Because you wrote "Your daughter IS deaf." with capitals. The only way to interpret that is that you assume I wouldn't know. Good time to get sarcastic and defensive in my opinion.
Right because when you said "more than deaf" to me sounds like you are trying to cover the identity. And I make sure that I EMPATHIZE the deafness not because I assume you wouldnt know. So Yes I understand your sarcasizm and defensive.
For the rest of your life you will have to say:
She is deaf but.........
She is deaf but...........
She is deaf but........
That is the opposite. Not more!! More than deaf would not be hearing. Let alone "perfect hearing"
Ok? Can you explain what does more than deaf means? Oh excuse me I already know what you mean, being ignorance.
Very true. I agree with you there. I knew virtually nothing about deafness. Never heared about CI. About Deaf culture.
No, speech therapy is not a requirement for deaf culture. In fact, Deaf culture looks down (generally speaking) on members of Deaf community trying to speak.
You are right Speech is not requirement for deaf culture but your daughter is immediatly in deaf culture once you found she is deaf period. Hearing community and some CI users community look down on Deaf community using ASL.
Not sure what you mean, because when you look for LillysDad first post in AllDeaf, you'll see that Deaf culture reacts very negative to CI. Members considering CI are not appreciated. Alfter all, it would mean that they are not happy with being deaf. That they have not accepted deafness. And then... you're not a member of Deaf culture.
Its because some deaf people are AFRAID to CI due to: hearing not accepting deaf identity, surgery can be avoidable and use ASL as acceptance language, surgery can cause complication. CI users, they are just covering their identity just like you are trying to do for your daughter. In my perspective and belief once they are born deaf/hoh then immediatly they are member of deaf community.
Deaf people who believes themselves as deaf are demanding themselves to be member of Deaf culture as well as any other deaf/hoh births and people. So they argue with hearing people who disagrees.
I am a member of Deaf culture but does not mean I reject CI. If anybody wants to have CI then go right ahead. Its their BODY not mine.
Also there are some deaf people who I disagree of how they treat hearing people. So goes both way.
Again Identity
Of course they can be part of Deaf culture... as long as they speak fluent ASL and don't even consider CI. ... excepth CI...
Who said anything about fluent ASL from Deaf culture? I just said ASL. I am not fluent in ASL, I sign PSE but still I am member of deaf culture because I use their language to help me understand about MY identity.
No, just ask around here...You really should do some homework.... You have no idea what Deaf Culture is...
Umm.......looking in the dictionary on "Culture" and "Deaf Culture" right now. Ok so lots to debate about that.
Oh, sarcasizm again.
Ah, the black-white deaf-hearing argument....
Yes you mean I cant compare? Its impossible not to compare.
Well, in that case. My daugther can hear... Guess she'll never be part of Deaf culture!!
I see: You do look down on Deaf culture. That isnt very nice. You are trying to cover her identity. Good job mom and dad. I sure hope life does go really well for her. Because mine wasnt, same for most people I know. So one day if your daughter is having a difficult time, never come to Deaf culture, as per you said. No sign language and no understanding.
I sure feel bad for Lotte already. Case is closed.