funny thing is that... last week, I was working on my bike and this woman just pulled into parking lot. She came out and I greeted her because I can see that she's a Buddhist monk.
well actually - at first.... I couldn't tell if it's a he or she so I had to do a quick visual "up-and-down" for gender checkBased on how that person's tone, posture, and gesturing... yep it's a she. Both male and female Buddhist monks do shave their heads and wear same monk clothes.
so I told her - "ah you must be that new tenant living above me."
She said yes! and she asked if I have a refrigerator. I lol'ed and told her that I've checked out her room before I moved in and I picked where I live now because the previous tenant left behind a very nice stainless steel fridge and microwave. That saved me tons of money! She was disappointed and didn't want to buy a fridge cuz obviously - she doesn't make much as a monk.
and then she asked if I'm Korean. I smiled and said - yes and I'm a Buddhist too. She was elatedthen we said goodbye in a Buddhist way.
I'm glad you live in a stress-free environment, and I do not think it was by mere chance.

See where the importance of being in the right place is paramount?

Your monk neighbor sounds cool and I hope you become good friends with her.