It it really the deaf/Deaf community?

I agree with what Daredevil & Faire Jour stated.... when you use the word "selfish".. you are being judgemental and thus, the breakdown of communication begins. I take offense to what is said,e specially since we are trying to explain our different reasons. BradB I don't think I am selfish at all for giving my son a CI nor am I dellusional for as you put it" thinking he'd fit in better" Those phrases are offensive to me and to probably a lot of other hearing parents who are doing what they as parents, think is best for their child.

Simple. You are doing this out of LOVE. Not fear.

BB thinks people are way too emotional, well, they are. But not all of them. Especially mothers, they have to control their emotionals every now and then.

You are indeed doing what's the best for your child, but REMEMBER THIS, ONE DAY, HE'LL MAKE A DECISION, STAND BY IT, NO MATTER WHAT.
Also, when I deciding what I wanted to do, I pictured my daughter coming to me when she is an adult and asking me why I made the choices I did. I wanted to be able to say that I gave her every option available to help her become successful. I don't want her to say "Why didn't you do (whatever)? It could have helped me" I can look her in the eyes and say that I did everything I could.
CI is part of the deaf community.

Huh? The Deaf community didn't invent the CI to 'improve' their lifes. It is a hearing man who invented CI. It is hearing community who imposed their way on us and refused to listen to what we have to say about Deaf education, jobs, etc. That is what the original post of this thread is all about.
Huh? The Deaf community didn't invent the CI to 'improve' their lifes. It is a hearing man who invented CI. It is hearing community who imposed their way on us and refused to listen to what we have to say about Deaf education, jobs, etc. That is what the original post of this thread is all about.

Huh? The original post is about why deaf community and hearing parents can't seem to reach a common ground, and Jillio just added her own thoughts.

Off topic you actually not want the CI to be invented? That seems extreme?
Huh? The Deaf community didn't invent the CI to 'improve' their lifes. It is a hearing man who invented CI. It is hearing community who imposed their way on us and refused to listen to what we have to say about Deaf education, jobs, etc. That is what the original post of this thread is all about.


To improve lives is to HELP. Jeez. You like being deaf because of the disadvantages you have.
Anyways, if it's to help the community, then it is part of the community.

I believe that the guy who made CIs were attracted into helping the communities satisify their desires. I know not everyone wants it, but there are some that wants it.

Beside! Hearing community is still part of the Deaf community, why? Because there wouldn't be a deaf community without the help of FRIENDS AND FAMILIES.

To improve lives is to HELP. Jeez. You like being deaf because of the disadvantages you have.
Anyways, if it's to help the community, then it is part of the community.

I believe that the guy who made CIs were attracted into helping the communities satisify their desires. I know not everyone wants it, but there are some that wants it.

Beside! Hearing community is still part of the Deaf community, why? Because there wouldn't be a deaf community without the help of FRIENDS AND FAMILIES.

I highly doubt any deaf person likes being deaf because of disadvantages they have. That's an unrealistic statement. Perhaps some people like being deaf for reasons of their own, but because of disadvantages ??
I think the parents are to blame more than deaf culture itself.

Especially those who delude themselves into believing that their CI implanted children will fit in better with that they define as "normal". They just can't stop being selfish long enough to consider the needs of their child.

It's as if the child is an extension of the parents' insecurities and if the child is Deaf and the parents insist on rejecting deaf culture while implanting their kids, they are adding fuel to the fire.

I'm puzzled as to why they insist on being a part of this community, though they may reject the idea that their child is Deaf in the first place.

As controversial as this may sound, this is how I feel about people who insist upon CIs as the "final solution" to deafness without considering the feelings of their children. Children deserve a choice.

Honesty hurts but it's much better than living a lie.

Wise words right out of someone who is much younger than I! They tried hearing aids and now cochlear implants. I won't be surprised if they come up with something else. It is like they are trying to come up with a solution of their own instead of accepting our simple solution - ASL. Costwise, ASL is the cheapest of all. Safety-wise, ASL is the safest and doesn't take lives via meningitis. Simple.
Huh? The original post is about why deaf community and hearing parents can't seem to reach a common ground, and Jillio just added her own thoughts.

Off topic you actually not want the CI to be invented? That seems extreme?

Deaf community and hearing parents did reach the common ground in 18th and 19th centuries in Martha's Vineyard. Now that is gone. We got only 4 senses and yet they expected us to speak. They got all 5 senses and is that too much for us to expect them to sign????? They act like it is too much.

