Is God Perfect?

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But you aren't God, and Adam and Eve weren't toddlers.

Yes, I am wrong and should not inference God´s plan for his creation children.

Yes, Adam and Eve were God´s creation children. He put Eve and Adam on the earth... they were first couple on the earth with no knowledge... I would call it as "toddler" because they have no knowledge what good or bad.
God did not kick Eve and Adam out of the house or kill them. He punished them just like we punished our children and the court system punishing those who disobey the laws.

Accord my Bible, yes God kicked Eve and Adam out of their beautiful garden home as punishment for their disobedience. Outside the garden of Eden, they saw lots of thorns and thistel grow around them. This is what happened when they disobeyed God.

Fact is God killed the people who disobeyed/don´t beleive in him. Poor chlidren and newborns have to die because their parents choose to beleive in differently. freewill?

Fact is I would not kick my children out of my house or kill them for their disobedience.
That has absolutely nothing to do with Adam and Eve as they weren't toddlers Lieblingie.

See my response posts toward Reba and Askjo.

We shouldn't compare adults to toddlers.

About Eve and Adam´s condition, yes I would compare them with "toddlers" because they were naive and have no knowledge what right or wrong.

At reality, I do not compare adults to toddlers.
Since you bring up that question, Believe me, Parents "do" interfere with children's lives as well as adult grown up children. Parents never stop worrying about their kids until the day they die.

Yes, interfere and worry are part of normal life.

Yes, the parents often interfere with children´s lives to make sure their safety... but with teenagers - limit... and adult - no interfere their live... they would :pissed: if I interfere their adult lives. Yes I agree with you that we never stop worry about our children until we die. It´s normal.

My MIL interfered our lives and worry about us. She can´t accept the fact that we are adult and lead differently as them... Oh well :roll:
Care to tell me why I agree with Reba, Angel and others, but you?

Simple is: you all are Christians and have same beliefs. I beleive differently as you all.

The inerrancy only refers to the autographs of the OT and the NT where God inspired because God is inerrant.

Any Bible translations are not, but God preserved His inspired Words in them.

It applies to the past, today and future.

You confuse concerning "error-free" between the autographs and translations.

Illogical but I respect your view.

I did not say that, but the Scriptures said that.

Romans 1:20-22 (KJV)

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools[/U],

Oh, you fingerpoint your bible because your religion author use those word "foolish". It´s no excuse to fingerpoint your bible but yourself because you are the one who typed your own word "foolish".

You blame on God by stating that God is imperfect because you did not thank Him and glory Him.

Blame on God? Huh? I only show the fact and logic, not blame on God. I accept it as history like what I accept ANY histories what and how it begin... You can´t deny the history.

This Scripture shows that you are a fool.

This interpretation of your religion author wrote but my bible did not wrote it.

God already forgave Adam and Eve, but God did not allow they stay in the Garden of Eden because of the Satan.

Huh? God did not allow them to stay in the Garden of Eden because of that Satan. Do I understand you correct? :eek3: My bible do not says it.

Forgive? Accord my bible, Outside the garden of Eden, Adam & Eve had many troubles. They had to work hard for their food. Instead of beautiful fruit trees, they saw lots of thorns and thistels grow around them. This is what happened when Adam & Eve disobeyed God and stopped being His friends. Forgive?

When you use the logic, it becomes negative and nonsense upon your thoughts and comments.

Sorry, you has to face sometimes when there´re negative and positive in the bible. You can´t expect positive all the time...

You use one word, "child" for your logic concerning drinking deadly liquid . The fact is that Adam and Eve were NOT children or toddlers, but they are FULLY mature. They have their own choice.

Yes I know the fact that they were not children but their mind. YES... because they has no knowledge what good or bad. If they have their own choice then let them instead of get punishment from God. Its freewill... which mean that it´s their choice... why God was angry that´s because they disobeyed them... It make no sense to me.

Therefore your logic is nosense and negative.

I am sorry that you don´t want to open your mind to see the fact logic on negative and positive on both sides between the bible and reality.

When you use one word, "house" for your logic, Adam and Eve did not have a house before becoming sinners. God did not kick them out of their house.

