McAuliffe gives Va. drivers 120 days to change Confederate flag license plates

Oh really, did you have to duck? Don't be afraid of me. LOL

I just speak my mind like the one who took the flag down from the statehouse. I am not even black but I support them all the wbut ay. The flag is a memory of 4 millions slaves in the South. That's a fact, isn't it?
What about the memory of the slaves in the north?
You are really clueless. Constitution and laws is not the same thing.

Yes, thanks for pointing it out. Human beings are human beings. In other words, people own the government so they can speak out. As a matter of fact, Supreme Court supports the Constitution all the way as they see fit. Know what? Laws are powerful, too regardless of the Constitutions.
What about the memory of the slaves in the north?
Fact? Do we have numbers? Did the Northerns hang them up like the Southerns did?

If you want to prove me wrong, please provide a link. If you do, then you screw me up.

Fact? Do we have numbers? Did the Northerns hang them up like the Southerns did?

If you want to prove me wrong, please provide a link. If you do, then you screw me up.

Numbers of what? The slaves in rhe north?
Are you asking if lynchings occured in the north?
I do respect ur opinion...and feel you respect mine....It's not imaginary to me...
Sure, you can practice whatever you want to believe. But this is a nation that is secular as our laws are supposed to be. There is zero reason I should have to adhere to the laws of any religion I am not a part of. This would be equivalent to the U.S. Government enacting some Shira (Islamic Law and requiring every person in this country to follow it) regardless of their beliefs.
You are really clueless. Constitution and laws is not the same thing.
Alright, remember that one old man defended his home by killing a man who ran away. The law showed that the homeowner violated it, even though the Constitution showed that he had a right to do so. He went to jail. Know what? The Constitution is very old. It's time to change it. Of course it will be changed. If you don't believe me, I don't care. The Constitutions were drawn up by WHITE MEN a long, long, long, long time ago. They had no idea what we have today. ZERO!
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Sure, you can practice whatever you want to believe. But this is a nation that is secular as our laws are supposed to be. There is zero reason I should have to adhere to the laws of any religion I am not a part of. This would be equivalent to the U.S. Government enacting some Shira (Islamic Law and requiring every person in this country to follow it) regardless of their beliefs.

Who or what is forcing any religious laws on you?
Its just words, a statement. do courts still use bible as to swear on? Or is juatvsome ever changing inyernet pull site now?
Im not christian by the way..
For what its worth..but i dont get all.worked up over a sentence under some oranges on a license plate eather..or on bills..
america believers in monothiesm, christianity...
as was the cinstitution.written by them..
It wasnt written or founded by rabid athiests, which are just as religious in their adherence to a no thing as those to a thing..
Who or what is forcing any religious laws on you?
Its just words, a statement. do courts still use bible as to swear on? Or is juatvsome ever changing inyernet pull site now?
Im not christian by the way..
For what its worth..but i dont get all.worked up over a sentence under some oranges on a license plate eather..or on bills..
america believers in monothiesm, christianity...
as was the cinstitution.written by them..
It wasnt written or founded by rabid athiests, which are just as religious in their adherence to a no thing as those to a thing..
I'm not going to argue with you.
But if it wasn't for religion the whole marriage equality would not have even been an issue. Traditional.marriage is totally.based on religion and thus the religious right in America have a constant agenda to oppress non believers and force their biblical laws on all Americans through man's laws.
By the way, this is traditional marriage according to the Bible

And here is a Confederate Flag too.
Numbers of what? The slaves in rhe north?
Are you asking if lynchings occured in the north?
Yes, if you can provide the fact.

As for lynching in the North, I never heard about it unless they committed a crime.
Oh really, did you have to duck? Don't be afraid of me. LOL

I just speak my mind like the one who took the flag down from the statehouse. I am not even black but I support them all the way. The flag is a memory of 4 millions slaves in the South. That's a fact, isn't it?

I was joking about you being from NJ. Being on the other side of the river, we don't think to well of NJers. :)
Pardon me, is it legal for Neo-Nazi supporters who are mostly skinheads to fly the Nazi flag in public?

I haven't seen one flying in the USA. Have you? If no, why the hell can't they fly it? The public doesn't allow it.
They can fly it but it's not smart to do if they want to get along with their neighbors.

In other words, people speak out. If there are more votes against this flag, there's nothing you can do except obeying a new law.
There is no general "vote" for or against the Confederate flag. The only vote in SC is by the state legislature to remove it from it's present location. That's it, period.

My deaf black ex co-worker told me that many black people won't forget about slavery in the South. When they see this flag, they look at it as the South still doesn't respect their freedom.
That's many but not all.
As an Atheist, I would love to see it removed from all government use. Including out currency. I don't trust in imaginary fairytale friends and in an American citizen.

I'm not putting that up because of atheisim reasons. Im saying it should be removed because of separation between church and state
I'm not going to argue with you.
But if it wasn't for religion the whole marriage equality would not have even been an issue. Traditional.marriage is totally.based on religion and thus the religious right in America have a constant agenda to oppress non believers and force their biblical laws on all Americans through man's laws.
By the way, this is traditional marriage according to the Bible

And here is a Confederate Flag too.

There is no argument.
If your trying to state that the confedericy had gays by the flags you posted. Then indeed it did. But so does every place and every system. So did the third riech for that matter. Mine as well post a rainbow swastica too.
What is your point.?
The plm here. Is the blatant authoritarianism of those who demand erasing history.. Either the confiderate flag and all things southern confiderate, or all religious and religion from public life. Its just staright up authortiarianism. You dont believe what they do, . They must submit and comply...
Childish really.
i understand orwhells argument that those who control the past, control the future,and the forced erasing of the confideracy from public life or religion from public life is just another flavour of the same authoritarianism the telaban used when blowing up those ancient buddhas. Hell the mayor of memphis wants to.did up a dead general confederate general from his grave....
Authoritsrianism of all strips sucks.
Raindbow included.
Mature adults. Strong in their sekf esteem should have no plm whatsoever respecting history, and respecting religions positive contribution to american society. After all it wasnt athiests who pushed for abolishment, it wasnt aithiests who wrote the consitution, ignoring history and forcing its erasing is short sighted. Its authoritarian and betrays a lack of self esteem and maturity.
They should remove plates with food too, it makes people fat.

Just paint your vehicle orange and paint the confederate flag on top, cant make you do anything about
Go General Lee !
I'm not putting that up because of atheisim reasons. Im saying it should be removed because of separation between church and state

The seperation of church and state doesnt mean nor did it ever mean the forced removal of all mention of religion from the public life.
It did mean that in athiest paradises such as the soviet union, and north korea but it never meant that as you paint it in america