Jury recommends death sentence for Cleveland Serial Killer

funny thing is that... last week, I was working on my bike and this woman just pulled into parking lot. She came out and I greeted her because I can see that she's a Buddhist monk.

well actually - at first.... I couldn't tell if it's a he or she so I had to do a quick visual "up-and-down" for gender check :giggle: Based on how that person's tone, posture, and gesturing... yep it's a she. Both male and female Buddhist monks do shave their heads and wear same monk clothes.

so I told her - "ah you must be that new tenant living above me."

She said yes! and she asked if I have a refrigerator. I lol'ed and told her that I've checked out her room before I moved in and I picked where I live now because the previous tenant left behind a very nice stainless steel fridge and microwave. That saved me tons of money! She was disappointed and didn't want to buy a fridge cuz obviously - she doesn't make much as a monk.

and then she asked if I'm Korean. I smiled and said - yes and I'm a Buddhist too. She was elated :) then we said goodbye in a Buddhist way.

I'm glad you live in a stress-free environment, and I do not think it was by mere chance. :) It is through Buddhism that I learned not to sweat the small stuff and to see cause and effect in everything around me. I believe in the Buddhist tenet that if you save a person's life, you are responsible for that person for the rest of your life. Now, imagine taking a person's life...
See where the importance of being in the right place is paramount? :giggle:
Your monk neighbor sounds cool and I hope you become good friends with her.
I'm glad you live in a stress-free environment, and I do not think it was by mere chance. :) It is through Buddhism that I learned not to sweat the small stuff and to see cause and effect in everything around me. I believe in the Buddhist tenet that if you save a person's life, you are responsible for that person for the rest of your life. Now, imagine taking a person's life...
See where the importance of being in the right place is paramount? :giggle:
Your monk neighbor sounds cool and I hope you become good friends with her.

stress-free? I wish cuz I know where I am right now ain't no Nirvana :lol:
Do you have the link to the article you are referring to.. Since I am not quite understanding the crime the guy did.. Did he MAKE the child porn or did he get caught with child porn??

He himself made it.
Link to SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS newspaper
$$$$$ for victims? like what?

The $$$$ spent for all the different professionals in medical/mental/etc. fields for this in-prison criminal at the expense of the taxpayers should be better spent to care for the victims After all mostly the victim has to pay out-of-pocket expense for help.
What if there are 2 or more witnesses??? 2 witnesses and DNA? I think that is a good guideline.

I love the death penalty but I think we have to ensure that we have the right person
You believe that? LOLOLOL

Reality, in prison system, those who are sex offenders are at high risk of being beating up or get killed. Especially when sex offenders offense minors, majority of prisoners wants to kill them. Why? Many of prisoners stuck in jail can't protect their own kids and when they hear a guy who had sex with little boy or girl,. they do get pissed off easily knowing they can't protect their own kids. More of revenge in general.

Have you ever asked why he was in protective custody in the first place? Cause they (Authorities) knew he will get killed in general prison population, and there is no deny about it and to prove it, he was killed in general prison population. Read in red font in your post, he was never afraid and what does that means? What it really means that he is not afraid of getting killed in prison and he knew it. Simple as is. Which part of this you don't understand?

Prison Is 'Living Hell' for Pedophiles - ABC News

I can add another example Zacarias Moussaoui who was convicted to conspiracy in terrorist (9/11). He did expected that there will be death penalty imposed on him. He was shocked that he didn't get death penalty and got pissed off. He was even pissed off more when he was sent to ADMAX (Administration maximum prison).

The black inmate murdered Dahmer b/c he was paid to kill him. Dahmer thought the guards would protect him and they didnt. The guards were also paid and retired. Most of Dahmer's victims were young african-american homosexuals. None of them were kids.
What if there are 2 or more witnesses??? 2 witnesses and DNA? I think that is a good guideline.

I love the death penalty but I think we have to ensure that we have the right person

exactly. if there's nothing CIRCUMSTANTIAL about it... HANG'EM!

by diehardbiker's logic... Jared Loughner may be possibly innocent and therefore he has rights to appeal..... :confused:
Wow! And we call ourselves a civilized society. Amazing!

For those who believe that there are no innocent people ever convicted and sentenced to death, nor put to death, I ask you to do a little research into the following people:

Todd Willingham
Johnny Frank Garrett
Nick Yarris

Re: the Memphis 3--you might want to do a little research into that case, as well. They were convicted on the testimony of one individual. He also recanted that testimony, and then recanted the recantation. There were glaring errors in his statement regarding times, etc. He claimed the victims had been sodomized and he had watched as it happened. There was no evidence that the victims had been sodomized. In fact, if you will look into the case, there is more evidence of innocence than of guilt. Likewise, they were refused a change of venue by the judge. If any case should have had a change of venue, it should have been this one.

Research into the above cases. Watch the documentaries concerning these cases. Read the old news reports. Read about the evidence. Then form an opinion about whether we have ever executed innocent people, or put innocent people on death row. I think what you will discover will be enough to turn your stomach.
reasoning. logic. it's actually in agreement with Buddhist principles in a way.

a man murdered a person (or people). therefore he should be removed from society in order to save more lives :)

ever wondered why you don't hear much about Buddhist movements on death penalty issue like the way Christians/Catholics do? Asian countries with strong Buddhist influences do have death penalty :hmm:

Do they execute people any less often than in the Western world?
reasoning. logic. it's actually in agreement with Buddhist principles in a way.

a man murdered a person (or people). therefore he should be removed from society in order to save more lives :)

ever wondered why you don't hear much about Buddhist movements on death penalty issue like the way Christians/Catholics do? Asian countries with strong Buddhist influences do have death penalty :hmm:

I don't know if this is true - I had a friend tell me that in China, their capital punishment is a firing squad and they charge the offender's family a service fee for doing it.

