Laws about driving and deaf drivers

There are no laws that people had to have a turbo to be able to talk about it.
I was just kidding. Anyway do you still dream about getting another one in the near future?

I think that having cars with turbocharged engine is the best thing ever. EVER!!!
You remind me of someone who always talked about Ford Mustang GT. He recommended it to me and some friends but what about himself? He never had a Mustang. It doesn't make sense to me. What's so funny, I asked him every three months if he had bought a new Mustang yet and all he said was "I will, I will, I will". One year later I realized that he talked shit. He bought a Chrysler PT Cruiser instead.

I was just kidding. Anyway do you still dream about getting another one in the near future?

You remind me of someone who always talked about Ford Mustang GT. He recommended it to me and some friends but what about himself? He never had a Mustang. It doesn't make sense to me. What's so funny, I asked him every three months if he had bought a new Mustang yet and all he said was "I will, I will, I will". One year later I realized that he talked shit. He bought a Chrysler PT Cruiser instead.


Yes, I do hope to get something turbocharged in the near future. They are cool!!!
i know man who only got one foot that works he drives car..he live in uk it took sometime to adjust his car to his spects but he fine driver..
Deaf are some best drivers they look properly when they drive which more than can say about others.
I was reading that women are banned in Saudi arabia some ignorant imman said it cause ovarian cancer,what wicked evil thing to say
In New York you can drive but you must use a hearing aid that allows you to hear sirens or an oversized mirror. It's marked on the back if your license.

In Arizona (or at least near Tucson) they had flashing lights above the traffic lights whenever an emergency siren was nearby.... I loved that! I wish they did that more.
Are you joking? I am Deaf New Yorker and have Drivers license and nope I am not required to wear hearing aid and I have not had hearing aid for ummm.... 35 years!

In New York you can drive but you must use a hearing aid that allows you to hear sirens or an oversized mirror. It's marked on the back if your license.

In Arizona (or at least near Tucson) they had flashing lights above the traffic lights whenever an emergency siren was nearby.... I loved that! I wish they did that more.
In New York you can drive but you must use a hearing aid that allows you to hear sirens or an oversized mirror. It's marked on the back if your license.

What!? I don't believe that. It has been proven time and time again that hearing nor the lack of it is a basis for safe driving!
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Deaf are some best drivers they look properly when they drive which more than can say about others.

I've been driving for over 18 years with the only accident being hit a trailer at 5mph when I was 16 years old. Compare that to a cousin of mine who has perfect hearing and eyesight and yet he's totaled a car almost every year.

In my state of Georgia the requirement due to my hearing is that in the car mirrors must be on both sides.

I still find it hilarious when people wonder if I can even drive. I even ride a motorcycle, which is harder than a car to master.
In New York you can drive but you must use a hearing aid that allows you to hear sirens or an oversized mirror. It's marked on the back if your license.

What!? I don't believe that. It has been proven time and time again that hearing nor the lack of it is a basis for safe driving!

Yup! Turn your license over. It's restriction R: "hearg aid or full view mirror"

It doesn't mean that you must wear a hearing aid, but if you can't use a hearing aid or it doesn't help enough you need a full view mirror.

One of these:
Are you joking? I am Deaf New Yorker and have Drivers license and nope I am not required to wear hearing aid and I have not had hearing aid for ummm.... 35 years!

Here's the DMV link:

NYS DMV - Resources for the Older Driver - Driver License Restrictions

And the form (number 5)

Like I said above... It's on the back of your license. I have restriction E for glasses/contact lenses and Restriction R which says (quoting) "hearg aid or full view mirror"
Re-Read that link CAREFULLY! Explain me what term "OR" means?

You forgot, I clearly said that I am DEAF I mean Dead Deaf with at least 120 DB hearing loss, and I have NOT wear HA for ummm 35 long years! I don't miss HA at all since they are NOT helping me and I am tired of hearing Deaf people claim that hearing aid really helped them or pretend they do, but the truth is it only help in extremely limited for them. The truth is most Deaf people that wears hearing aid can't identify most of the sounds and can not tell where it come from, even if it is siren, they usually can't recognize them easily.

So, make sure you understand the legal language, term "OR" can make HUGE difference.

Re-Read that link CAREFULLY! Explain me what term "OR" means?

You forgot, I clearly said that I am DEAF I mean Dead Deaf with at least 120 DB hearing loss, and I have NOT wear HA for ummm 35 long years! I don't miss HA at all since they are NOT helping me and I am tired of hearing Deaf people claim that hearing aid really helped them or pretend they do, but the truth is it only help in extremely limited for them. The truth is most Deaf people that wears hearing aid can't identify most of the sounds and can not tell where it come from, even if it is siren, they usually can't recognize them easily.

So, make sure you understand the legal language, term "OR" can make HUGE difference.

Yea sorry if my OR wasn't obvious... I didn't wear a hearing aid with my loss for years (I only just got one this year)... I've used an oversized mirror in my car since my loss because my parents found the DMV page and I had to add that on my license when I returned to NY. The OR means you either can pass their test with a whisper and all that junk (nope!) or you use a big mirror.
Are you joking? I am Deaf New Yorker and have Drivers license and nope I am not required to wear hearing aid and I have not had hearing aid for ummm.... 35 years!

