Now back to today's Christian.
Who are the Christians?
What do they believe?
Christians are people who believe in a Savior named Jesus Christ. Actually, His given name is Jesus. The name Christ is not his last name. It is his title. Christ means "Messiah", "Savior" of the world. The Hebrew nation (Judah [Jews] and their fellow brothers, Levi, Dan, etc.), were looking forward to the promised messiah. Even Adam and Eve knew there would be a messiah to reverse what they had done. Jesus was that messiah or "Christ". A few years after the resurrection of Jesus and his ascension to heaven to be at His Fathers side, when the church began to grow in popularity, the people around the country side began to call these followers of Christ, "Christians", (see Acts 11:26). What was so different about the followers of Christ from the Jewish nation as a whole?
They no longer gave sacrifices. Since Jesus became the sacrifice for all that would accept him then there would be no more sacrifice from that time on.
Now does that mean there is no more sin?
As long as you stay in Christ and continue in faith, and avoid sin, then there is no more sin. (See "The Book of Romans") But of course we cannot possibly continue in this life perfectly without sin. Then what do we do?
We grab the nearest bush and hide from God, right? No, no, no...
That was what Adam and Eve did remember? We don't want to do that again! We run to God as we are and ask him to forgive us and not just cover our sins but to wash them away and we will be clean spiritually. Jesus [the] Christ washed away our sins and we are no longer required to perform animal sacrifices. We have been restored to our original state to where we can come to God in the garden, walk and talk with him "just as I am". Then why do we still insist that our bodies are shameful?
See The book of Roman
The other difference with the Christian is that they believe that the old laws (The Torah, or The laws of Moses) were done away with.
If that is the case then all the laws of the Old Testament cannot be used to dictate our lifestyle.
In the New Testament, there are laws governing human behavior, but the difference is, they are not numbered laws written on stone for us to follow in letter, but they are laws written in our hearts.
Here is an interesting saying, "Those who are lawless, knows no law and those who are not lawless, needs no law." You have to think about that one. Read Galatians 3:19-25 or all if you would like. (If you read Galatians 3:10 and find that wearing clothes is a Law, then it would be true that wearing clothing because of what happened in the Garden of Eden is a curse we must live by. But look at 3:13 and you will find that we are redeemed from that curse.)
Man needed laws because there was no relationship between man and God. Man was cut off from God, and separated. He tried to hide himself with coverings, which did nothing to cover the sin. The only thing the coats of (dead) skin did was cover what man used to represent sin. It was the blood sacrifice that the skin came from that was used to cover the sin. It never cleansed man from guilt. Man still had to die for his sin. That was just a temporary solution until the One who was promised to be the messiah came and died for all of mankind, from Adam and Eve to the last human ever to be born on this earth. Only Jesus Christ can do that because He never sinned. He was God. He was not ashamed to come to earth and take on a human existence, the form and shape of a naked man. He had to eat, sleep and take baths just like any other man. He looked like, acted like and smelled like any red blooded Jew that was around him. Well, as far as acting like, he did better than that. He lived a life that he expected his followers to live. A life that did not depend on the old covenant, the Jewish laws and standards. That did it. He dies. The Pharisees kept pointing to the Old Testament just like many do today (despite the fact that we say it has been done away with) and He kept pointing it right back to them and saying "O.K., then why aren't you doing them?" They kept talking about what he does on the outside while he kept talking about the inside.
They were noticing his "naked body" so to speak and he told them, "you are like tombs, washed and white on the outside while full of dead men's bones on the inside". Though they were dressed in their finery on the outside and put on a great show, they were spiritually naked on the inside.
They were not looking at the heart but only on outward appearances.
They kept making Laws and regulations that were never intended by God.
Are we guilty of the same thing?
It is interesting that they made laws about, food, cleanliness, Sabbath, tithing, and yet strict laws about nudity have never been brought up.
Nudity was all around them. Nude Olympics and public baths, inside and outside were very common.
The Christians frequented these places just as much as their neighbor.
Now I'm not saying that people ran around naked as a normal lifestyle. But if they did, there would have only been a few places they couldn't go because of it.
People in those days looked at a naked body as either shame, or an act of humility. Shame, not like we do today, but as in very poor and in need. Someone who had nothing and probably came to town to beg.
They didn't arrest them for it or called them sex perverts. But Jesus wanted us to love them, care for them and give them the shirt off our back, literally. Not to treat them as shameful, but as people who needs a neighbor.
Think about the Samaritan who was a neighbor to the Jew who was ambushed by thieves. "But," you say, "He was stripped of his clothing, not just freely running around foot loose and fancy free!" True, however that was what the scripture was referring to when it says to clothe the naked. People that were in need, just like being hungry, you need to feed them. If someone were to fast (go without food for a period of time to draw close to God), would you consider them sinning? Some people will fast for 24 or more hours. Jesus fasted for 40 days! Now God gave us food to eat. He said that we could eat of the fruit of the trees.
Is that a command? Well, try going without food for a few days and let's see how far you go.
It seems to me you must eat or you die! But is it a sin to go without food? Even when it says to feed the hungry? Of course not. Yet we take "clothing the naked" as a sign that physical nudity is a sin.
Christians from around 500 AD onward tried to force clothing on people even in areas where it was not needed or wanted.
Did you know that you could spend a whole lifetime without clothing and survive just fine? Weather permitting of course!
Our bodies acclimate to our surroundings. It has a natural temperature adjustment that God built right in. When we wear clothing all of the time, our bodies get used to it and become lazy and dependent on clothing for warmth. As for warmth, we don't even need clothing in the summer, yet we wear something to keep cool. (?)
But try going without food. Ah yes, glorious food. We have become gluttons in this country.
Jesus said it is a sin to be gluttonous, yet we are without feeling guilty.
We die over a period of time if we do not eat. If we are to deny our bodies of food to draw close to God, then why is it a sin to "deny" our bodies of clothing?
Besides, for anyone who has spent anytime without clothing, especially outdoors, find it very comfortable, easy to work, quickly adjustable to temperature and relaxing. They get used to it very quickly. (I find below 40 degrees a bit difficult). What is really amazing about it is that our minds are not even on anything evil or perverted.
The person looking (or staring) usually has their mind reeling with all kinds of thoughts and fears but the person being unknowingly stared at, has their mind on whatever project is at hand.
Now who has the problem? I'll give you a hint.
Who had the problem, Bathsheba who was innocently taking a bath outdoors or David who did the staring and lusting?
Ask God. Read the full account in 2 Samuel 11:1-26 and 12:1-11.
You will find it was David who got into trouble. Outdoor bathing was not the problem.
Since indoor plumbing was not used at that time, it was common to bathe in rivers, lakes and in a tub in your back yard. Families bathed together a lot.
Even earlier in our own history of the U.S. and Europe, boys swimming in the nude in the open in front of others was normal. Norman Rockwell portrayed it, Mark Twain wrote of it, and many other paintings and stories of it in our own culture.