I don't know if this is true - I had a friend tell me that in China, their capital punishment is a firing squad and they charge the offender's family a service fee for doing it.

Capital Punishment In China: Executions Still Used Routinely For Minor Crimes, Writes Holly Williams | World News | Sky News

...and...you would be shot even if you only got caught stealing an apple...no joke,..thats what i read in a "Time" magazine some ten years ago while i was waiting for an appoiintment with a dentist...
There were glaring errors in his statement regarding times, etc. He claimed the victims had been sodomized and he had watched as it happened. There was no evidence that the victims had been sodomized.
quoted from the above post.

One of the boys was...... If that is not being sodomized then I do not know what to call it....read on.......

The West Memphis Three — A Grisly Discovery — Crime Library on truTV.com

This article has several pages to read. It is mind blowing that is for sure.
Christopher Byers, born 23 June 1984, received the most extensive, violent and most overtly sexual injuries of the three victims. He died of multiple traumatic injuries to the head, as well as the violent removal of his penis, the scrotal sac, and the testes, along with associated cuts and stab wounds to the genital area. He was found in the same drainage ditch as James and Steven, in 2 inches of water. He was completely naked, with his wrists bound to his ankles by shoelaces. The toxicology report also revealed non-therapeutic levels of the drug Carbamazepine in the blood. There were also a variety of healed injuries. Peretti noted that there were defensive wounds. There were also three sets of wounds on the buttocks. While this attack was sexual in nature, there is no evidence of rape, although, Hale did state that this was a possibility. Christopher Byers did not drown as he was already dead before being placed in the water.

I agree with the death sentence... I do agree that we need an overhaul.

The courts are using DNA more than ever now.

They are also in need of more concrete evidence, Lacking evidence... is what allowed Casey Anthony to be released. I think less people are being wrongfully convicted due to newer technology.
Last edited:
quoted from the above post.

One of the boys was...... If that is not being sodomized then I do not know what to call it....read on.......

The West Memphis Three — A Grisly Discovery — Crime Library on truTV.com

This article has several pages to read. It is mind blowing that is for sure.

I agree with the death sentence... I do agree that we need an overhaul.

The courts are using DNA more than ever now.

They are also in need of more concrete evidence, Lacking evidence... is what allowed Casey Anthony to be released. I think less people are being wrongfully convicted due to newer technology.

You are saying that the wrong people are still being convicted. :cool2:
quoted from the above post.

One of the boys was...... If that is not being sodomized then I do not know what to call it....read on.......

The West Memphis Three — A Grisly Discovery — Crime Library on truTV.com

This article has several pages to read. It is mind blowing that is for sure.

I agree with the death sentence... I do agree that we need an overhaul.

The courts are using DNA more than ever now.

They are also in need of more concrete evidence, Lacking evidence... is what allowed Casey Anthony to be released. I think less people are being wrongfully convicted due to newer technology.

Oops. Double post.
quoted from the above post.

One of the boys was...... If that is not being sodomized then I do not know what to call it....read on.......

The West Memphis Three — A Grisly Discovery — Crime Library on truTV.com

This article has several pages to read. It is mind blowing that is for sure.

I agree with the death sentence... I do agree that we need an overhaul.

The courts are using DNA more than ever now.

They are also in need of more concrete evidence, Lacking evidence... is what allowed Casey Anthony to be released. I think less people are being wrongfully convicted due to newer technology.

You might want to check the actual evidence, not something from trutv. There was no evidence that the victims had been sodomized. Further, the witness that implicated the other 2 stated that they boys were abducted during the morning hours; a time that has been confirmed that all 3 of the accused were proven to have been in school. There are many more discrepancies. If there weren't, these 3 would never have gotten out of prison, especially given the fact of the tremendous fear, emotional response, and political motive that surrounded their trial.

You are putting a lot of faith in DNA. It cannot prove guilt. It can only prove presence. It can, however, prove that someone did not commit a particular crime, such as rape. That is why so many people have been released after serving many, many years in prison for crimes they did not commit.
You might want to check the actual evidence, not something from trutv. There was no evidence that the victims had been sodomized. Further, the witness that implicated the other 2 stated that they boys were abducted during the morning hours; a time that has been confirmed that all 3 of the accused were proven to have been in school. There are many more discrepancies. If there weren't, these 3 would never have gotten out of prison, especially given the fact of the tremendous fear, emotional response, and political motive that surrounded their trial.

You are putting a lot of faith in DNA. It cannot prove guilt. It can only prove presence. It can, however, prove that someone did not commit a particular crime, such as rape. That is why so many people have been released after serving many, many years in prison for crimes they did not commit.

Show me a link that said this child was not mutilated. I am sure you did not read this link at all.. It was the DNA that got these people released.
Which is why I stated that the justice system needs an overhaul.. I never denied that. :cool2:

Same here. But don't bother to search for a link for a person who was charged, had a trial and was found innocent and was sent to prison because I've done it for you and there are none. The only people in prison are there because they were found guilty by 12 ordinary individuals like you and I based on the evidence presented to us.

Many in America see fault in the fact that some in prison are actually not guilty but have blinders on when it comes to people who are found not guilty but actually are (O.J.) However, that is what makes the American justice system the envy of the world's, at least to those who take the time to learn the truth which does not come from MM.

As for the Memphis 3, they should be glad to be in America with its appeal system. The Iran 3 Hikers are really seeing how unfair a system can be in another country.

Of course, ours is imperfect because it is control by people (imperfect to begin with) but it is merciful to find and correct faults. Still there are those who see another country's as being better. They are free to move to that country, if they so desire.