Laws about driving and deaf drivers

In my home state, Oregon, there are a plenty of Deaf people are drivers, and I personally know them. :)

It's not really issue unless you're being irresponsible.
It's not really issue unless you're being irresponsible.[/QUOTE]

Even if acting irresponsibly, it would still have nothing to do with being deaf.
Here's the DMV link:

NYS DMV - Resources for the Older Driver - Driver License Restrictions

And the form (number 5)

Like I said above... It's on the back of your license. I have restriction E for glasses/contact lenses and Restriction R which says (quoting) "hearg aid or full view mirror"

WOW nothing to that extent here in CA. My license states "must wear corrected lenses" but absolutely nothing about me being deaf.

I like the idea of traffic lights flashing red when an emergency vehicle is close by. Not necessarily for the deaf but kids who play their music too loud.
Hello to all!
In my country, there is a struggle for the right of Deaf drive cars
Please share with me links to your laws, where it is written that the Deaf can drive a car.
I would be very grateful to you for your help!

Hi Vikkimari,

I am just giving you ideas, there are no specific for the law information that Deaf can drive a car. Well there is UNCRDP Article 20 - Personal mobility.

States Parties shall take effective measures to ensure personal mobility with the greatest possible independence for persons with disabilities, including by:

a) Facilitating the personal mobility of persons with disabilities in the manner and at the time of their choice, and at affordable cost;

b) Facilitating access by persons with disabilities to quality mobility aids, devices, assistive technologies and forms of live assistance and intermediaries, including by making them available at affordable cost;

c) Providing training in mobility skills to persons with disabilities and to specialist staff working with persons with disabilities;

d) Encouraging entities that produce mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies to take into account all aspects of mobility for persons with disabilities.

Hope it helps. I am Deaf, in South Africa, we all allowed to drive.

Andre' Chetty
My few deaf friends from Odessa, Ukraine can drive in Ukraine in many years but not allowing deaf people to obtain a driver's license. :confused:
It is really... In Ukraine, the deaf alone is difficult to get a driver's license, but with a group of more or less can get.

I got my first driver license in New Zealand when I was 16 years old and yes I am Deaf.

I don't know if this will helps... but this is New Zealand's fact sheets for Disabilities and driving. Disabilities and driving (Factsheet 31) | NZ Transport Agency
Thank you very much! I think that it's helps ^_^

ohmylight, thank you very much for links!

DeafSA Comm. Officer
, I know this article, but the UNCRDP - common for all countries. We want to present to our government laws of other states where local governments are allowed without problems to deaf drive. We are seeking to ensure that a deaf lifted restrictions in driving.

I'm sorry for my English, I'm learning English yet :Oops:
It is really... In Ukraine, the deaf alone is difficult to get a driver's license, but with a group of more or less can get.

Thank you very much! I think that it's helps ^_^

ohmylight, thank you very much for links!

DeafSA Comm. Officer
, I know this article, but the UNCRDP - common for all countries. We want to present to our government laws of other states where local governments are allowed without problems to deaf drive. We are seeking to ensure that a deaf lifted restrictions in driving.

I'm sorry for my English, I'm learning English yet :Oops:

Good luck :)
It is really... In Ukraine, the deaf alone is difficult to get a driver's license, but with a group of more or less can get.

Thank you very much! I think that it's helps ^_^

ohmylight, thank you very much for links!

DeafSA Comm. Officer
, I know this article, but the UNCRDP - common for all countries. We want to present to our government laws of other states where local governments are allowed without problems to deaf drive. We are seeking to ensure that a deaf lifted restrictions in driving.

I'm sorry for my English, I'm learning English yet :Oops:

Good luck and please do post the updates if you and large group of Deaf people got it successful to change the law for Deaf people able to drive in your country.
Good luck and please do post the updates if you and large group of Deaf people got it successful to change the law for Deaf people able to drive in your country.

Of cource! ^_^

Did no one else knows the titles of regulations of the country where the deaf are allowed to drive? : (((
Vikkimari, give me a few days to ask my friend, she does disability compliance for her state government and I will ask her what the specific law is for it.