Adding my 3 cents...
A child needs to function as a person first. Deaf or hearing, the highest priority is communication.
Our daughter was born deaf and we made sure we could communicate. With regard to our circle of family and friends we also started to research CI and followed up on this when this was an option.
Her world contains sounds AND total silence. She's comfortable with both.
Forcing a child to function in the deaf world first is not a realistic choice when all her friends a nd family are hearing. Same the other way around. Forcing a child to adapt first to either one of them will be harmfull in the end.
In our case, we let her choose. We gave her sound. She herself is reducing the amount of sign for communication. But, living with a hearing family this is to be expected.
Had we forced her to function as a deaf person first, this would not only have had a huge impact on her, but also on her brother and sister, on her parents, our friends and family. AND, as it would mean no CI for 10 years, it would have meant a lower successrate for getting familiar with the hearing world.
As said, adding my 3 cents, totalling to 5 cents