maybe people would take articles such as the following a bit more seriously if they actually got the details right and decided not to go with an "emotional approach":
Christopher Michael-Martinez’s Father Gets It Right about Guns : The New Yorker
A flat out lie slandered as truth.
No, six people were not involved in a mass shooting - 3 people were. Three people were actually gunshot victims. He murdered 3 people with a knife and injured 13 people with his car.
Why is there no call for rationing gas? I mean, if Elliot didn't have enough gas, he couldn't drive his car. Why not have people pass a background check when buying eating utensils? I know .. let's pass a strict law, that will keep these crazies away from being ... crazy. :roll:
In 2008, the NRA tried to pass a bill that would allow mental records to appear in a background check. The bill was defeated by anti-gun Democrats that felt medical records of the mentally ill should be private - as this was a violation of their 4th amendment rights and Civil Rights.
So keep that in mind when assigning blame please.