Is it cheating?

I feel that the answer is relative. It depends on the couple itself - if both agree, I dont think it is cheating. But if the man/woman goes despite his/her significant other's views, that would be considered cheating in a way that it means he is ignoring his significant other's feelings and emotions about him/her in a strip club. He/she is putting another person over his/her significant other.

I have friends who couldnt care less if their spouses go to strip club whereas there are other friends who do care. A friend is very very upset that her husband constantly views porn on Net or browse through adult shops without her. Clearly, in her eyes, he is cheating and she has lost over 25 lbs in 2 months, fretting over his Internet porn viewings and strip clubs.

Excellent answer.
If a person is in a serious relationship (especially if married) and s/he goes to a strip club, is it consider cheating?

I think it is...because cheating doesn't always mean one person is sleeping with another person outside the relationship.

I'm curious to know what you think.

If my boyfriend go to strip club without me then I will think it is cheating! Cheating could mean person sleep or sex with someone else or have problem with sex addiction like go to women strip club can lead to cheating or view playboy toooo much can lead to cheating! who knows.
I feel that the answer is relative. It depends on the couple itself - if both agree, I dont think it is cheating. But if the man/woman goes despite his/her significant other's views, that would be considered cheating in a way that it means he is ignoring his significant other's feelings and emotions about him/her in a strip club. He/she is putting another person over his/her significant other.

I have friends who couldnt care less if their spouses go to strip club whereas there are other friends who do care. A friend is very very upset that her husband constantly views porn on Net or browse through adult shops without her. Clearly, in her eyes, he is cheating and she has lost over 25 lbs in 2 months, fretting over his Internet porn viewings and strip clubs.

I definitely agreed.

I'm okay with a sweetheart when we agreed to go to any strip club together. That would be fine with me, so it is not cheating. If a sweetheart go to there alone, I will consider it is probably a cheating because you never know what he/she is up to.. =/
Could it be insecurity or issues with trust? There's no harm done and heck, more fun for the other spouse when the spouse returns home with extra hormones!! :naughty:

You say a person couldn't get enough from a spouse?
ione spouse spends time at the strip club (or depending on the couple itself, how religious, or how prunish or how committed/how much sparks they had between them, and then one goes to that bar once then twice, and then more regularly then its sure a sign of their relaitonship is not satifiying. Of that i dont just mean sexually (but that c/would most likely be big part, it can be their relation gone stale, one person's personal development of soul/emotional enrichment doesnt always goes in same pace as one another so this 'drift' can happen. or even if this is not significant enough to occur but circumstances have alot more chance to change if one dwell at such places often enough. Temptation to go whoring, or devaluation of sex in relations to relationships begins to take a dive...that sort of thing does well poses risks to commit cheating.
going to the couple's clubmight be different, for that it's another ballgame altogether, that' when couiple LIKES to flirt with other couples so they do wife/hubby/partn swaps...4somes and all.....blah i think this is not really relevent to this threads question however im just throwing in angle just to show not all couple are followers of this partner-possession mindset that society suggest.

If the spouse is insecure about their other half looking online or going to strip clubs/adult book stores--I would suggest to that spouse to go with their other half when they patronize these businesses.

Who knows? They may get ideas on how to improve things in the bedroom. :)

Secondly it would force the other half to be on his/her best behavior especially when going into the adult bookstores that have video booths as it notoriously known to be a crusing magnet.
I think it s nothing wrong with looking at other naked person as long there's no physically contact. Honestly, it is better to allow SO at least once in while looking at either porn or strip club than have ACTUALLY physically sex contact with different person. However, cybersex with real person is entirely different story.

Like Jiro and Liza already mentioned, if your SO is doing this stuff repeatedly then something clearly is wrong. IMO Solution for this is to either hit gym or seeking counsel to improve the relationship.
If a person is in a serious relationship (especially if married) and s/he goes to a strip club, is it consider cheating?

I think it is...because cheating doesn't always mean one person is sleeping with another person outside the relationship.

I'm curious to know what you think.

If I recalled you in other threads correctly, you apparently to love to talk dirty, love anal sex, sex in hearse, sex during menstruation, and dont mind too much of sex. What else do u like? :hmm:
Seems to me there are two main issues here. Cheating and honesty.