Please use common sense... We all know that Eve and Adam don´t have house. I only compared them with our real life situtation.

Eve and Adam were being kicked out of beautiful garden home to compare with the children out of house for disobedience.

Therefore your logic is nonsense aqnd negative.

I feel sorry for you.

I did not twist your post, but you did not get what I said. God did not tell Adam and Eve who the Satan is, but my point is that the Satan did not tell them who he is. Get it?

Yes I got it but it´s God who CREATED Adam & Eve, not Satan. If God created them then feed positive and negative to them, not Satan. Reality: I would make sure that my children learn from me before someone tell them because I born them and want them aware what good and wrong. Get it?

You use the logic for your own denials because of many questions what you asked negatively and many comments what you tell negatively.

You have to face sometimes when there´re negative questions to ask. All what I want to have your positive to my negative questions. Sorry, some of your "postive" answer doesn´t convince my logic view.

Exactly! Get it?


Repeatedly you stated here. I already answered this.

Okay, we see different view.

Exactly! Get it?

Good :)

God already forgave them.

No, he doesn´t. Repeatly: Forgive? Accord my bible, Outside the garden of Eden, Adam & Eve had many troubles. They had to work hard for their food. Instead of beautiful fruit trees, they saw lots of thorns and thistels grow around them. This is what happened when Adam & Eve disobeyed God and stopped being His friends. Forgive?

You jumped out of my comment. God was not angry by putting this tree there. After Adam and Eve became sinners, God targeted at the serpent, the Satan.

I use my logic view which different as your view. :)

You use one word, 'imperfect" for your negative, nonsense logic because you said God is imperfect.

I am sorry that you don´t want to see it. The fact is he is imperfect. Did you know the story about Noah Ark? and Job?
Does Cochlear Implant rings a bell to you? The point is that God do interfere in people's life. Take Job story as a good example.

:ty: for get my attention over Job... It´s an exactly example!!!
No, Satan made Job's life miserable. Not God. Only thing God did was allow Satan to make Job's life miserable, but only as God allowed. He did so only to prove to Satan that Job would not turn from God just cause he was rich, had family, or health. Even after all that was taken from Job, Job still worshipped God. After Satan was done, God gave back to Job even more than what was taken from him.

*Typing and copy part of my bible*

Job was a faithful man who obeyed God. God loved Job very much, but there was someone who hated him. Do you know who? It was Satan. He was able to get everyone to disobey God...

God wanted to let Satan know that he could not get everyone to be bad, so he said: "Look at Job. See how faithful he is to me." "He is faithful, Satan argued, because you bless him and he has many good things. But if you take these away, he will curse you."

So God said: "Go ahead, Take them away. Do all the bad things you want to Job. We will see if he curses me. Only be sure that you do not kill him."

First, Satan had men steal Job´s cattle & camels, and his sheep were killed. Then he killed his 10 sons and aughters in a storm. Next, Satan struck Job with this terrible sickness. Job suffered very much. Job´s wife told him: "Curse God and die." But Job would not do it. Also, 3 false friends came and told him he had lived a bad life. But Job kept faithful.

This made God very happy, and afterward he blessed Job. He healed him from his sickness. Job had 10 more beautiful children and twice as many cattle, sheep and camels as he had before.

Will you always be faithful to God like Job? If you are, God will bless you too. You will be able to live forever when the whole earth will be made just as pretty as the garden of Eden.

See black bond... :eek: It look like that God and Satan contest each other for Job to see who faith to God or Satan...


LOL. Right now, we re living out Job's life. We are suffering for no reason other than it is God already have reason for us.

God gave everything back to Job after Job went through trail. So why didn't He give back to people who had suffered through many natural disasters (katrina, tsumani come to mind)? Of course, we can't question God because God already have wonderful plan for us when we die as long we dont question him and get saved. Hallelujah. :)

It´s good logic argument.

To my view, the dead children and pets alway NEVER get replacement.
Don't you mean "we deserve what we are sowing?" You can't reap anything if you don't sow anything in the first place.

