I can assure you that the difficulty I'm having understanding you isn't from a corrupt blood-line with a drop of Negrito indian blood (lol)

Trying to read:
remember they are "multiracial" still featured national Negritos by drop the blood make themselves negrito on their rest!.
makes my head spin. Its the complete lack of any grammar that I can understand that is making it difficult for me to get your point.
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According to, "Negrito" means:

NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. Ne·gri·tos or Ne·gri·toes
A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia. Not in scientific use.
ETYMOLOGY: Spanish, diminutive of negro, Black person. See Negro.

Most of the Google references for the word relate it to pygmies.

I have no clue what ck is trying to say, other than it reminds me of Nazi "Nuremberg laws" of race. It all sounds too familiar to me. :(
Reba said:
If you don't even know how many states there are in the United States, how can we trust anything that you post?
Reba, I already gave you how many states in this one nation. seem that you did not pay attention what I count all states in one nation. you better be carefully read each posts in your own tread here till you find what I answered how many states what I have in this nation?

Taylor said:
Its the complete lack of any grammar that I can understand that is making it difficult for me to get your point.
Taylor, it is your problem, not mine.. you would not understand king james verizon, you would saying that KJV is not proprely grammar. exactly where is your big problem that you have diffcult time to understand me try to tell you.. Yawn... :roll: I ignore you in anyway... I just speaking my mind on this! since I know what reba talk about her topic here before I put my own post on this tread. anyway..
ckfarbes said:
Taylor, it is your problem, not mine.. you would not understand king james verizon, you would saying that KJV is not proprely grammar. exactly where is your big problem that you have diffcult time to understand me try to tell you.. Yawn... :roll: I ignore you in anyway... I just speaking my mind on this! since I know what reba talk about her topic here before I put my own post on this tread. anyway..

What I took from your post was that I'm some sort of a less of a person because I'm bi-racial. You are better than me for that reason alone. As mentioned, it seems there is some 'white power' to your posts. When I say that I don't quite understand what you are getting at (all grammar aside) are you white power or is that just the way it came across? Could it be that you are explaining that we all come from the same source, whether its black, white, asian, or indian so race makes no difference. If that is what you are saying, then I misunderstood what you were saying.

When I politely asked for some clarification:
I'm multi racial (Cherokee and Caucasion..or cracker is some neighborhoods) but I'm not sure what you are getting at...I'm having a difficult time comprehending what you are trying to say (without making assumptions or reading between the lines).

Instead of clarifying it, you go into a tirade about how my bi-racial mind is so weak and feeble that I was not capable of understanding what a pure-bred white blood like your self was saying. You therefore have insulted my intelligence, my race, and my culture because I asked you for some clarification into your white power statements.

I also have no problem understanding the KJV of the bible as far as grammar goes. The last time I checked, the first chapter of my KJV said:
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7: And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8: And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9: And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10: And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

It did NOT say:

1: In the God the heaven and created beginning the earth.
2: And without the earth was darkness upon the face form, and void; and was moved upon of the deep. void And the Spirit of God the face of the waters.
3: And God said, there be Let light: there was and light.
4: And saw the light, that it was God good: light and God from the divided the darkness.
5: And light Day, and God he called Night called the And and the were the first day morning the evening the darkness . .
6: And God said, Let firmament in the midst and let it there be a of the waters, divide the waters from the waters.
7: And made the waters which were firmament God divided the waters the firmament, and which were under from the above the firmament: and it was so.
8: And Heaven. And God called the morning were firmament the the the evening and second day.
9: And gathered together God said, the waters Let and let the dry land and it was under the heaven be unto one place, appear: so.
10: And land Earth of the waters; God called the dry called he Seas was good together : God saw that it and and the gathering.
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Taylor I think you may have not understood what she was saying. I took it as we all go back to the same origins and we are all mixed. Somebody isn't a pure race because 1000 years ago somebody had sex with another race in your family. Somebody is indian whether they are 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 and so on, they still have indian blood in them. I think this is what she meant.