Most of the time, yes. 90% of the time, yes. Schizophrenics tend to stay isolated and are rarely a danger to anyone but themselves. If they do attack anyone... it tends to be loved ones or relatives. That is why I linked the articles. They tend to only account for 3-7% of violent crimes... Even out of that 3-7%, those are typically un-medicated schizophrenics. Out of that 3-&% of violent crimes, only 3% of those are murders. That 3-7% of violent crimes includes everything from murders to shoving, pushing, punching, kicking and all of that. Most schizophrenics are withdrawn, isolated and terrified of their surroundings. I suggest you take a little time if you ever have the chance and do a tour of a mental health ward. View the schizophrenics and watch their behavior. Typically they are in a corner or their own room by themselves ( sometimes talking to themselves yes...

) but they are rarely social or out bothering anyone... they are withdrawn and scared. There are types of schizophrenia you have to take into account as well. The only truly type that is usually of any danger to anyone is paranoid schizophrenics as they think someone is always out to get them ect. ect. If you thought someone was following you constantly and out to get/kill you... you'd be on edge too...

Thankfully, paranoid schizophrenia isn't really that common of a sub-type and only about 1/5 or less compared to catatonic schizophrenia ( people sit still for long periods of time ) Disorganized schizophrenia ( often don't bathe or shower/talk disorganized ) Undifferentiated schizophrenia ( See or hear things basically ) or residual Schizophrenia ( Typically just withdrawn and quiet ) and you may classify Schizoaffective in this if you would like being they are still classified as Schizophrenic but they have a mood disorder such as bipolar or depression with it. Being Schizophrenics make up less than 1% of the total population, it is impossible that they commit even a significant amount of murders or crimes to even scratch the surface of what normal minded people commit. When you think about all the crimes and murders people commit over jealousy, money for life insurance, gang murders, random acts of violence, robberies, home invasions and god only knows what... statistically... the murders or even acts of violence seriously mentally ill people such as schizophrenics commit ( keeping in mind that they make up such a low percentage of the population once again ) doesn't even hardly put a dent in those. Again, in one of my links, a well known psychiatrist and researcher said that most of these mass murders are not mentally ill especially schizophrenic as schizophrenics
rarely posses the mental capabilities to plan crimes so heinous such as these. A schizophrenics mind is here there and everywhere... rarely is it so focused as to make plans to gather things such as weapons, chart where to go, map out locations and various other things. If you had 20 voices talking to you at once... could you manage to plan something as easy as your day let alone anything like that? I hardly think so.
The fact of the matter is everyone is so quick to blame anything they can that is different than themselves or something they don't understand. Non-mentally ill people for instance here. OH, it's mentally ill people, SCHIZOPHRENICS! Well guess what, schizophrenia is so rare and so debilitating and misunderstood and portrayed so terribly in Hollywood and various other places people are quick to point fingers. Then people started screaming I'm mentally ill and that's why I did it so it got an even worse name. So, people who aren't mentally ill who have nothing wrong point the finger at it while people with schizophrenia, depression, bipolar or god knows what are just sitting here like WTF man I would NEVER do something like that and the friends and family of mentally ill people who have actually READ up on it and UNDERSTAND mental illnesses are shaking their heads because they realize the general population is so under-educated about mental illness the stigma and irrational fear attached to it is unreal!
There are still white people that blame black people... Yes, it's true... STUPID, but true. They're sitting out there saying "it's black people who are responsible for all our crime blah blah" so they're out there blaming that like idiots!
There are people out there blaming Hispanics for our crime rate even! Oh it's all these Hispanics they're the reason for these shootings!
There are people out there blaming immigrants for the crime and shootings! Oh, it's because we have all these damn immigrants in this country, we just need to shut down the borders! Let me tell you how many times I've been speaking Romanian and been told to go back to Mexico.

There are people out there who blame 9-11... Oh yes, let's not forget Indians ( No not Native American's because they are Native American's and NOT Indians... but INDIANS ) Who are mistaken for Arabic people every single day... Who are treated like dirt for no reason... even the Arabs who had NOTHING TO DO with 9-11 who have been here and are treated like crap! Oh, these mass shootings are their fault... blame them... :roll:
And my favorite.... BLAME THE GAYS! IT'S THE GAYS FAULT MASS SHOOTINGS HAPPEN!!! Oh, that is my favorite, it really is.... :roll:
My point here is... everyone always is quick to point the finger at someone... ANYONE but themselves or someone they love or whatever... We ALWAYS have to point the finger... ALWAYS. Fact of the matter is... it was that individual. He was a MESSED UP SICK TWISTED individual. END OF STORY! You don't have to be mentally ill to be a SICK TWISTED INDIVIDUAL and go devastate peoples lives... many people in history have proved this point to us time and time again. You can just be a sick twisted messed up racist douche hat like Hitler and cause devastation and havoc in the lives of BILLIONS! He's been dead and gone FOREVER and we STILL feel his ripple of devastation, pain and suffering he caused! The point again being again, you do not by any means have to be and a lot of the times these are not... mentally ill people... they are SICK... TWISTED.... people... I'm not saying some weren't... but by far not ALL are or were.
Keep in mind.... Vincent Van-Gogh was Schizophrenic... and we treasure him as one of the greatest artists of all time still to this day... Did he hurt anyone? No.......... he just hurt... HIMSELF!