Are you saying that we are sowing/or spreading evil today that why we desevre the suffering? Wow, victims from Katrina Hurricane would like to have a word with you.

*Typing and copy part of my bible*

Job was a faithful man who obeyed God. God loved Job very much, but there was someone who hated him. Do you know who? It was Satan. He was able to get everyone to disobey God...

God wanted to let Satan know that he could not get everyone to be bad, so he said: "Look at Job. See how faithful he is to me." "He is faithful, Satan argued, because you bless him and he has many good things. But if you take these away, he will curse you."

So God said: "Go ahead, Take them away. Do all the bad things you want to Job. We will see if he curses me. Only be sure that you do not kill him."

First, Satan had men steal Job´s cattle & camels, and his sheep were killed. Then he killed his 10 sons and aughters in a storm. Next, Satan struck Job with this terrible sickness. Job suffered very much. Job´s wife told him: "Curse God and die." But Job would not do it. Also, 3 false friends came and told him he had lived a bad life. But Job kept faithful.

This made God very happy, and afterward he blessed Job. He healed him from his sickness. Job had 10 more beautiful children and twice as many cattle, sheep and camels as he had before.

Will you always be faithful to God like Job? If you are, God will bless you too. You will be able to live forever when the whole earth will be made just as pretty as the garden of Eden.

See black bond... :eek: It look like that God and Satan contest each other for Job to see who faith to God or Satan...


It's not really a contest, Satan thinks that Job will turned his back on God, God does not think so. True love is a choice, Liebling. Job showed his true love for God, even when life got tough.

God hasn't done anything bad to Job, It was all Satan, All God did was sit back and did not interfere, When it was all over and Job stood right by God, an reward was given to Job a lot more than he ever had. It shows God is so loved.
It's not really a contest, Satan thinks that Job will turned his back on God, God does not think so. True love is a choice, Liebling. Job showed his true love for God, even when life got tough.

God hasn't done anything bad to Job, It was all Satan, All God did was sit back and did not interfere, When it was all over and Job stood right by God, an reward was given to Job a lot more than he ever had. It shows God is so loved.

:blah: Are you .... ? God allowed Satan to make Job's life miserable therefore God had done something to Job. Why Job gets to be special while rest of us aren't special? God gave everything back to Job after Job went through test yet God ignore others especially Holocaust survivors??

Oh wait. God works in mysterious way. :)
:blah: Are you .... ? God allowed Satan to make Job's life miserable therefore God had done something to Job. Why Job gets to be special while rest of us aren't special? God gave everything back to Job after Job went through test yet God ignore others especially Holocaust survivors??
Oh wait. God works in mysterious way. :)

They got Israel.

Where's God's forgiveness?
God forgave Adam and Eve immediately.

Genesis 3
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

God clothed them and made provision for their salvation before sending them from Eden.
:blah: Are you .... ? God allowed Satan to make Job's life miserable therefore God had done something to Job. Why Job gets to be special while rest of us aren't special? God gave everything back to Job after Job went through test yet God ignore others especially Holocaust survivors??

Oh wait. God works in mysterious way. :)

What is this all about ":blah:"? Where's your respect in agreeing to disagree?

God will reward us in His time, We don't know every person's heart, or mind, only God does.

Job suffered a lot, and yet he wasn't even complaining why are you? You don't have that much faith in God as much as Job did, so why don't you take one good look at your own behavior. :)
They got Israel.

With America's help. Without US, Israel would be lost to religious fanatics. :Ohno:

God forgave Adam and Eve immediately.

Genesis 3
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

God clothed them and made provision for their salvation before sending them from Eden.

I admire your spin skills. Have you been aspiring to be DJ ?

What is this all about ":blah:"? Where's your respect in agreeing to disagree?

God will reward us in His time, We don't know every person's heart, or mind, only God does.

Job suffered a lot, and yet he wasn't even complaining why are you? You don't have that much faith in God as much as Job did, so why don't you take one good look at your own behavior. :)

I like to experimenting with different emotion icons. :P:bye:

Job didn't complain? I think it s better if you refresh your memory by reading Job again in bible.
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