Re-Read that link CAREFULLY! Explain me what term "OR" means?

You forgot, I clearly said that I am DEAF I mean Dead Deaf with at least 120 DB hearing loss, and I have NOT wear HA for ummm 35 long years! I don't miss HA at all since they are NOT helping me and I am tired of hearing Deaf people claim that hearing aid really helped them or pretend they do, but the truth is it only help in extremely limited for them. The truth is most Deaf people that wears hearing aid can't identify most of the sounds and can not tell where it come from, even if it is siren, they usually can't recognize them easily.

So, make sure you understand the legal language, term "OR" can make HUGE difference.

curious did the DMV talk to you about the HA or big mirrors? just wonder. I chose HA . In the past years, I notice cops did not ask me about my ha when they stopped me. Weird. guess cops don't understand the licenses driver codes. lol
Where did you find specification for size of the mirrors requirements? There isn't any specification on what size mirror is required, seriously you could have 1 inch by 1 inch mirror for all the NYS law cares.

Remind you, I am NEW YORKER, and I have NYS drivers license, neither of them (Hearing aids or mirrors) are in back of my drivers license but motorcycle as secondary license. I hold NYS drivers license for over 23 years without any issues, even cops stopped me for speeding numerous times and they have not bothered about my hearing loss, they have NOT even bother checking whether I have hearing aids or super sized mirrors (I got standard sized mirrors).

As of right now, government is now winding down and getting quieter about Deaf and driving. They can't prove that Deaf are not safe driver, they come up with enough proof that Deaf actually are better driver than drivers with normal hearing. Dont believe me? Check in Federal DOT website, under CDL. You will find the information where they realized that banning Deaf drivers are wasting their time and effort. They are starting to allow Deaf truck drivers crossing interstates.

Yea sorry if my OR wasn't obvious... I didn't wear a hearing aid with my loss for years (I only just got one this year)... I've used an oversized mirror in my car since my loss because my parents found the DMV page and I had to add that on my license when I returned to NY. The OR means you either can pass their test with a whisper and all that junk (nope!) or you use a big mirror.
curious did the DMV talk to you about the HA or big mirrors? just wonder. I chose HA . In the past years, I notice cops did not ask me about my ha when they stopped me. Weird. guess cops don't understand the licenses driver codes. lol

Yes, they told me about the hearing aids and mirrors because I was trying to get my glasses restriction off my license - I had gotten a ticket because it was on there since I was 16 but I can legally see without them (I thought I had to claim my weak restriction when I got my permit at 16)... So I asked the DMV about it and when they realized I had hearing problems they slapped a second restriction on me instead of lifting the old restriction.
Seriously, NYS need to remove the law about hearing issue due to that we don't wear our HA and regular mirrors like everyone. We are doing fine.
Too bad that DMV whoever slapped you with restriction is really closed minded jerk. Not all DMV employees are anal, some are, and others aren't so.

Yes, they told me about the hearing aids and mirrors because I was trying to get my glasses restriction off my license - I had gotten a ticket because it was on there since I was 16 but I can legally see without them (I thought I had to claim my weak restriction when I got my permit at 16)... So I asked the DMV about it and when they realized I had hearing problems they slapped a second restriction on me instead of lifting the old restriction.
[ame=]Deaf Trucker - George Kocher Jr - YouTube[/ame]

You could check more of his youtube, he is Deaf Pennsylvania and driving 18 wheelers, in that link you may be surprised if you are that closed minded on Deafness.

WTG George Kocker, Jr!
Yup! Turn your license over. It's restriction R: "hearg aid or full view mirror"

It doesn't mean that you must wear a hearing aid, but if you can't use a hearing aid or it doesn't help enough you need a full view mirror.

One of these:

Both the front and the back of my CA driver's license says: Restrictions--None and the mirrors are required for everyone, deaf or not.
Also I will add, if you google deaf people, the things it suggests to fill in are freaking amazing.... Lets see some of these....

Can deaf people enjoy music by placing their hand on the speaker ...
Can tone deaf people listen to music?
Can deaf people listen to music?
How Do Deaf People Listen to Music?
How do deaf people hear music
can deaf people hear music
can deaf people feel music
can deaf people enjoy music
how are deaf people able to enjoy music
how to explain music to a deaf person
can deaf people feel vibrations ( Oh we're Deaf we can't feel either! :laugh2:
can deaf people dance ( Oh there's another amusing one ladies and gentz! )
can deaf people drive
can deaf people talk
can deaf people hear :laugh2: :rofl: Sorry I can't help but really laugh that someone would actually ask this in google. Just thought I'd share a little of the stupidity that amused me! :laugh2: Oh lordy....

Right now I am feeling and hearing the vibrations of the 4 yo boy that lives upstairs over my unit. He did stop thank goodness. I had to tell the dad once to have his son stop stomping on my ceiling , the vibrations was horrible.