Is going to a strip club cheating? Not if there is no touching, but there is the honesty issue. If a person does this behind the other person's back it may not be cheating but it would be dishonest. How bad of an offense is that? Depends on the couple. Some would take it worse then others.

Personally I don't like strip clubs. Why tease? What good is looking in that manor if you can't touch? Would feel like a hungry cat looking at a bird in a cage. How is that fun or entertaining? But each to their own.
Personally I don't like strip clubs. Why tease? What good is looking in that manor if you can't touch? Would feel like a hungry cat looking at a bird in a cage. How is that fun or entertaining? But each to their own.

Release of sex tension. And if you have money to burn, you can get lap dance. That is closest you could touch :)
I feel that the answer is relative. It depends on the couple itself - if both agree, I dont think it is cheating. But if the man/woman goes despite his/her significant other's views, that would be considered cheating in a way that it means he is ignoring his significant other's feelings and emotions about him/her in a strip club. He/she is putting another person over his/her significant other.

I have friends who couldnt care less if their spouses go to strip club whereas there are other friends who do care. A friend is very very upset that her husband constantly views porn on Net or browse through adult shops without her. Clearly, in her eyes, he is cheating and she has lost over 25 lbs in 2 months, fretting over his Internet porn viewings and strip clubs.
I agree with you.

Going to the strip club is not cheating but the man who puts this type of entertainment above his/her spouse.

I think cheating is verbal and physical, that one would not do in front of their significant other. Such examples would include: expressing attraction to another person, electronic communications, kissing, making out, and sexual relations.

Cheating: any violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of a relationship.

I think and I am not calling anyone out on here but you can be if you want that there are some control issues, i.e. I can do what ever I want because I am the man/woman and I need this sort of validation to be better then you attitude.

Respect if you do not have it from or have it for the person you are with maybe there are some red flags.
:hmm: I see a lot of very interesting responses in this thread.

There are a lot of different views as to when cheating comes in play. I suppose, It depends on how each couple takes this in light. It may be ok for one couple but it also may not be ok for another couple.

That is why it is always imperative for each couple to discuss this issues so that way they will know what is being said and how their take are on this.

It also does include having a mindset to this because, not only by watching strippers doing their job, it also makes a difference when a guy/girl thinks of it differently. What I mean is, By having an impact on the thought of enjoying watching another person other than your significant other can also lead one thing to another.

It may be an form of entertainment but when it comes to the insecurities (coming from one party) that are involved; It also makes things a bit 'sticky' when it really shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Just my :2c:
What if my wife comes with me? and enjoys it with me? I gotta say, though... when we were married, we'd go to strip clubs together and come home... it made for some really good sex.
For my hubby and I , we don't consider it cheating and we only apply it to ourselves. I think each couple has their own views on it and whether it is cheating or not so it is important that they make it clear with each other on their expectations and feelings about it.

Msome of my friends told me that my husband is cheating if he ever goes to strip clubs. I told them that if it doesn't bother me why does it bother them? He is not their!

Since we have been married, he has gone twice and said it doesn't hold the excitement as it used to. I haven't gone in like 8 years myself. I guess we don't think too much about strip clubs.

We have talked about going to one together but just never took action. :)
What if my wife comes with me? and enjoys it with me? I gotta say, though... when we were married, we'd go to strip clubs together and come home... it made for some really good sex.

Well your single now right? Just think what dating a stripper would be like ;)
i think it is cheating cuz ur look at other naked woman / man cuz u already have sweetheart that can do anything for u like dance for you or whatever and even look at ur sweetheart naked so whats the point of look at other person naked? sweetheart is goody enough for you
Personally I do not think its cheating but I do think its wrong because why should you look at other men or women when you already have someone you supposedly love with all of your heart and soul right there?

I can understand that everybody have their own fantasies whereas their significant other couldn't give them so they try to go and find the place where they could sit down and watch (key word- watch, not touching). But I do think that if you have the desire to go to stripping club, you should let your S/O know so there will be no secrets between you guys and no reasons for her or him not to trust you.

I have a boyfriend who loves porn, hentai, stripping clubs, women in general, and anything sexual... name it, he is probably interested in that. And I know for sure that if he have money, he would go to a stripping club in heart beat and it won't bother me because I trust him and I know that he won't cheat on me at all because he loves me and I love him. I trust him with my entire life so therefore he can come and goes whenever he wants as long as he comes home to me every night and keeps his thing in his pant.