is it fair to call blacks "african americans"?

wha..wha...what are you saying!?!

in order to put murderers of black victims to jail, black people who murdered other people don't actually have to go to jail!?

girl, you are really confusing me right now...

c'mon it doesn't really matter if OJ is black nor not, but tons of people think he did ACTUALLY commited the murder, as there was DNA match, proofs of his whereabouts, etc... but then somehow his lawyer "brainwashed" the jury saying that he didn't do it and then the jury said he didn't so they let the murdere off the hook while his dead wife is buried and his kids don't even get to see him much after of what happened, I dunno.

please don't tell me you don't think OJ is guilty just because he's "black"... :roll:
Steel said:
wha..wha...what are you saying!?!

in order to put murderers of black victims to jail, black people who murdered other people don't actually have to go to jail!?

girl, you are really confusing me right now...

c'mon it doesn't really matter if OJ is black nor not, but tons of people think he did ACTUALLY commited the murder, as there was DNA match, proofs of his whereabouts, etc... but then somehow his lawyer "brainwashed" the jury saying that he didn't do it and then the jury said he didn't so they let the murdere off the hook while his dead wife is buried and his kids don't even get to see him much after of what happened, I dunno.

please don't tell me you don't think OJ is guilty just because he's "black"... :roll:
Or... because he's famous. :roll:

No one really knows what really happened. Maybe, he did. Maybe, he didn't. :dunno:
Steel said:
... all I was just asking if it's fair to call black people "african americans" even though not all are from africa...
Also, not all "African-Americans" are black. I personally know several white people who were born in South Africa then moved to the United States. They are white-skinned, blonde, and blue-eyed "Caucasions". They are very "European" in culture, language, and appearance. But they are technically African-Americans.

What about a black American who moves to Africa? Does that person then become an American-African? Or an African-American-African? It just gets ridiculous.
What about Rodney King? He wasnt rich or famous. But he started the riots in South Central Los Angeles.
tekkmortal said:
What about Rodney King? He wasnt rich or famous. But he started the riots in South Central Los Angeles.

KARMA, what comes around, goes around.

Blacks went through so much torture for years, even
a white person called me a monkey...
and We have the right to revenge. :afro:
Reba said:
Also, not all "African-Americans" are black. I personally know several white people who were born in South Africa then moved to the United States. They are white-skinned, blonde, and blue-eyed "Caucasions". They are very "European" in culture, language, and appearance. But they are technically African-Americans.

What about a black American who moves to Africa? Does that person then become an American-African? Or an African-American-African? It just gets ridiculous.

No if I move to Africa, I will call myself AFRICAN!!!! :afro:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
KARMA, what comes around, goes around.

Blacks went through so much torture for years, even
a white person called me a monkey...
and We have the right to revenge. :afro:
using violence won't solve anything...

it's just best to ignore anyone who called you names and walk away, as long as no one got hurt.
It's just PC. doesn't matter what you called me black or AA, just don't call me by that another name and I won't have to kick some ass.
Sophia26 said:
It's just PC. doesn't matter what you called me black or AA, just don't call me by that another name and I won't have to kick some ass.
consider it done.

WE can use the term "African Americans"....

Africans who are from Africa and became American, can't call themselves
African American.

Because they know where they come from.
He can only call himself Libyian American, Nigerian American,
Zambian American, Somalian American or whatever...

Chinese person can't call himself Asian American either...
he can call himself Chinese American...

So anyway... African American is general.... since
we don't know what part of Africa we come from.

So anyway, it isn't a problem to call ourselves African Americans. :)
deaflibrarian said:
I do not believe it is fair to signal out someone by their race, land of ancestry, or religion especially if they were born in the USA. For example, Japanese-American, Chinese-American, Jewish-American, Hindu-American, Protestant-American, Sikh-American, Muslim-American, African American, German-American, Dutch-American, etc.

In the case of African-American, it does not apply to people with "black" or "dark-skin," it also applies to the "white" or "Caucasian" population of the country Africa so can you imagine if you spoke to someone on the phone or the Internet and they say they are African-American, but when you meet them in person or see a picture of them they have white skin. Would you be confused? :dunno:

Why can't people just call themselves American? Why do people have to categorize themselves by race, language, country, or religion if they are born in the USA?

