Mass casualties at theater showing Batman movie

Still assembling. Take it or leave it.

me? why me?

what Bebonang said. the gun in its original design isn't really designed for "massacre". he assembled it into a disgusting killing machine.

Yup, assembling the gun is just put additional stuff into gun that designed for massacre.

It is just like modding.
I think this guy will get shivved soon to avoid any uncomfortable questionings.
I wonder what classifies a "mass murderer?" Two or more? Five or more? I only hear it from media and sometimes police.

Does anyone know of a good link?

And while we are at it, does it really matter if a killer has 6 10 round mags which were the only size sold during the 1994 gun ban law or 3 30 round mags which are allowed today. A simple revolver can kill between 5-6 people at one time. What about someone who uses a large knife? It is still dangerous in the hands of a madman. :hyper: :rifle:
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I wonder what classifies a "mass murderer?" Two or more? Five or more? I only hear it from media and sometimes police.

Does anyone know of a good link?

And while we are at it, does it really matter if a killer has 6 10 round mags which were the only size sold during the 1994 gun ban law or 3 30 round mags which are allowed today. A simple revolver can kill between 5-6 people at one time. What about someone who uses a large knife? It is still dangerous in the hands of a madman. :hyper: :rifle:

well yea I guess it does matter if a madman killer has a high-capacity mag or not. the delay in shooting due to reloading is the time wasted on not killing more innocent people.... which is good!

As you said.... a simple revoler can kill between 5-6 people at one time.... while .40 Glock can kill between 13-17 people at one time.... but does this mean I support a ban on high-capacity mag? or ban on assault weapons? nope. as you said again - it is still dangerous in the hands of a madman regardless of type of weapons used in massacre.

fortunately enough... a massacre like this is still rare.
well yea I guess it does matter if a madman killer has a high-capacity mag or not. the delay in shooting due to reloading is the time wasted on not killing more innocent people.... which is good!

As you said.... a simple revoler can kill between 5-6 people at one time.... while .40 Glock can kill between 13-17 people at one time.... but does this mean I support a ban on high-capacity mag? or ban on assault weapons? nope. as you said again - it is still dangerous in the hands of a madman regardless of type of weapons used in massacre.

fortunately enough... a massacre like this is still rare.

The ban will not work at all.


because of trafficking and black market.

UK has full ban on private gun ownership but they still have massacre occurred.
Cumbria shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that's right. Clinton's gun ban didn't work.

Watching the news this morning brought out a good point. If the explosives in his apartment complex had gone off and brought down the building, more casualties would have been occurred than in the theater.

How many people knew about this recently? July 9, Orange County, CA Register reported a backpack with suspicious materials inside was found in a drainage canal in an industrial area near the border of Anaheim and Placentia. The suspicious material – which included hand grenades, grenade fuses, blasting caps and powder – were likely in the area for months, and were probably placed there by someone with knowledge about explosives, authorities said.

What you don't know can kill you.
According to the FBI:

"Generally, mass murder was described as a number of murders (four or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders. These events typically involved a single location, where the killer murdered a number of victims in an ongoing incident (e.g. the 1984 San Ysidro McDonalds incident in San Diego, California; the 1991 Luby’s Restaurant massacre in Killeen, Texas; and the 2007 Virginia Tech murders in Blacksburg, Virginia)."

FBI — Serial Murder
fortunately enough... a massacre like this is still rare.

Be careful with how you word things as the absent of proper quantifiers in no regard to location show that you say, "A massacre like this is rare [anywhere]."

Massacres might be rare here in America, but it is most certainly not rare in other countries, especially third world countries. Take Syria for example!
Be careful with how you word things as the absent of proper quantifiers in no regard to location show that you say, "A massacre like this is rare [anywhere]."

Massacres might be rare here in America, but it is most certainly not rare in other countries, especially third world countries. Take Syria for example!
Jiro did say, "massacres like this." That means, lone crazed gunman attacking random innocent people, not a political massacre, drug cartel massacre, ethnic cleansing, crime family vendetta or gang warfare.
Jiro did say, "massacres like this." That means, lone crazed gunman attacking random innocent people, not a political massacre, drug cartel massacre, ethnic cleansing, crime family vendetta or gang warfare.

I know, but even though one may not pay attention to third world countries, it happens there frequently.

:topic:By the way, I recently read this article. What are your thoughts on this article? :topic:
what Bebonang said. the gun in its original design isn't really designed for "massacre". he assembled it into a disgusting killing machine.

An AR15 is and AR15 no matter what unless it is full auto or law enforcement or military use only with a short barrel! He only bought what was legal and it is no different than any other AR15 except for the drum magazine! That does not mean that the gun was modified. All AR15s are assembled by someone! His may have been like many others which are custom?! Doesn't make it a killing machine though!
I think this guy will get shivved soon to avoid any uncomfortable questionings.

Nope, because they will most likely keep him in solitary confinement for his protection and to preserve any information that they may get from him!
Nope, because they will most likely keep him in solitary confinement for his protection and to preserve any information that they may get from him!

That's just what Jiro was thinking and we never know about going on, even ill killer can be die in anytime.

I think shivved is means suicided or kill himself.

Most killers that where massacre occurred committed suicide, especially VT Tech shooting, Columbine massacre and Capitol Hill massacre.
...I think shivved is means suicided or kill himself....
A shiv is a contraband, handmade knife-like object that convicts use to kill each other in prison. It usually used for murder, not suicide.
A shiv is a contraband, handmade knife-like object that convicts use to kill each other in prison. It usually used for murder, not suicide.

Oh really, it means other prisoner kills James Holmes in prison, for example?

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