CI is causing me some problems eventhough I don't wear CI nor want it. I couldn't get heath insurance with certain companies because of that. I had to get insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield. They invented hearing aids and we still get discriminated. What make them think that CIs isn't the rerun of the hearing aids???
Deaf community and hearing parents did reach the common ground in 18th and 19th centuries in Martha's Vineyard. Now that is gone. We got only 4 senses and yet they expected us to speak. They got all 5 senses and is that too much for us to expect them to sign????? They act like it is too much.

CI is causing me some problems eventhough I don't wear CI nor want it. I couldn't get heath insurance with certain companies because of that. I had to get insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield. They invented hearing aids and we still get discriminated. What make them think that CIs isn't the rerun of the hearing aids???


I don't understand. What does having a CI have to do with not getting health insurance?

Also, what do you mean by "What make them think that CIs isn't the rerun of the hearing aids???" Are you saying that CI users are discrimminated against just as much as hearing aid users?

Thanks for any clarification you can provide! :)
Wise words right out of someone who is much younger than I! They tried hearing aids and now cochlear implants. I won't be surprised if they come up with something else. It is like they are trying to come up with a solution of their own instead of accepting our simple solution - ASL. Costwise, ASL is the cheapest of all. Safety-wise, ASL is the safest and doesn't take lives via meningitis. Simple.

This feels very judgemental again. Who is "they", and what do you think "they" are trying to do to you? Will you explain how this post isn't mean to offend CI parents and users?

I don't understand. What does having a CI have to do with not getting health insurance?

Also, what do you mean by "What make them think that CIs isn't the rerun of the hearing aids???" Are you saying that CI users are discrimminated against just as much as hearing aid users?

Thanks for any clarification you can provide! :)

The insurance companies doesn't want to insure deaf people because they are afraid that the deaf person will drop the insurance after getting the implant. I wonder if it is because they raised the premium after the implant. There are two other companies who said they will take me if I paid the higher premium. I don't like that - having to pay higher premium, knowing that I will never go for CI.

Yes, CI users will be discriminated as well as hearing aid users. If hearing aids didn't help the deaf people to be on equal footing with hearing people then why CI will do that instead??? It can break down. It is costly. One will have to take more time off work due to surgery, mapping, etc. I see CI is the same as HA but much more costly and much more risky to one's life.
Wise words right out of someone who is much younger than I! They tried hearing aids and now cochlear implants. I won't be surprised if they come up with something else. It is like they are trying to come up with a solution of their own instead of accepting our simple solution - ASL. Costwise, ASL is the cheapest of all. Safety-wise, ASL is the safest and doesn't take lives via meningitis. Simple.

Actually, CI recipients carry the *same* risk for meningitis as those who are not implanted.

To prevent the risk of meningitis, all children and adults are strongly encouraged to receive a meningitis shot prior to surgery.

Advice for Patients with Cochlear Implants
The science may be different, but they do the same thing. They boost the hearing of a deaf person.

Yes. We've had this discussion many times before on AD. While the CI and HA do function differently, both are intended to compensate the level of hearing loss. So, in that way, they have the same purpose. It is just the means used to achieve the purpose that is different.
Before folks start lynching each other over this topic, keep in mind that you are free to do what you want, whether it's teaching your kids the oral method or ASL method. You are free to have them wear HAs or get a CI.

It's still a good topic to discuss and there will probably never be an agreement between both sides on a common ground.
Before folks start lynching each other over this topic, keep in mind that you are free to do what you want, whether it's teaching your kids the oral method or ASL method. You are free to have them wear HAs or get a CI.

It's still a good topic to discuss and there will probably never be an agreement between both sides on a common ground.

Absolutely, people are free to make the choices they will. What I would like to see is a greater understanding of and tolerance for, the decisions of others. In addition, I would like us all to come to an understanding that our perception of what is happening might not be realistic, based on the position from which we are approaching the situation.
I highly doubt any deaf person likes being deaf because of disadvantages they have. That's an unrealistic statement. Perhaps some people like being deaf for reasons of their own, but because of disadvantages ??

Exactly. And they are entitled to be satisfied with their life in whatever way they find best suited to them.
You like being deaf because of the disadvantages you have.

Let's see, if being Deaf really was a disadvantage, would I have an Associates Degree? Would I be pursuing a Bachelors Degree? Would I be on the Native American Commission? Would I be able to work with others?

Being Deaf isn't a disadvantage, at least not in this day and age. It's hard to find non-Deaf people that will give you a chance but that doesn't mean that it's impossible.

I hope you can see where I'm coming from with my opinion on CIs. I see them as an attempt to correct what is perceived to be a defect by some (deafness), instead of embracing that defect and learning to live with it and take advantage of it.