I also apply that thinking to Canada saying why can't people just call themselves Canadian instead of Japanese-Canadian, Chinese-Canadian, Jewish-Canadian, Hindu-Canadian, Sikh-Canadian, Muslim-Canadian, and African-Canadian. Oh, I can't forget the :crazy: language stuff with the English-Canadian and French-Canadian!

Oh yes, I am Canadian, born in Canada, and I have "white" or "Caucasian" skin colour. I don't go around saying I am Caucasian-Canadian, I don't call myself English-Canadian, and I most certainly don't go around saying I am British-Canadian just because England happens to be my ancestral country.

I particularly liked your point about what you call yourself. (Or don't)
It's true, why don't we go around calling ourselves White American? Maybe i should start calling myself German American since that's where my family (both mom and dad's side) is from, even if you do have to go back several generations. I wasn't born in Germany and my sister's roommate wasn't born in Africa. From now on, I will only be called German-Canadian-Scottish American. (My mom's family has lived in Canada for quite some time now, but is originally from Germany and Scotland.)
*Look at my signature*
Who care about color skin?

I cant see the necassary why should we call "African-American", "black-American", "Indian-American", "German-American" etc etc etc etc etc.

We are only humans.

Why cant we call "white-German", "white-American", like this.....???? I feel that word what you suggest about color skin is a discriminalist.

I am half Scottish and Irish. What should you call me "Scottish-Irish" like this?

What should we call my sons "German-Scottish-Irish"? I know my post sound silly and harsh because I'm disagree what you all name color skin like this. Yes, I know what you didnt insult us here but I feel it's discriminalist when you use those word to call color skin like this.
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Miss*Pinocchio said:
WE can use the term "African Americans"....

Africans who are from Africa and became American, can't call themselves
African American.

Because they know where they come from.
He can only call himself Libyian American, Nigerian American,
Zambian American, Somalian American or whatever...

Chinese person can't call himself Asian American either...
he can call himself Chinese American...

So anyway... African American is general.... since
we don't know what part of Africa we come from.

So anyway, it isn't a problem to call ourselves African Americans. :)
Yes, but are you actually from Africa? Were you born in Africa? If you were born in America, you should simply refer yourself as an American and say that you're black instead of saying "African American". In fact, I don't even care if you're black or white... I'd still accept you as an ordinary American. ;)
Reba said:
I knew what the meaning was. I was just shocked that someone would use the word "Mutt". I thought that term was very offensive, and used only for dogs. I did not expect to see it used for people.
I usually told others that I am half Swedish and half Mutt. "Mutt" term is sort of popular term in deaf society (In America but I dunno about other countries) to define themselves.

I have France, Germany, Native America, Poland (Jewish), UK, etc etc 'bloods' flow in my veins so I guess "Mutt" is perfect term for my half mixed races. And I don't find it offense as well...
Reba said:
I knew what the meaning was. I was just shocked that someone would use the word "Mutt". I thought that term was very offensive, and used only for dogs. I did not expect to see it used for people.
Reba, Yes I know what you mean... I do sometime told others who says mixed, my saying You Mutt.. I never call that my kid as "Mutt".. I prefer using term: "Mulatto" on my kid.. that is strange... smile
Magatsu said:
I usually told others that I am half Swedish and half Mutt. "Mutt" term is sort of popular term in deaf society (In America but I dunno about other countries) to define themselves.

I have France, Germany, Native America, Poland (Jewish), UK, etc etc 'bloods' flow in my veins so I guess "Mutt" is perfect term for my half mixed races. And I don't find it offense as well...
I guess that is a "Deaf" thing. To hearies, calling a person "mutt" is very offensive. It is like calling them a dog, or "half-breed". Hearies usually say someone is "mixed race" or "mixed heritage" or "bi-racial" or "multi-racial".
ckfarbes said:
Reba, Yes I know what you mean... I do sometime told others who says mixed, my saying You Mutt.. I never call that my kid as "Mutt".. I prefer using term: "Mulatto" on my kid.. that is strange... smile
I guess that is one of the differences between hearing and Deaf cultures.

BTW, you are right, your son is adorable, and very happy looking. :)
Reba said:
I guess that is a "Deaf" thing. To hearies, calling a person "mutt" is very offensive. It is like calling them a dog, or "half-breed". Hearies usually say someone is "mixed race" or "mixed heritage" or "bi-racial" or "multi-racial".

Interesting, because I never heard those word "mutt" like this.

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