LOL Moonflower.. lol funny..
anyways... I wonder if a guy could give his bride the option to have her last name stay the same or add a - to the other name beside her maiden name? or this odd thing where the groom did take the bride's last name (I know I read that in a mag somewhere but cant remmy for my life what the mag's name was.. so ehhh) but that really interesting..
I take it you will accept donkeyboy's lastname
Is going to get nailed for this , I am kidding LOL
Ok, back to the topic my parents are divorced and my mom kept her married lastname.
I was married before. After I got married for the second time to my other husband, I used two names (my ex-husband's name and my present husband's name) for the bank business and other businesses that is associate with the bank. When it is not business or not serious not associate with the bank, I use my present husband's last name only. I will keep my both names if my husband pass away or divorce me. Right now we are still tight and have been married for 11 years so far. I am praying that he remain alive for as long as he lives.
lol well i am going to back
After the divorce, I returned to my maiden name.
Do you have a tag on your feet that says "Who wants to marry me?, take a number"?