We have all been blunt and straightforward with her. Shes just doing this for her own entertainment anymore. If she really wanted help she would have sought it out by now. I have gone back and read a lot of the threads related to all of the usernames associated with this person and it has been ongoing for YEARS now. I dont even have to be a long time member to realize that.
I think she is a poor bored to tears teenage girl that is looking for someone to feel sorry for her.
Eventually this will all come to a head and it will all blow up in her face then she will be in a REAL bind.
If I was her mother I would have already thrown her out of the house if she were 18 or older and pulling this shit on my computer at home.
Sometimes a parent needs to do the tough thing and throw their own kid out on the street to forcbily get them to grow up and to accept their own responsibility.
I doubt anything she says has any truth to it, she's already lied once, and in my opinion, once a liar and cheater, always a liar and cheater.
Oh yeah let me post a sign here----